Can we stop pretending that Ford was courageous or that she sacrificed anything?

You know the thing is OPie, I see people like you, Donald Trump, and Brett Kavanaugh coming!

And let me tell you, I'm 3 steps out in front of all of you! BLAHAHAHAHA!
Well if they are telling the truth, then Kavanaugh is lying. That is the most likely scenario. I am less interested in his childish and brutal treatment of women than how easily he lies. He shows he has not learned how to treat women with respect.

Translation: Ballsy’s accusations aren’t sticking so I am trying something else.
Translation: Ballsy’s accusations aren’t sticking so I am trying something else.

Ford was careful, honest and believable in a situation where doing her civic duty was her only cause, She gains nothing and as you demonstrate, she has created lots of enemies in the violent and brutal rightys. She is being accused of lying with absolutely nothing to gain. That makes sense in the mind of a righty, but in the real and logical world, it is a fail. Kavanaugh gets a seat on the most powerful court in the world. Pretty good payoff. Actually a huge one.
kavanaugh had a public meltdown. Not exactly what we want on the court.
It is obvious that Supreme court judges would not act like he did. If you ever saw one interviewed, you would see how careful and controlled they are. They are dispassionate and try to keep their emotions out of what they discuss . Kavanaugh was a baby next to a real judge.