Can anyone name one thing about evolution that is true?

A scientist has been asking this question of his colleagues and none of them could give him an answer.

Define “true”. As a man educated in the life sciences I have tell you the reason no scientist can or will answer his question is because scientist don’t deal with ultimate truths. That’s for philosophers to argue.

Scientist deal with “what are the facts to the best of our knowledge?”.

Now, epistemology lesson aside, do you want to know some of the facts of evolution?

All scientific theories must have a factual basis. The modern theory of biological evolution is stated as “a shift in allele frequency in a population over time. An easily observable fact.

The purpose of this theory, as with any scientific theory, is to model natural phenomena. Biological evolution models speciation. The biggest misconception about evolutionary theory is that it models the origin of life. That is erroneous. It models speciation to explain why there is a vast array of life. Evolutionary actually has nothing to say about the ultimate origins of life.

Some more facts, easilably observable ones, about evolutionary theory is it’s functional mechanism is a process called natural selection. That is specific traits are selected for reproductive or survival advantage. Natural selection is based on three laws of nature. These laws are also easily observable. They are;

#1. The law of inheritance. The offspring of a species inherit most of their traits from their parents. One only has to observe their own children to observe this fact.

#2. The law of variation. The offspring of a species will vary from their parents. Again, one only has too look at their children to observe this fact.

#3. The law of super fecundity. A species will produce more offspring than will survive to maturity. Again an easily observable fact.

Now as a biologist this offers me a powerful tool to understand speciation and make a vast number of useful predictions that I can use with this theory that can be tested and independently verified and enables biologists to produce medicines, vaccines, crops and a profound insight into how living systems work at all scales of life.

So as a biologist what “truths” do you have that are useful to me as a biologist?
Its a FACT that Evolution is a theory …………...based upon assumption, conjecture, and speculation that does not possess the actual evidence to validate it via applying the Scientific Method of observable, reproducible constant results via experimentation.
What nonsense. All theories have a factual basis and so does evolutionary theory. Easy to observe ones. You haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.
When the appropriate scientists begin to refer to evolution as fact, I will too. Until then it remains a theory.

You obviously don’t know what a scientific theory is. A scientific theory absolutely must be based on fact or it simply isn’t a scientific theory. Gravity is both a theory and a fact. So is evolutionary theory. In fact we know more facts about biological evolution than we do gravity.
You obviously don’t know what a scientific theory is. A scientific theory absolutely must be based on fact or it simply isn’t a scientific theory. Gravity is both a theory and a fact. So is evolutionary theory. In fact we know more facts about biological evolution than we do gravity.

Yes, I watched the video, thanks.
Gravity is quantifiable via observing its POTENTIAL, thus gravity is more than a theory its a reality. Just like the atom that can't be see by the human eye.....yet its observable potential has lead to a great many scientific discovers. Why don't you QUNATIFIY vertical evolution? You can't. Everything in science is a theory? Why then the scientific discipline of APPLIED SCIENCE? Don't confuse "pseudo science/philosophy with the actual application of SCIENCE. One exist only between the ears of mankind....the other is real as demonstrated through its observation, reproduction qualities, that is always constant when placed to the test of experimentation.

Vertical Evolution always fails the Scientific Method of cannot be reproduced in nature or in the lab. Thus it exist only within the mind of mankind...i.e., its discipline exists only as a philosophy.

Where do you come up with this idiotic claptrap? Almost all the branches of applied biology are applied evolutionary theory. Agronomy, Molecular Biology, Medicine, pharmacology, nutrition, conservation and on and on.
Once again I must point out the obvious. Theoretical Science is not based upon the APPLICATION of SCEINCE...its based upon human PHILOSOPHY were men discuss among themselves the possibilities of things they cannot prove to be true. If....the biggest little word in the English language......Evolution were a fact, there would be no theory of evolution there would be a fact of science that is easily demonstrable via applying the Scientific Method. Evolution fails this test when ever it is attempted.
Wow you are probably the most ignorant person about science I have ever met. All applied sciences are based on theoretical science.
Its called MATH and the ability to measure speed v. weight. Geeze what snowflakes. Never heard of Gravimetric measurement? What about a Gravimeter? Newton? The Space Programs usage of applied science?

As I said, "I once knew a snowflake that once admitted they were wrong...turns out in his own words, he was not wrong he was merely mistaken." The FACT that gravity is subject to mathematical measurement proves its existence as a reality of physics. Through absolute results may not exist......they exist within a minuet margin of error that allows spaceflight and exploration...or you would have dead astronauts that could have never successfully existed or reentered earth's atmosphere and sphere of gravity because the force that was required to overcome the effect of gravitational force would still be unknown.

Just because you have math and devices in your theory doesn't make it true. I will admit that Newton's equations have worked in some situations but that doesn't mean the theory that there is a force coming from all mass is true. Nobody has ever seen this force coming from mass or know what it even is. Its just a theory based on equations and there is no proof. There is also no guarantee that future measurements will follow his equations and scientists found that on the scale of stars and planets, and the micro scale Newton's equations don't work. You sound very elitist and treat any God fearing person skeptical of your atheistic scientists as idiots.
"Evolution is still all too often (but wrongly) downplayed as “just a theory” in public discussions. This is partly due to an unfortunate misunderstanding of what a theory means in science, as opposed to its common language meaning. Evolution by natural selection is much more than just a hypothesis, and is as much a valid and well-accepted scientific theory as the theory of gravitation. What Darwin did for biology is on par with what Newton did for physics — and mathematics plays an important role in both theories."

The REAL question is how 'Life' began. No one can figure THAT part out. (My son claims the Planet was 'seeded' by Aliens)

That would certainly explain Watermark.