"If" seems to be the cornerstone of your BS....pity that Jarod and I are dealing in FACTS, valid documentations and HISTORICAL CASE LAW AND PRECEDENT to support what we are POINTING OUT, NOT speculating on, or supposing or conjecturing.
What does case law have to do with rationally and honestly answering the questions? Case law is performed by lawyers and ideological partisan judges. The latter appointed by partisan ideological Presidents and confirmed by partisan ideologues in the Senate. Good luck getting a
”CONSTITUTIONAL” decision from that gang of partisan ideological bastards.
All that’s ask of you in this thread is some honest answers to some honest constitutional questions. Here! I’ll post them again for your contemplation.
“If the “general welfare” clause of Article One, Section Eight of our Constitution validates as constitutional federal socialist programs, i. e., Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Obama-Care, what actions/laws
doesn’t the general welfare clause validate the Congress/federal government doing in the name of the general welfare?”
“If the general welfare clause trumps everything else in the Constitution, why did the authors of the Constitution waste so much time, ink and paper to even bother writing the rest of the Constitution?”
“If the general welfare clause trumps everything else in the Constitution why didn’t the authors simply end up with a single sentence Constitution that stated something like this,” “The Congress shall have all mighty power to make whatever laws they choose as long as they claim they are in the “general welfare” and the President signs them into law.”
“If the general welfare clause trumps everything else in the Constitution, What’s with Amendment 10? What good is Amendment 10,
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution or prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”??? What’s that all about anyhow???
“If the general welfare clause doesn't trump everything else in the Constitution, what doesn't it trump?”
“Can you and will you explain
IN YOUR OWN WORDS, considering amendment 10 of our Constitution, how and by what constitutional directive the court came to the conclusion that Obama-Care/ACA is constitutional?
Like all failed anti-gov't types, all you can do is try and CREATE your own version of what should be, then is no one plays into that fallacy by answering silly "what if" questions, you bray like an ass that you've "won" your point.
Can you produce any posted quote of mine proving that I’ve
“brayed like an ass that I’ve won my point?”
Why not simply be honest and honestly answer the questions or better yet admit that if you actually did answer them honestly you’d disprove your own contention that the general welfare clause absurdly trumps anything and everything else in the Constitution?
Sorry, but my old teachers and professors would just ignore you and/or flunk you. Think I'll do the same here.
Apparently they were/are ideological Constitutional disloyal neo-communist leftist too, huh?
You Can’t flunk me! I don’t belong to your neo-communist school of traitors to our Constitution.
I’ll await your answers to the questions, but of course we both know you haven’t the gonads to answer them honestly, don’t we?