Can anyone name one thing about evolution that is true?

Nope. What's really hilarious is that no one can point to something about evolution that is true. Not a single thing that is backed by hard science.
Yes, there is, you’re just ignorant, now show me hard proof Yahweh exists and Jesus rose from the dead. Thanks
Let's recap here. A fact is something that is known to be true. Facts require evidence. Now, can anyone point to something about evolution that is known to be true.

Fine...I have made all sorts of true factual observations on biological evolution. It's not our fault that your ignorant. Try reading up on the subject of biology (Lord knows I did for over 5 years in college and grad school). Blind me with your brilliance. Show me you actually know something about biological evolution, which so far you havn't, and if you have a scientific alternative I can use, I'm all ears.

If not then deal with those of use who actually are educated in biology to laugh and laugh and laugh at your silly assed ignorance. Put up or shut up pal. LOL