Can the President Revoke Former Officials’ Security Clearances?

and that is precisely WHY his clearance should be one should seek advice from that fuckwit......

But they do. It is people like you who are so blind in Trumpian hate that you cannot understand that a 25 year CIA employee and former head may have valuable information. That is why they talk to him and all the others on trumps enemy list.
Why all the bitching about revoking that privilege? No....Mr. Trump is denying the traitor Brennan the continued use of that clearance in order to get future Jobs where he (according to his record of lying under oath as part of the congressional record) can place the information of any future employer at risk. Brennan has been "Bitch Slapped".

Can the president revoke those clearances? Yes......he has already demonstrated the answer to that moronic question...ask Brennan. Is Brennan rushing out to the court system to address his supposed constitutional is going to the propaganda networks to address his butt hurt. He will not go to the courts....because HE CANNOT.

you knuckle draggers do like to be stupid. the only thing trump gained is pandering to you opioid addicts.
Why don’t you think poor Brennan will sue? Could it be he has no case?

He doesn’t need a security clearance.

Already posted it. I knew you cannot read. There is a procedure and the person with a clearance has rights. Trump is playing king again. Brennan said today, he may sue after all. he has a great case. yeah, he is a CIA resource and he needs clearance.
Brennan voted for a communist once in 1976 when he was a college student. We know this because, many years later, he said so.

That makes him a security risk?


CIA Brennan Might Have to Answer for Perjury, Planning a Coup

February 12, 2018
Devin Nunes plans to investigate former CIA director John Brennan and he is in jeopardy for possibly committing perjury. There is also the coup he promoted. Devin Nunes plans to release more information and more memos.


43 years ago. No time to change. He was in the CIA for 25 years and headed it for 4. That seem like a communist to you? But Trump who is involved with Rusian oligarchs and sides with Russia againsyt our allies, is a real American? WOW.

So do wanna-be dictators like Donald Trump.

The conservative Republicans are in power throughout the government...and should be moving to stop this bullshit. But they do not have the nerve and sense of duty to do it.

43 years ago. No time to change. He was in the CIA for 25 years and headed it for 4. That seem like a communist to you? But Trump who is involved with Rusian oligarchs and sides with Russia againsyt our allies, is a real American? WOW.

Why can't they both be shitty Americans? One wanted to serve at the pleasure of a communist regime, and the other may or may not have colluded with a former KGB agent.
Dictators do whatever they want to do...until stopped.

Dickheads...continue to support a dictator wanna-be like the abomination, Donald Trump.

You guys are chumps.
Because he wants to deny security clearances to partisan hacks without a need-to-know?

No...because he loved blind morons, like you, who supported their Dear Leader without considering the consequences for their nation and their fellow humans.
what's hilarious is that if this was hillary revoking clearances over an investigation, you idiot libs would be supporting her

What is hilarious is you believe that. She would not be revoking clearances. No president ever has. just Trump, only Trump. This would not be a discussion if she won. You say the dumbest shit.

A Trump supporters view of his/her Dear Leader.


Yeah, it is pathetic...but anyone with a brain is still going to laugh at them for their gullibility.
Trump does not have that power. If he goes to court, he loses. Trump does not care about laws. Those are for little people.