Can Everyone Take A Minute?

You haven't noticed that the major problem in our public schools, discipline, is a product of bad parenting?

No it is not. Bad discipline which almost always manifests itself in violence, of thought or deed, is the product of a society that has been subjected to organised, government organised fear. No other nation on the planet lives every waking moment frightened of crime, terrorism, earthquake or whatever. As a nation you, as would be expected, tend to turn to a belief in the supernatural.
The American mantra, 'No one is gonna say/do that to me and get away with it' is a major cause of your problems. Stop promoting fear. Stop worshipping retribution. Stop labelling people because at least half the people you label you will imagine as your enemies.
Get rid of privately owned guns...NOW. Invest everything you have left in a sensible, intelligent education system and, for goodness sake, get rid of your corner churches in which idiots enrich evil.
No it is not. Bad discipline which almost always manifests itself in violence, of thought or deed, is the product of a society that has been subjected to organised, government organised fear. No other nation on the planet lives every waking moment frightened of crime, terrorism, earthquake or whatever. As a nation you, as would be expected, tend to turn to a belief in the supernatural.
The American mantra, 'No one is gonna say/do that to me and get away with it' is a major cause of your problems. Stop promoting fear. Stop worshipping retribution. Stop labelling people because at least half the people you label you will imagine as your enemies.
Get rid of privately owned guns...NOW. Invest everything you have left in a sensible, intelligent education system and, for goodness sake, get rid of your corner churches in which idiots enrich evil.

Right after China gets rid of all their knives, so their school children will stop being attacked, and it also stops letting little girl babies die; because they want sons.

US ... 29 mass shootings since 1999
Australia... 0 mass shootings since 1996
No it is not. Bad discipline which almost always manifests itself in violence, of thought or deed, is the product of a society that has been subjected to organised, government organised fear. No other nation on the planet lives every waking moment frightened of crime, terrorism, earthquake or whatever. As a nation you, as would be expected, tend to turn to a belief in the supernatural.
The American mantra, 'No one is gonna say/do that to me and get away with it' is a major cause of your problems. Stop promoting fear. Stop worshipping retribution. Stop labelling people because at least half the people you label you will imagine as your enemies.
Get rid of privately owned guns...NOW. Invest everything you have left in a sensible, intelligent education system and, for goodness sake, get rid of your corner churches in which idiots enrich evil.

What's up Lowaicue! In the U.S. the black and hispanic community are both highly religious communities. Now i get from your prior postings you are not. I'm not judging anyone whether they are or aren't. But what would you say as an outsider to the black or hispanic community of the U.S. regarding what you feel their views of religion should be?
What's up Lowaicue! In the U.S. the black and hispanic community are both highly religious communities. Now i get from your prior postings you are not. I'm not judging anyone whether they are or aren't. But what would you say as an outsider to the black or hispanic community of the U.S. regarding what you feel their views of religion should be?

There were 32 deaths at Port Arthur, Tasmania in 1996.
No it is not. Bad discipline which almost always manifests itself in violence, of thought or deed, is the product of a society that has been subjected to organised, government organised fear. No other nation on the planet lives every waking moment frightened of crime, terrorism, earthquake or whatever. As a nation you, as would be expected, tend to turn to a belief in the supernatural.
The American mantra, 'No one is gonna say/do that to me and get away with it' is a major cause of your problems. Stop promoting fear. Stop worshipping retribution. Stop labelling people because at least half the people you label you will imagine as your enemies.
Get rid of privately owned guns...NOW. Invest everything you have left in a sensible, intelligent education system and, for goodness sake, get rid of your corner churches in which idiots enrich evil.

It is incredibly simple to say things like get rid of all privately held guns, how would you even begin to do it?
There were 32 deaths at Port Arthur, Tasmania in 1996.

Now I know I've drunken myself a personality tonight but I must admit I'm not following what you comment had to do with my post. (I don't mean that in any way disrespectful)
You haven't noticed that the major problem in our public schools, discipline, is a product of bad parenting?

You went to publics schools? How did you perform? Your parents are not divorced? You didn't drug or drink in school?
You enlisted in the Air Force? All of this was your parent's fault, or your hypothesis doesn't apply to you?
What's up Lowaicue! In the U.S. the black and hispanic community are both highly religious communities. Now i get from your prior postings you are not. I'm not judging anyone whether they are or aren't. But what would you say as an outsider to the black or hispanic community of the U.S. regarding what you feel their views of religion should be?

