Can real civil discourse and good governance exist in our current 2-party paradigm?

Mid crash is no time to change the system.

Wise up Please.
Mid crash is the best time to change the system. Obama had the banksters by the balls in 2009 and could have prosecuted them for their crimes. The problem is that Obama was hand picked by the banksters to be the mascot of Wall Street. Obama then went on to invade 5 more Middle East countries and ran out of bombs on Syria. The upcoming economic collapse gives the people a second chance to hit the streets and change the rigged system mid crash.
I say no. The toxic partisan dysfunction that exists cannot fix itself and will only continue (and only get worse).

It will take a nearly impossible effort of non-partisans, moderates, and independents (ie. reasonable non-maniacs) to force the political culture and electoral structure into change.

What say you?

Not with the Left and radical Left in large part controlling one party. The Left will not negotiate in good faith, will not compromise, and will seek to gain more power by any means, legal or illegal.
Mid crash is the best time to change the system. Obama had the banksters by the balls in 2009 and could have prosecuted them for their crimes. The problem is that Obama was hand picked by the banksters to be the mascot of Wall Street. Obama then went on to invade 5 more Middle East countries and ran out of bombs on Syria. The upcoming economic collapse gives the people a second chance to hit the streets and change the rigged system mid crash.

As if "we are going to do a revolution as we are under attack from the Empire" made any sense but to the most dim.

Fuck You...stupid gets charged.
As if "we are going to do a revolution as we are under attack from the Empire" made any sense but to the most dim.

Fuck You...stupid gets charged.
We're under attack from empire and you want to do nothing but throw ad homs. Have another drink and watch the youth revolt.
The two party system allows for majorities, and majorities effectively mean a one-party system.

If the parties had smaller tents, and represented more specific groups, then we'd have multiple viable parties with no majorities likely.

Presidential elections would all go to the House of Representatives because no candidate would get enough electoral votes.
The only way to avoid that would be a Constitutional amendment to have a runoff between the top two presidential vote getters.

On the other hand, being forced to form coalitions in order to govern would result in more serious dialogue and more sincere attempts to compromise.

Moderate and independents are the absolute worst.
There's no such thing as a moderate solution to an immoderate problem.
Also, being unable to commit to a party is never a sign of good character.
Stay out of politics if you can't align with a collective cause.