Can anyone name one thing about evolution that is true?

Scientists have spent the past 30 years carefully tracking evolution across more than 68,000 generations of E. coli bacteria - the equivalent of more than 1 million years of human evolution.


Do you not know how evolution works? Is this just a religious thing?
And quite often, natural disasters/occurrences created situations where species were sequestered, creating mutations due to inbreeding. Humans included
or other environmental factor. Stephen Jay Gould and Nile Eldridge addressed how this from of evolution starting at a geological locus and expanding rapidly outward from the locus could greatly speed up the evolutionary process in a process they coined "Punctuated Equilibrium".
so you agree that nothing about evolution can be proven true by science.....

Sure, and it's the same for gravity and the Earth being round.

However, all three of these things are most likely true because that's what all the evidence points to, and so far nobody has been able to disprove those three theories.