Can we stop pretending that Ford was courageous or that she sacrificed anything?

Once again. Where ia the proof?

Proof is not required.

The determination that Kavanaugh is unfit to serve on the SCOTUS is at a very different level from the proof that he is a rapist.
You would have us believe that they are one in the same.
In truth they are entirely different.
What is being determined here is Kavanaugh's honesty, temperament, qualifications and his character.
On those counts he has publically shown himself to be wholly unfit.
When the FBI shows that he is also likely a rapist, that will merely be overkill.
No, keyboard pansy we won't. I asked Volsrock this, but you deserve it as well. If you were forced down by a big guy, and he decided to use your poor butthole as a pleasure toy, how much courage would you need, to go in front of the whole country, and describe what they did? You'd probably think your manhood suffered, and would pretend nothing happened. Through therapy, and meds of course. Considering all of you trumptards, and your responses to her, it's hard not to laugh at how you would surely act if it happened to you.

This desire for you and other liberals to discuss your dating, on JPP, is totally unnecessary and may I suggest that you seek professional help; for either what you think occurred to you or what you believe you did to someone else. :good4u:
Are you saying they are going to perjure themselves?

If they tell the FBI they were there, they are committing perjury

Well if they are telling the truth, then Kavanaugh is lying. That is the most likely scenario. I am less interested in his childish and brutal treatment of women than how easily he lies. He shows he has not learned how to treat women with respect.
No, keyboard pansy we won't. I asked Volsrock this, but you deserve it as well. If you were forced down by a big guy, and he decided to use your poor butthole as a pleasure toy, how much courage would you need, to go in front of the whole country, and describe what they did? You'd probably think your manhood suffered, and would pretend nothing happened. Through therapy, and meds of course. Considering all of you trumptards, and your responses to her, it's hard not to laugh at how you would surely act if it happened to you.

Which is why I don't think we should rush to judgement and assume some of these folks were not forced down by a bigger guy, and used anally as a pleasure toy.
Well if they are telling the truth, then Kavanaugh is lying. That is the most likely scenario. I am less interested in his childish and brutal treatment of women than how easily he lies. He shows he has not learned how to treat women with respect.

Take all the Ford and sex allegations out of the equation. Bart still lied repeatedly, and demonstrably, through the hearings. And the entire world bore witness.
Kavanaugh wept and cried like a little girl. he showed he has no judicial temperament. He was an embarrassment to all. He tried to prove he did not abuse women while abusing Sen. Klobuchar in front of millions. He is a right wing conspiracy nut. he was the goofball in back of the Vince Foster craziness. His time on the Starr Comm. was where he proved he is not neutral at all. he is absolutely unqualified for the court, any court.
Ford has overturned her life. She was a college prof and a statistician in the psychological field.She has received death threats and will be treated badly by rightys from now on. She has had to testify in front of millions. her life will never be the same. she gained nothing. Kavanaugh has lots to gain, a seat of the highest court for a right wing conspiracy nut. Frightening possibility.

She has done nothing of the sort. She's becoming a Go Fund Me leftist heroine. Much like Anita with her unsubstantiated bullshit, her lies are going to make her rich!

Meanwhile, Kavanaugh will never be able to teach again, never be able to coach again and will have to deal with this unethical lie filled smear the rest of his living days on earth.

Liberals are too stupid, hate filled and repugnant to be embarrassed.
She has done nothing of the sort. She's becoming a Go Fund Me leftist heroine. Much like Anita with her unsubstantiated bullshit, her lies are going to make her rich!

Meanwhile, Kavanaugh will never be able to teach again, never be able to coach again and will have to deal with this unethical lie filled smear the rest of his living days on earth.

Liberals are too stupid, hate filled and repugnant to be embarrassed.

You are never going to be able to undo what Bart did to himself.
Draft dodger Trump represents strength for the conservative snowflakes. Welcome our newest scotus tool, stop crying and sniffling please.

As a federal appeals court judge, Kavanaugh’s performance was jarringly unbalanced and at times unhinged."

'Kavanaugh’s Explanations for His Racy Yearbook References Do Not Pass the Smell Test'

There you go again; littering the thread with your moronic stupidity and nonsense.
His demeanor at the hearing is proof.

Stop lying you rabid loon, you never watched it. You were too busy masturbating to porn. Something I have heard you did a lot in high school which is why you tried to rape were too ugly to date.
Boris the idiot, what kind of evidence do you find after 30 years? They are going to personally interview everyone who was there and who knew about what happened. It is all circumstantial.

:lolup:Fucking dunce admits there won't be any evidence but that's okay to these willful morons who claim Ford is telling the truth. :rofl2: