Can we stop pretending that Ford was courageous or that she sacrificed anything?

Truth Detector

Well-known member
It is time to end this charade and pretense that this clown like circus the Democrats put on was anything other than a desperate smear campaign against Kavanaugh.

It is also time to stop pretending that Ford was some kind of victim or that she sacrificed anything and was anything more than a glorified partisan hack willing to do anything to prevent a Conservative from getting on the Supreme Court.

The person who has suffered terribly is a family man who has worked hard and achieved so much over the decades. As he stated, thanks to the unethical conduct of the Democrats and the ensuing media frenzy, he will never be able to teach again. He loved teaching. Thanks to the unethical conduct of the Democrats and the ensuing media frenzy, he will never be able to coach again. He loved coaching. Thanks to the unethical conduct of the Democrats and the ensuing media frenzy, his decisions will now always be judged on the smears and not his knowledge or humanity.

America lost something yesterday. It lost its sense of decency and civility. The Senate used to be a place where arguments would entail more temperament and reasoned logic and not be as dysfunctional as the House. It is the reason our founders chose to have only two members from each state and longer terms than the House.

Ever since the Senate started getting infested with political know-nothings from the Democratic Party, people who are willing to engage in unethical smearing and partisan gamesmanship as a result of not winning elections, that original intent has been lost. These are people who yesterday, illustrated they don't even have the slightest clue about how our laws work or how the Senate operates. Instead, they were perfectly willing to make a mockery of its processes and procedures using protestors as their army of illiterates.

America also learned something yesterday. It learned that the Democratic Party has emerged as a party that will demonize anyone who dares to defy their ideology so as to dehumanize them and make them convenient targets of unethical smear campaigns. I mean, who can blame anyone wanting to destroy evil right?

That it is also willing to engage in unethical smear campaigns that involve Brown Shirted hostile thug tactics against those who dare defy them. That they will assemble mobs who will surround those they disagree with and chase them from public places.

Ford was not courageous. It doesn't take any courage to make salacious and uncorroborated accusations against someone you think you hate. There was nothing courageous about her lying. There was nothing courageous about how she acted in the hearings. There is nothing courageous about being a partisan hack willing to do or say anything to prevent someone from being nominated to the highest court in the land.

In truth, her act was that of a coward. A coward who is now looking to profit from the unethical smearing of a good man for partisan political purposes.

Ford was not a victim either. It is easy to paint a fellow human being as a demon and then do everything one can to destroy them. She was only a victim of her own alcohol induced psychosis and, most likely, a good dose of TDS. Why do I say this? Because her claims are specious at the least and lies at the worst. BUT, once the train got rolling and Democrats realized that Kavanaugh was not going to cave like Ginsburg and that Senate Republicans had suddenly grown a spine, they had no choice but to parade this partisan hack in front of the Senate against their wishes.

Although her credibility will always, and was, tarnished, much like Anita Hill, she will most likely profit handsomely from her lying and acting out. The media, who is no longer concerned with ethics, honesty and the truth, will elevate her to hero status to ensure this woman will never have to worry about money again.

She will have to live with her conscience, assuming she has one.

I want to end with something profound that Justice Kavanaugh said in his opening statement that will bring this together for anyone interested in the truth.

The consequences will extend long past my nomination. The consequences will be with us for decades. This grotesque and coordinated character assassination will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions, from serving our country.

I too, like Bret, wrote this in my own hand without any assistance from anyone.
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And as we all know, in the United States political system of the early 2000s, what goes around comes around. I am an optimistic guy. I always try to be on the sunrise side of the mountain, to be optimistic about the day that is coming.

But today, I have to say that I fear for the future. Last time I was here, I told this committee that a federal judge must be independent, not swayed by public or political pressure.

I said I was such a judge, and I am. I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. You’ve tried hard. You’ve given it your all. No one can question your effort, but your coordinated and well-funded effort to destroy my good name and to destroy my family will not drive me out. The vile threats of violence against my family will not drive me out.
No, keyboard pansy we won't. I asked Volsrock this, but you deserve it as well. If you were forced down by a big guy, and he decided to use your poor butthole as a pleasure toy, how much courage would you need, to go in front of the whole country, and describe what they did? You'd probably think your manhood suffered, and would pretend nothing happened. Through therapy, and meds of course. Considering all of you trumptards, and your responses to her, it's hard not to laugh at how you would surely act if it happened to you.
No, keyboard pansy we won't. I asked Volsrock this, but you deserve it as well. If you were forced down by a big guy, and he decided to use your asshole as a pleasure toy,

Well that is the crux; when did Ford say anyone penetrated her? How ironic that you can't even make a coherent argument without fabricating strawman.

But let's pretend you are interested in honest debate. If she was drinking that night and unsure of where, unsure of when, unsure of how she got to the party or home after the party, unsure of who was there, don't you think that SHE would do some personal investigating of her own with those she believed to be there, but say they were not, before she slandered someone with the despicable claim of sexual assault?

If she actually is 100% sure that it was indeed Bret Kavanaugh, why wouldn't she then report it to the police and at least get that ball rolling?

