Can anyone name one thing about evolution that is true?

You're trying to equate the theory of gravity to that of evolution, citing evolution as impossible. Gravity can be defied, so why not your delusions about creationism?

I did not introduce gravity.
I agreed with the poster who said there was no scientific evidence, only theory.
Once again, evolution is not species A becoming Species B. It's mutations that change a species over a period of time.
I honestly don't blame you for not knowing this, I blame the American education system.
He has been educated on the subject since he came on this forum by some brilliant people. He chooses to be ignorant. Our school system has nothing to do with it.
He has been educated on the subject since he came on this forum by some brilliant people. He chooses to be ignorant. Our school system has nothing to do with it.

I'm sure he's denying it because he's religious. But based on his comments here, he doesn't even understand the theory. If you're going to deny something, at least learn about it first.
Let's recap here. A fact is something that is known to be true. Facts require evidence. Now, can anyone point to something about evolution that is known to be true.
I'm sure he's denying it because he's religious. But based on his comments here, he doesn't even understand the theory. If you're going to deny something, at least learn about it first.

Seeing as pretty much every post he makes denies and rebukes the message and teachings of Christ attributed to him in the bible, seems pretty clear that if he's religious, he's sure as hell not a Christian.
Let's recap here. A fact is something that is known to be true. Facts require evidence. Now, can anyone point to something about evolution that is known to be true.

There is more evidence of evolution then there is of Yahweh. This post is hilarious.