Can You Answer These Questions?

I don't think this is a good investment of our money. From a politics point of view it always looks good publicly to put a lot of money towards the military and to build big powerful weapons but the reality is that we can't afford it. We need to start paying our debts and reducing our spending, even military, if we hope to even have an economy that can even support a military in the future.

Such rational post will get you nowhere here! The final result will be national bankruptcy and a rusting and decommissioned navy akin to the Russians and the Military Industrial Complex trying to find a way to do it all over again.
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The unfortunate fact is our military arsenal, on all levels of armed forces, is severely depleted.

Go look into how capable we are right now with our current inventory and see what we are arming our current military with on the battlefield. I think your opinion may change.

I repeat, what God died and left the authority and responsibility over God's oceans to the taxpayers of the United States? Where's all of those U.S. allies and their share of the nuclear powered carriers to defend and guard free passage of God's oceans?

The U.S. does it for commerce and trade. 90% of imports into this country are by ship. Our nation is the most consumer driven economy in the world. If the U.S. wants to reduce military power in this arena, people should stop buying so much shit they really do not need. Here is a concept...try making more here.
The U.S. does it for commerce and trade. 90% of imports into this country are by ship. Our nation is the most consumer driven economy in the world. If the U.S. wants to reduce military power in this arena, people should stop buying so much shit they really do not need. Here is a concept...try making more here.

So your argument is that our ungrateful allies don't need to use the sea lanes for commerce enough to spend some money and blood if necessary to defend them, right? So they simply let the world's BIG sucker take care of it, huh?
I've noticed and wasn't going to say anything; but I find your attention somewhat flattering, even if it is slightly disturbing.

Your mental instability and fixation on this person is noted. In the real world, it's called stalking.

You are one fucked up asshole.
Our military budget is more than all other countries combined. If our armed forces are depleted on all levels then that's an incompetence issue to me from leadership. Also I believe that our capability would get better if we weren't stretched across the Earth, nation building, and getting involved in everything. If we cant operate an efficient and organized military on the budget that it currently has then major changes need to happen that has nothing to do with money in my opinion.

This is not entirely true; but the reason our allies can spend so little on defense is because they have relied on our good graces to be the worlds chief enforcer of UN resolutions and preventing Communist hegemony in Europe and elsewhere.

That stated, one of the FEW Constitutional duties of the Federal Government, and most important, is defense and protecting our interests and citizens.

The budget isn't bleeding red because of defense spending, it is bleeding red thanks to entitlements which are UNCONSTITUTIONAL and dishonest professional politicians who ALWAYS spend more than they take in trying to BUY the votes and pander to gullible low information dunces who want the FREE stuff offered by these dishonest politicians.
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The U.S. does it for commerce and trade. 90% of imports into this country are by ship. Our nation is the most consumer driven economy in the world. If the U.S. wants to reduce military power in this arena, people should stop buying so much shit they really do not need. Here is a concept...try making more here.

What do you think would happen if consumers stopped buying so much shit they don't need? ;)
So your argument is that our ungrateful allies don't need to use the sea lanes for commerce enough to spend some money and blood if necessary to defend them, right? So they simply let the world's BIG sucker take care of it, huh?

Once more you illustrate the inability of many to learn the lessons of WWI, WWII and Korea. Isolationism does not work.

Once more you illustrate the inability of many to learn the lessons of WWI, WWII and Korea. Isolationism does not work.


Then tell me how being accepting of 6 nuclear powere aircraft carriers, (as I think is OK), becomes "isolationism?" Your lack of honesty and integrity never cease to amaze me!

Since you're sooooo progressive relative to the Military Industrial Complex, then surely you discount everything Tom Colburn has to say about the appalling waste in military spending, and surely you can explain with some resemblance of common sense WHY 6 nuclear powered aircraft carriers aren't enough of an American donation to protecting the sea lanes and WHY our oh so grateful allies combined cannot and should not supply 6 more nuclear powered aircraft carriers to protecting the sea lanes if that's actually what's necessary, right?
So your argument is that our ungrateful allies don't need to use the sea lanes for commerce enough to spend some money and blood if necessary to defend them, right? So they simply let the world's BIG sucker take care of it, huh?

I am not arguing anything. Just giving facts. Free worldwide sea lanes are worth every penny. If it were to stop, this country would be screwed.
I am not arguing anything. Just giving facts. Free worldwide sea lanes are worth every penny. If it were to stop, this country would be screwed.

How come our "alleged" grateful allies apparently disagree with you cause they seem to find your assertion a non-starter, or is it they simply would rather fuck the BIG sucker up the ass?

State your rational case that 6 nuclear powered aircraft carriers couldn't do the job as compared to 12.

State your rational and common sense solution to the 20 trillion $ national debt and crumbling infrastructure issue estimated to cost another trillion $. How does all of that fit the 12 new nuclear powered aircraft carriers spending at about 5 billion $ a copy not counting the billions it cost just to operate one of them.

I'll be looking forward to your rational and common sense solutions to the combined issues and make your case as to how you suggest we pay for it all including the welfare state.
How come our "alleged" grateful allies apparently disagree with you cause they seem to find your assertion a non-starter, or is it they simply would rather fuck the BIG sucker up the ass?

State your rational case that 6 nuclear powered aircraft carriers couldn't do the job as compared to 12.

State your rational and common sense solution to the 20 trillion $ national debt and crumbling infrastructure issue estimated to cost another trillion $. How does all of that fit the 12 new nuclear powered aircraft carriers spending at about 5 billion $ a copy not counting the billions it cost just to operate one of them.

I'll be looking forward to your rational and common sense solutions to the combined issues and make your case as to how you suggest we pay for it all including the welfare state.

Look Fenderhead. This discussion is obviously way over your head. Do a little research, learn something, then come back and try to discuss this intelligently. Thanks.
I am not arguing anything. Just giving facts. Free worldwide sea lanes are worth every penny. If it were to stop, this country would be screwed.

How much national debt and crumbling infrastructure military waste fraud and abuse and corporate and social welfare does it take before America is "SCREWED?"
Look Fenderhead. This discussion is obviously way over your head. Do a little research, learn something, then come back and try to discuss this intelligently. Thanks.

So you can't answer any of the pertinent/relevant questions I present you with, right? What else ain't new! You sir are the one learning. I'm teaching you with every post what you don't know. What you don't give a flying fuck about and what's bankrupting America and you're making feeble excuses about sea lanes.
Look Fenderhead. This discussion is obviously way over your head. Do a little research, learn something, then come back and try to discuss this intelligently. Thanks.

^Get's it; now you have learned what the never ending circle of stupidity feels like. :rofl2:
How much national debt and crumbling infrastructure military waste fraud and abuse and corporate and social welfare does it take before America is "SCREWED?"

So you can't answer any of the pertinent/relevant questions I present you with, right? What else ain't new! You sir are the one learning. I'm teaching you with every post what you don't know. What you don't give a flying fuck about and what's bankrupting America and you're making feeble excuses about sea lanes.

Meanwhile, you have ignored everything anyone else has stated and continue to prattle on ignorantly about things you obviously have little or zero knowledge on.

I've already told you that defense spending is not the cause of the massive accumulation of national debt; yet you rant on as if that FACT doesn't matter.
