Can You Answer These Constitutional Questions?

You don't understand, there are plenty of people who will distort and claim different meanings of very specific things. Look at the COnservatives on this very board. Someone will need to be in a position to be the final arbitrator of such claims. The founders chose the Supreme Court.

While a corrupt gang of nine on the Court may well have the official last word on the constitutionality of the written law, the simple fact that they're notably corrupt and partisan revokes their credibility, trustworthiness and validity as final arbiters with every sane and logical citizen. They don't decide "constitutionality," they simply decide "biased legality."

The founders intended that only honest non-partisan citizens sit on the Court, loyal only to the rule of constitutional law. Of course they were smart enough to realize that the Court could be and even likely would be corrupted and become a partisan Kangaroo Court. Their only rational position for that issue of course was "We get the government we deserve." America is an ingenious experiment in self-governance. The founders knew the experiment would fail under the direction of flawed, power hungry idiot politicians and an unconcerned and disconnected citizenry. That knowledge is proving to be perfectly correct. They gave us the means, the direction and the opportunity. It was up to us to prove it could work and that we could be loyal to ourselves and worthy of our Constitution. We've failed and we'll pay the price.