Can they do this, then get away with supporting Jeb Bush?

i am not used to darla being pissed off at me. I must go to superfreak for advice.

Superfreak? That would be stupid. The only thing he knows how to do is drop a nuclear bomb on the situation and make it a million times worse. I would suggest Cawacko. I have been posting with him since January 02 and have never stayed mad at him for longer than ten minutes. And let me tell you, Cawacko has said some stupid shit. though nothing as bad as your current callousness that I have tried to avoid, but face it, you're obsessed and it's the only freaking thing you post about. I think you need some therapy...but don't ask Superfreak for the name of his! His therapist obviously sucks.
Fair point, and it's a word I rarely use. I thought it made sense in this context, but no, you won't see me using it much. It's not a word I normally use.

As far as DY's saying I was sexist because I listed men on this site who are sexist.... well, that just makes no sense. He still doesn't get it. Thanks for your comments.

They're so stupid, and sadly DY isn't the only idiot who uses that "reverse sexist" (as well as "reverse racist) bs as part of their diversionary tactics and defense. They know what they are, and they go on the offense. They basically are morons, you have to realize so anything they know they learn from watching sports in a drunken stupor. "The best defense is a good offense" is like one of four things they have memorized. The other three being "supersize that" "where's my frigging beer"? and "nice tits".

Basically we are talking about life forms functioning on only a slightly higher level than the amoeba.
Superfreak? That would be stupid. The only thing he knows how to do is drop a nuclear bomb on the situation and make it a million times worse. I would suggest Cawacko. I have been posting with him since January 02 and have never stayed mad at him for longer than ten minutes. And let me tell you, Cawacko has said some stupid shit. though nothing as bad as your current callousness that I have tried to avoid, but face it, you're obsessed and it's the only freaking thing you post about. I think you need some therapy...but don't ask Superfreak for the name of his! His therapist obviously sucks.

I think you over anylysed this a bit. SF is used to you being angry with him. Grind isn't, but thinks SF can offer advice as to how to deal with his feelings of distress.
They're so stupid, and sadly DY isn't the only idiot who uses that "reverse sexist" (as well as "reverse racist) bs as part of their diversionary tactics and defense. They know what they are, and they go on the offense. They basically are morons, you have to realize so anything they know they learn from watching sports in a drunken stupor. "The best defense is a good offense" is like one of four things they have memorized. The other three being "supersize that" "where's my frigging beer"? and "nice tits".

Basically we are talking about life forms functioning on only a slightly higher level than the amoeba.

Don't you ever wonder how they cope in the real world? or do they never go there?

I wouldn't have commented on DY's comments anyway, except for Rune bringing them up. Is that like meta-commenting? commenting on a comment about a comment? Normally, I prefer to let them wallow in the slime on the bottom of their sewer minds far away from me...
Superfreak? That would be stupid. The only thing he knows how to do is drop a nuclear bomb on the situation and make it a million times worse. I would suggest Cawacko. I have been posting with him since January 02 and have never stayed mad at him for longer than ten minutes. And let me tell you, Cawacko has said some stupid shit. though nothing as bad as your current callousness that I have tried to avoid, but face it, you're obsessed and it's the only freaking thing you post about. I think you need some therapy...but don't ask Superfreak for the name of his! His therapist obviously sucks.

Nuclear bomb was better than gas, lol
I'm not mad at you Howey, I didn't like one thing you said and since i was already so deeply disgusted by Grind's comments, instead of ignoring it I said something about it.

I think you misinterpreted what I said.

FACT: We don't know if Zimmerman is a cold blooded murderer; nor do we know if he's an innocent victim. All we have is the evidence presented in the court and I'm confident justice will prevail, whatever the verdict.

OPINION: I'm positive Martin's parents share my thoughts.

“Trayvon’s parents, Tracy and Sybrina, are thankful that the killer of their son will face a jury of his peers,” Crump said on the show. “All they’ve ever wanted was to have a verdict based on the evidence,” he added.

Earlier Monday, Trayvon Martin’s parents gave a statement to the media.

“We are relieved that the start of the trial is here with the jury selection, as we seek justice for our son Trayvon,” father Tracy Martin said in the statement. “We ask that the community continue to stay peaceful as we place our faith in the justice system, and we ask that the community do the same.”
What do you want me to say? As ZG says, he's taller than her. As I said there is sufficient room between them. Therefore you are wrong. But will you accept that? Or do you want to go into a twenty message stream with each of us saying the other is wrong?

If you have any new evidence to present, please do. But you based it on the picture I linked to; he's not threatening her; she never claimed to be threatened; you're wrong and you'll never admit it; so yeah, dropping it seems the best use of MY time. If you want to keep on posting that he's threatening her, please, feel free to waste the bandwidth.

What would POSSIBLY be gained by us continuing to disagree in messages on this thread assuming no new evidence?

Yeah, good luck getting USF to EVER admit he's wrong...
I thought String made a great post on the subject on a thread I am banned from:

"For doughy little wimps like Super, Grind and ila it was the beatdown of the century and "ground and pound" is an elaborate mixed marital arts move rather than a style that any school yard boy has seen, practiced and been on the receiving end of a few times. :)"

I can only talk about it for so long. It is disgusting.