Can Energy Independence Be A Catalyst For A 2008 Victory or better yet.. Third Party?


I looked into to, best I could come up with is buying Archer Daniels Midland the largest ethonal producer and they do biodiesel.

hopefully the big 3 will start selling diesel's soon, right now VW is the only one pushing them.
Don't diesels pollute more than a comparable gas engine ?

Biodiesel is nearly carbon-neutral, meaning it contributes almost zero emissions to global warming! Biodiesel also dramatically reduces other emissions fairly dramatically... the exhaust smells like popcorn or french fries!
but regular diesel. all diesels would not be running on biowillie. Very few would for a some years.

Exactly.. look at the map...its because of infrastructure and availablity.. the more retailers-stations that are available..the more accessible it becomes and the demand will rise. The more the demand rises the more automakers will supply the demand.. it all works together and in some this one.. the Government does need to step up and give it a kick in the ass....
Yes they are capable, but how many now are running on bio fuel ? And how much biofuel can we make in the next fiew years can we make to run them on ?
until then they pollute more.
Care4 & company kind of nine grade economics looking at Iraq war causing the price to go up with out admitting that the Kuwait war kept it from going to somewhere over $200 bbl.
Yes they are capable, but how many now are running on bio fuel ? And how much biofuel can we make in the next fiew years can we make to run them on ?
until then they pollute more.

Again USC... look at the map ... check the Heartland out... farmer country...

This is where the growth of retailers is rapidly growing.... demonstrates that more and more farmers are using Biofuel ...
This is a good thing ...
The demand will generate Farmers to grow more .... its an opportunity of a lifetime...

As far as pollution ... once again... Biodiesel is renewable and nearly carbon-neutral, meaning it contributes almost zero emissions to global warming! They would increase clean smog by maybe 10-15% ... but it is well worth the trade off....
but lets look at the dynamics of all Alternative Energy..not just one source... put it all together ...

Windmill Farms
Hydro Fuel
natural gas
Nuclear Energy

even clean coal will play a factor....

Put them all together and we can brighten our future...
but lets look at the dynamics of all Alternative Energy..not just one source... put it all together ...

Windmill Farms
Hydro Fuel
natural gas
Nuclear Energy

even clean coal will play a factor....

Put them all together and we can brighten our future...

Yes we can, but will we ?
long term yes

Short term, bought another $60,000 of Chevron stock today so I'm betting it takes a while longer.:clink:
Short term, bought another $60,000 of Chevron stock today so I'm betting it takes a while longer.:clink:

Oh rest assured of that Spin. This fat ass lazy couch potato bunch in the USA will have to be dragged kicking and screaming to the soloution.

I like some of the smaller medical related outfits better. some nice short term profits in there if know when to hold and when to fold.

I do not think we have the conventional military ability nor the finiancial reserves (what reserves this war is going on plastic) to do what Bush wants to do.

we have tha ABILITY to do whatever we want to militraily. we just don't have the will. never had it for iraq; the only reason they went in is cuz they thought it was going to be over with fast and WILL wouldn't have mattered; but since it's dragged on, will is quickly falling be the wayside. the big mistake they made was NOT escalating a lot more and a lot earlier BEFORE the WILL dissapeared. now it's way too late; the surge is to little too late with no backing by the people.

it's just a token to the terrorists AND a political move by the administration. just as the dems are counting on the surge to fail, the repubs are counting on the dems to defund the war so they can be 'blamed' for the cut and run that will follow..both sides are playing big politics with this war, and it sucks.