Can Energy Independence Be A Catalyst For A 2008 Victory or better yet.. Third Party?

Sure we do, we don't even have enough equipment for the troops already in Iraq, and are almost out of troops that can serve in combat as well.
Dream on.
Of course we could use WMD's on them, but wouldn't that be just a mite hypocritical ?
I like some of the smaller medical related outfits better. some nice short term profits in there if know when to hold and when to fold.
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Warren Buffett says stick to what you know, hence Black Gold

Uncle Jed Clampett
Yep, well why are my gambles paying better than buffets ?
Unlike Warren I am not trying to sell anything, just make some money off of others bad choices.
If oil hits $100/bbl you had better stay somewhere where you don't have to drive anywhere.
And prepare to pay lots more for virtually everything.