Can You Answer These Questions?


Verified User
Being a Navy vet myself, I have to wonder about what I’m seeing from the Trump agenda concerning a rebuild of the military.

I’ve ask this question several times in the past without any satisfactory answers coming from anyone on a political forum, old Navy vet friends, or letters to my congress critters. Why does America have and keep consistently in commission 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers and sometimes just 10 in commission and now Trump is calling for a 12 nuclear carrier Navy and a whole new class of nuke carriers?

As far as I can determine, the rest of the world combined only has 2 nuclear powered aircraft carriers, one in China and France has one. Why the American overkill?

Why aren’t the multi-billion dollar nuclear carriers simply sitting ducks in a world of highly technological weaponry?

As far as I know, it takes at least a dozen other ships just to protect the carrier and it takes over 2000 crew mwmbers for a single carrier.

What in hell is “conservative” about a dozen nuclear powered aircraft carriers?
Those are GREAT questions!!!

And you will not get one single intelligent answer from the resident Trump suckers.
the so called precedent likes them cause they are big, like him, YUGE!!!!

There is no logical reason/answer..

Our military is not only bigger than anyone elses, it is often bigger ($$) than everyone elses COMBINED... Bigger($$) than the next six or seven nations COMBINED, we spend almost as much as the rest of the world COMBINED & sometimes MORE THAN THE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED..................WTF????
the conservative view of 'small government' consists of imposing their will on the rest of the world through force. it's to preserve peace and do war on terror
Being a Navy vet myself, I have to wonder about what I’m seeing from the Trump agenda concerning a rebuild of the military.

I’ve ask this question several times in the past without any satisfactory answers coming from anyone on a political forum, old Navy vet friends, or letters to my congress critters. Why does America have and keep consistently in commission 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers and sometimes just 10 in commission and now Trump is calling for a 12 nuclear carrier Navy and a whole new class of nuke carriers?

As far as I can determine, the rest of the world combined only has 2 nuclear powered aircraft carriers, one in China and France has one. Why the American overkill?

Why aren’t the multi-billion dollar nuclear carriers simply sitting ducks in a world of highly technological weaponry?

As far as I know, it takes at least a dozen other ships just to protect the carrier and it takes over 2000 crew mwmbers for a single carrier.

What in hell is “conservative” about a dozen nuclear powered aircraft carriers?

A nuclear powered carrier is all about power projection. 12 sounds perfectly all right to me.

As for what is "conservative"; well, the Constitution clearly states that the Federal Government's primary responsibility to her citizens is protecting our borders and our interests. There is no better way than a nuclear powered carrier and some hidden nuclear powered subs.

So what is your beef? You don't like the idea of American leadership Comrade?
Those are GREAT questions!!!

And you will not get one single intelligent answer from the resident Trump suckers.

I'll remind you that the carrier issue has been going on long, long before Trump. The new Gerald Ford types began construction under Obama. The Bush's & Clinton & Reagan were also involved. therefore, why shouldn't you be rationally commenting also?
the so called precedent likes them cause they are big, like him, YUGE!!!!

There is no logical reason/answer..

Our military is not only bigger than anyone elses, it is often bigger ($$) than everyone elses COMBINED... Bigger($$) than the next six or seven nations COMBINED, we spend almost as much as the rest of the world COMBINED & sometimes MORE THAN THE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED..................WTF????

Yep; in liberal loony land, leading is not an option right dumbfuck? :rofl2:
the conservative view of 'small government' consists of imposing their will on the rest of the world through force. it's to preserve peace and do war on terror

Yeah; that must be it shit-for-brains. Isn't it time for you to go out and shoot someone you ASSume is stealing a laptop?

the so called precedent likes them cause they are big, like him, YUGE!!!!

There is no logical reason/answer..

Our military is not only bigger than anyone elses, it is often bigger ($$) than everyone elses COMBINED... Bigger($$) than the next six or seven nations COMBINED, we spend almost as much as the rest of the world COMBINED & sometimes MORE THAN THE REST OF THE WORLD COMBINED..................WTF????

Where were you commie when Obama was Commander in Chief? I didn't notice any complaints about a bloated military then.
I'll remind you that the carrier issue has been going on long, long before Trump. The new Gerald Ford types began construction under Obama. The Bush's & Clinton & Reagan were also involved. therefore, why shouldn't you be rationally commenting also?

Because Nomad is a brain dead leftist dumbfuck; he cannot respond rationally but instead parrot the moronic pabulum he has been gullibly been fed.

