Can Energy Independence Be A Catalyst For A 2008 Victory or better yet.. Third Party?


Im obsessed with Energy ... for the past several years I have pretty much made up my mind that energy will be the essential issue within a candidates platform....this above all else. Energy is the reason why we are fighting wars... , it is the life blood of our economy and as World Scientist have plays an essential part in our environment.

Thats said ... if a candidate actually focused on reform and energy independence, could it be the keystone for victory in 2008?
I am not sure.

Every candidate who has ever made energy independence, conservation, and alternative energy a major part of their platform-- from Jimmy Carter, to Al Gore, to John Kerry -- has been smeared as a tree hugging liberal or a northeastern elitist.
Nope, because people will not like the road to energy indemendence.

We need badly to travel that road, but no one wants to pay the toll...
It depends on approach and planning. As I promoted earlier, for approx. 100 Billion we could use synthetic oil, at approx 55 to 60 a barrel. This makes gasoline always over $2, but not too expensive. Using that we could remove ourselves from foreign oil, they'll try to outproduce us and create a lower price after it is done, but if we remain true to principle we could be independent of foreign oil.

While using that we could work towards clean energy. We could then use that to create the inventions and production lines to supply the rest of the world.

It is a far better way to spend our money than paying those who will give to them who wish to harm us.
There will be lots of talk but as long as oil remains the most economically viable and efficient and plentiful it will remain on top. Nothing else even comes close. The fact that we as a country refuse to develope our own reserves and rely on other countries reserves is a shame on us.
No US, if our interest in the Middle East was only about oil, we could have just bought it cheap from Saddam and let him be.
Toby is about oil... Oil is our life blood to Commerce. Oil is about our Economic Stability and is vital to National Security. Thus our role in the middle east.

Cypress... there is no doubt that Jimmy Carter was the first Green Aware President.. why is that? Because he was President during the first major Gas Crisis ... and President during the uncovering of Love Canal.
Al Gore was the first Congressman to visit Love Canal and understand why it happened... kudo's to him. But Al Gore did not make Energy the Center Piece of his 2000 campaign and that was a mistake... had he done that he might not have lost votes to Ralph Nerder. The timing was right for Al Gore to speak loudly... by the end of the Clinton administration gas prices were escalating pretty quickly...and we were experiencing rolling black outs in California... so energy was in the minds of the Public... Al Gore did not take advantage of his pet project.

John Kerry? ROFLMAO ... Pleeeaze.... as with everything ...John Kerry throws his finger up in the air and pays lip service and nothing else.

Sure it is a long project, but the more we sit on our asses talking about it the longer it takes to get there. Im talking about getting this Country on the same page with the rest of the world, this doesnt mean we give up the farm by agreeing to every single line in the Kyoto Treaty ... but being there alone with Australia as the only Countries not taking part surely doesnt endear us into the hearts and minds of the World Community.
To me its embarrassing knowing that the World Community has agreed in common goal to do all they can to reduce greenhouse gas emissions ...and we.. the leading producers of these emissions have basically shot up the middle finger. We need to do as Chuck Hagel has suggested... open up talks again... Bush hasnt done squat in this area. We have zero leadership in this arena.
In some aspects signing on to that treaty might have been a blessing in disguise to the American Auto Industry... one of the major reasons it lags behind these days is the inability to compete on the world inability to export. Gee ..I wonder why... if you ever looked over a list of the top 100 green cars should notice the lack of representation of US Auto Makers... GM, Chrysler and Ford. Only Fords SUV cracks the top 15.We are to blinded by the short term bottom line... and not paying attention to the long term dividends...

So how do we make it happen? The role of a leader is to inspire, visualize, promote and take action... paint the picture of the future...outline a plan. I believe now is the right time... not 2012, 2016.... now is the time. We are loosing lives over Oil Dominion, World Scientists have now agreed that emissions are a major cause in accelerating Climate Change, The Public is aware .. more aware than at any time in history... , now is the time for leadership to step forward with a plan that will drive us into the future.
Yep we need to start reducing our dependence on imported oil about 20 years ago. So any time now would be fine to start.

Klaatu, I think Teddy Rosevelt might have been our first sideways green president. Didn't he start the national park system ?
Im obsessed with Energy ... for the past several years I have pretty much made up my mind that energy will be the essential issue within a candidates platform....this above all else. Energy is the reason why we are fighting wars... , it is the life blood of our economy and as World Scientist have plays an essential part in our environment.

Thats said ... if a candidate actually focused on reform and energy independence, could it be the keystone for victory in 2008?
You are correct in your assessment that energy is a keystone issue to our national security in the long term; however, the idea that Americans should cut back on their consumption is not going to win an election for anyone.
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You are correct in your assessment that energy is a keystone issue to our national security in the long term; however, the idea that Americans should cut back on their consumption is not going to win an election for anyone.
You're probably right, but I'm not entirely convinced. I think that, if it were phrased correctly, it could fly. The American people have proven that they do respond to patriotic appeals.
Yep it can be done to a certain degree Ornot. But it would have to be a good sales job. Like a series of well done TV commercials, with most people that is like poking programming into their behaviour center.
You're probably right, but I'm not entirely convinced. I think that, if it were phrased correctly, it could fly. The American people have proven that they do respond to patriotic appeals.
The absolute perfect time for it, and one of the reasons I respect Bush less, was just after 9/11 the nation would have more than been behind the changes. He could have ushered in a new age of positive manufacturing of new energy products right here in the US. Man, did that man miss an opportunity.
Bush did not miss his opportunity, we just missed ours by electing him.
Whatever. He was President, and is still, he had an opportunity to tell his funders to hike it, and to build something that would make the world stand in awe, instead he just invaded Iraq. He could have done it right, got a declaration and entered Afghanistan, instead he didn't.

He has missed many opportunities. Why would he expect a judge to be a strict Constitutionalist then still go forward with undeclared war? *sigh*
how soon they you remember what jimmuh cartuh did to reduce dependency on foriegn oil....drum roll..........why, he removed the price controls on domestic produced oil that were imposed by none other than dick nixon! this resulted in vastly increased domestic production (during the raygun years, of course) of oil because they could now actually make money by selling the domestic oil at a profitable price.....real 'green' of him, huh?
Here in kY the repubs are raising the interstate speed limit to enable burning more fuel....

that's so all those little chickies in their civics can do 90 and it won't be such a big speed difference from the rest of the pack...i love those youngs chicks yakkin on the phone drinkin starbucks puttin on the makeup changing cds weavin in and out at 90 in their little subcompacts.....youth is definitely wasted on the young!
Here in kY the repubs are raising the interstate speed limit to enable burning more fuel....

Ahh, catching up to the rest of us Southerners, huh, uscitizen.;) I know we have to shut the cruise down every time we cross from Tennessee to Kentucky. My wife (A Kentucky Native) will be glad if they do raise the speed limit on the interstates there. Me, I'm not in such a big hurry to get to the in-laws.:)