Simple thinking is for simple minds Wacko. No one said this is going to be easy. We got a problem in this country. Too many fanatics and mentally ustable people like STY have access to guns and do horriffic things with them. There is a limit to every right. Just as you don't have a right to scream "FIRE!" in a crowded hallway you 2nd ammendment right doesn't give you unlimited access to military weapons designed for mass killings.
I mean where the fuck do you draw the line? Do I have the right to own M-1 Abrhams? Do I have the right to indiscriminaly plant mines on my property? Do I have the right to own a missle launcher in case unidentified aircraft fly over my home? Where the fuck do you draw the line?
I'm a second ammendment advocate but what I'm hearing from a bunch of gun nuts is. "We recognise that there is a problem but our fanatical and irrational belief that we have unlimited right to access and use of weapons of mass killing is sacrasanct and we don't care how many innocent children have to die to make our point." Not only is it fucking irrational it's god damned disrespectful to the memory of these victims of these sick twisted individuals.
What we need to focus on are real fucking solutions to a real tough problem that's going to require some real hard thinking (something your average NRA member seems to be incapable of.).
We have a serious public safety issue here and we need solutions to this tough problem that respects our 2nd ammendment rights but are actionable, enforceable and work.
What we don't need are a bunch of mindless glib comments from people with more fire power than brains.
Excellent post, Mott.

Opinion #1 Our government is tyrannical.
Opinion #2 Our tyrannical government is trying to take away all our guns.
How can anyone not get exasperated at this lack of logic?