Good post Rambo, at least you're striving for some rationality these days. Ask Vice Adm. Peter Daly for me where in the world such imminent threats exist and to explain what they are and if he knows what a nuclear powered aircraft carrier cost to build and operate
I am sure he already knows those answers as expressed in my link. Do you think there are ZERO threats in the world these days?
and how much national debt he thinks is enough national debt and how much crumbling America's infrastructure is enough crumbling American infrastructure and how many crummy public schools are enough crummy public schools,
How many times do I have to type that defense spending is not the reason for the above issues? Another one hundred?
Do you stupidly believe that if you ask the same stupid question again and again you expect the answer will change?
OK Rambo?
That's a cute meme; sucks as a debate tactic.