If they are christian I suggest they take the same views as they have towards Zeus or Woden or Tin Hau.
I'm actually planning on donating to the NRA.
Oh quit being a troll. Only a moron or a fanatic would do that. If you really care about gun rights advocacy contribute to a responsible organization like Ducks Unlimited and not those fucking idiots at NRA.

Contribute to NRA? Why don't you just tattoo "STUPID REDNECK" on your forhead?
Howey, you say this was entirely preventable but how? Do we institutionalize all citizens who show signs of mental health issues? If our government can't stop illegal aliens and drugs from coming into the country how will they be able to prevent guns from coming in (assuming we were able to ban guns in the U.S.) and into the hands of those who wish to do ill will?
Simple thinking is for simple minds Wacko. No one said this is going to be easy. We got a problem in this country. Too many fanatics and mentally ustable people like STY have access to guns and do horriffic things with them. There is a limit to every right. Just as you don't have a right to scream "FIRE!" in a crowded hallway you 2nd ammendment right doesn't give you unlimited access to military weapons designed for mass killings.

I mean where the fuck do you draw the line? Do I have the right to own M-1 Abrhams? Do I have the right to indiscriminaly plant mines on my property? Do I have the right to own a missle launcher in case unidentified aircraft fly over my home? Where the fuck do you draw the line?

I'm a second ammendment advocate but what I'm hearing from a bunch of gun nuts is. "We recognise that there is a problem but our fanatical and irrational belief that we have unlimited right to access and use of weapons of mass killing is sacrasanct and we don't care how many innocent children have to die to make our point." Not only is it fucking irrational it's god damned disrespectful to the memory of these victims of these sick twisted individuals.

What we need to focus on are real fucking solutions to a real tough problem that's going to require some real hard thinking (something your average NRA member seems to be incapable of.).

We have a serious public safety issue here and we need solutions to this tough problem that respects our 2nd ammendment rights but are actionable, enforceable and work.

What we don't need are a bunch of mindless glib comments from people with more fire power than brains.
Simple thinking is for simple minds Wacko. No one said this is going to be easy. We got a problem in this country. Too many fanatics and mentally ustable people like STY have access to guns and do horriffic things with them. There is a limit to every right. Just as you don't have a right to scream "FIRE!" in a crowded hallway you 2nd ammendment right doesn't give you unlimited access to military weapons designed for mass killings.

I mean where the fuck do you draw the line? Do I have the right to own M-1 Abrhams? Do I have the right to indiscriminaly plant mines on my property? Do I have the right to own a missle launcher in case unidentified aircraft fly over my home? Where the fuck do you draw the line?

I'm a second ammendment advocate but what I'm hearing from a bunch of gun nuts is. "We recognise that there is a problem but our fanatical and irrational belief that we have unlimited right to access and use of weapons of mass killing is sacrasanct and we don't care how many innocent children have to die to make our point." Not only is it fucking irrational it's god damned disrespectful to the memory of these victims of these sick twisted individuals.

What we need to focus on are real fucking solutions to a real tough problem that's going to require some real hard thinking (something your average NRA member seems to be incapable of.).

We have a serious public safety issue here and we need solutions to this tough problem that respects our 2nd ammendment rights but are actionable, enforceable and work.

What we don't need are a bunch of mindless glib comments from people with more fire power than brains.

It is incredibly simple to say things like get rid of all privately held guns, how would you even begin to do it?

I know a bad egg when I crack it. I can make a reasoned guess as to why it is bad. But I have no idea how to make it a good egg.
Yes to your first four questions. About how far we go, it's complicated. Remember when people excoriated Tipper Gore because she wanted to warn buyers about explicit music? I was one of them at the time. Then I got married and had kids and wanted to keep them wrapped up in cotton so they'd never be exposed to all the nastiness in the world, including explicit lyrics.

Don't take this as scientific, but I think people who live in a *relatively* safe environment get a vicarious thrill out of violence. As long as it doesn't touch them personally, they'll watch the movies and TV, play the video games. It would be interesting to see if kids in danger-filled environments get the same thrill out of these things or if they daydream about Leave It To Beaver scenarios.

Maybe the way to get rid of it is to study cultures where violence isn't a big thing and apply their methods. But I don't really know.

Spare me. You are the one who shits your britches when people speak of morality. You are the one who glorifies the murder of the unborn. You are the one who spews names at people who criticize the oversexualization of our children.

You are the first to turn your back on religion and the teachings of Christ. You are the first to remove God from the public square. Now you act shocked and dismayed by the tragedy of last Friday? Spare me.