If she actually is 100% sure that it was indeed Bret Kavanaugh, why would she have waited 35 years and why not when he was nominated to sit on the SECOND highest court in the land?

You see, when you engage in intellectual honesty, it is hard to believe that anyone who isn't an unethical hyper partisan hack would believe such nonsense.

how much courage would you need, to go in front of the whole country, and describe what they did?

Why would I need to go in front of the whole country? There's the other fabricated strawman, that ANYONE needed to publicize this issue. Of course, if you are a willful idiot or an unethical hyper partisan hack, you don't believe the leak was planned.

You'd probably think your manhood suffered, and would pretend nothing happened. Through therapy, and meds of course. Considering all of you trumptards, and your responses to her, it's hard not to laugh at how you would surely act. you want to bloviate stupidly like the pompous presumptuous moron we know you to be. It never takes you snowflakes long to get unraveled by your unethical lies and rant like idiots does it?
You may defeat me in the final vote, but you’ll never get me to quit. Never.

I’m here today to tell the truth. I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone. Not in high school, not in college, not ever. Sexual assault is horrific. One of my closest friends to this day is a woman who was sexually abused and who, in the 1990s when we were in our 30s, confided in me about the abuse and sought my advice. I was one of the only people she consulted.
Allegations of sexual assault must always be taken seriously, always. Those who make allegations always deserve to be heard.

At the same time, the person who was the subject of the allegations also deserves to be heard. Due process is a foundation of the American rule of law. Due process means listening to both sides.

I would add that it also means the presumption of innocence until one is PROVEN guilty. That appears to no longer apply in the mob like leftist frenzy we see these days.
You may defeat me in the final vote, but you’ll never get me to quit. Never.

I’m here today to tell the truth. I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone. Not in high school, not in college, not ever. Sexual assault is horrific. One of my closest friends to this day is a woman who was sexually abused and who, in the 1990s when we were in our 30s, confided in me about the abuse and sought my advice. I was one of the only people she consulted.

Yale and the ABA have withdrawn their endorsement... so has the Catholic church,

ROME (AP) — The magazine of the Jesuit religious order in the United States has publicly withdrawn its endorsement of Judge Brett Kavanaugh as Supreme Court justice following testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee by the Jesuit-educated Kavanaugh and the woman accusing him of sexually assaulting her decades ago.
No, keyboard pansy we won't. I asked Volsrock this, but you deserve it as well. If you were forced down by a big guy, and he decided to use your poor butthole as a pleasure toy, how much courage would you need, to go in front of the whole country, and describe what they did? You'd probably think your manhood suffered, and would pretend nothing happened. Through therapy, and meds of course. Considering all of you trumptards, and your responses to her, it's hard not to laugh at how you would surely act if it happened to you.

Well that is the crux; when did Ford say anyone penetrated her? How ironic that you can't even make a coherent argument without fabricating strawman.

But let's pretend you are interested in honest debate. If she was drinking that night and unsure of where, unsure of when, unsure of how she got to the party or home after the party, unsure of who was there, don't you think that SHE would do some personal investigating of her own with those she believed to be there, but say they were not, before she slandered someone with the despicable claim of sexual assault?

If she actually is 100% sure that it was indeed Bret Kavanaugh, why wouldn't she then report it to the police and at least get that ball rolling?

If she actually is 100% sure that it was indeed Bret Kavanaugh, why would she have waited 35 years and why not when he was nominated to sit on the SECOND highest court in the land?

You see, when you engage in intellectual honesty, it is hard to believe that anyone who isn't an unethical hyper partisan hack would believe such nonsense.

Why would I need to go in front of the whole country? There's the other fabricated strawman, that ANYONE needed to publicize this issue. Of course, if you are a willful idiot or an unethical hyper partisan hack, you don't believe the leak was planned. you want to bloviate stupidly like the pompous presumptuous moron we know you to be. It never takes you snowflakes long to get unraveled by your unethical lies and rant like idiots does it?

CRICKETS; no surprise.
Ford has overturned her life. She was a college prof and a statistician in the psychological field.She has received death threats and will be treated badly by rightys from now on. She has had to testify in front of millions. her life will never be the same. she gained nothing. Kavanaugh has lots to gain, a seat of the highest court for a right wing conspiracy nut. Frightening possibility.
Draft dodger Trump represents strength for the conservative snowflakes. Welcome our newest scotus tool, stop crying and sniffling please.

As a federal appeals court judge, Kavanaugh’s performance was jarringly unbalanced and at times unhinged."

'Kavanaugh’s Explanations for His Racy Yearbook References Do Not Pass the Smell Test'
Boris the idiot, what kind of evidence do you find after 30 years? They are going to personally interview everyone who was there and who knew about what happened. It is all circumstantial.
Boris the idiot, what kind of evidence do you find after 30 years? They are going to personally interview everyone who was there and who knew about what happened. It is all circumstantial.

Accept they all say they don’t even remember such a party

So if they say it to the FBI will you finally take their word for it?