I am wondering what your beef about defense is.
Some answers:

The Navy aims to always have three carriers on station in the strategically vital regions of the Western Pacific and the Middle East. How those three carriers are divvied up among those areas depends on the security situation in both places.

Only a fraction of the fleet are at sea at any given time, due to maintenance and training.

With 11 carriers, the Navy can maintain an average of 3.5 carriers deployed, according to retired Vice Adm. Peter Daly, who commanded a carrier strike group. The average is higher than three because when one carrier is relieving another in an area of operations, there are more than three carriers at sea.
A nuclear powered carrier is all about power projection. 12 sounds perfectly all right to me.

As for what is "conservative"; well, the Constitution clearly states that the Federal Government's primary responsibility to her citizens is protecting our borders and our interests. There is no better way than a nuclear powered carrier and some hidden nuclear powered subs.

So what is your beef? You don't like the idea of American leadership Comrade?

My beef is no God died and left America in charge of defending the world and I hate 20 trillion in Debt, crumbling infrastructure, crummy public schools and being Europe's BIG brother and bully protection while Europe evolves into an entire communist continent, how about you Rambo?
Because Nomad is a brain dead leftist dumbfuck; he cannot respond rationally but instead parrot the moronic pabulum he has been gullibly been fed.

I am wondering what your beef about defense is.

At least your attempting to wonder about something these days Rambo. Read on and you might, just might wonder about national bankruptcy and the master of bankruptcies in the White House, huh Rambo?
My beef is no God died and left America in charge of defending the world

This is very true; but after two world wars and the Korean conflict, we realized that without our leadership, the world goes down a shit hole. It is a LOT cheaper to project strength to prevent despotism than it is to react after the fact at great cost and lives.

and I hate 20 trillion in Debt,

As do all of us; but that $20 trillion has NOTHING to do with defense spending.

crumbling infrastructure,

The crumbling infrastructure has NOTHING to do with defense spending. I am amused that you think there is a cause and effect here.

crummy public schools

That has nothing to do with spending; hell, 80 percent of most State budgets are used for education. The crummy state of our schools is due to liberal progressive buffoonery. Most entrants into college are economically stupid and geographically ignorant.

and being Europe's BIG brother and bully protection while Europe evolves into an entire communist continent,

We became Europe's protection to prevent Soviet style hegemony and domination. It was a cheap alternative to the idiot notion that we should leave them to their own and hide behind our borders.

how about you Rambo?

:rofl2:@Rambo. That is funny.
At least your attempting to wonder about something these days Rambo. Read on and you might, just might wonder about national bankruptcy and the master of bankruptcies in the White House, huh Rambo?

I don't have to wonder how we are now $20 trillion in debt. Obama added about $11 trillion with Democrats in charge of the Congress.

But now with Republicans, there is a chance we can start actually passing budgets and balance them like they did during BillyBob Clinton's Presidency.

That said, defense spending is NOT the problem. Unconstitutional entitlements along with low information voters who vote for unethical politicians willing to re-distribute wealth are the problem.
Some answers:

The Navy aims to always have three carriers on station in the strategically vital regions of the Western Pacific and the Middle East. How those three carriers are divvied up among those areas depends on the security situation in both places.

Only a fraction of the fleet are at sea at any given time, due to maintenance and training.

With 11 carriers, the Navy can maintain an average of 3.5 carriers deployed, according to retired Vice Adm. Peter Daly, who commanded a carrier strike group. The average is higher than three because when one carrier is relieving another in an area of operations, there are more than three carriers at sea.

Good post Rambo, at least you're striving for some rationality these days. Ask Vice Adm. Peter Daly for me where in the world such imminent threats exist and to explain what they are and if he knows what a nuclear powered aircraft carrier cost to build and operate and how much national debt he thinks is enough national debt and how much crumbling America's infrastructure is enough crumbling American infrastructure and how many crummy public schools are enough crummy public schools, OK Rambo?
please, let me see you pick up a womans laptop, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't have to wonder how we are now $20 trillion in debt. Obama added about $11 trillion with Democrats in charge of the Congress.

But now with Republicans, there is a chance we can start actually passing budgets and balance them like they did during BillyBob Clinton's Presidency.

That said, defense spending is NOT the problem. Unconstitutional entitlements along with low information voters who vote for unethical politicians willing to re-distribute wealth are the problem.

Reagan damned near tripled the national debt, the Bush's doubled it Clinton never really balanced a budget, funny calculating the Socialist Insecurity so-called-"fund" as part of the general fund and the boom caused the budget to appear to be balanced.

Entitlements, national defense waster fraud and abuse, and everything the feds do is the problem. BIG government that you vote fore is the problem.