Can you forgive those who put "unvaccinated" people through a living hell for 2+ yrs?

Well, I am very skeptical about all the conspiracy theory aspects.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy.
I don't think people were purposely lying about anything because it served no purpose.
YES IT DID! Evil as that purpose was, it served a purpose!
It was a serious disease
No, it isn't.
that killed many people
It killed no one.
and nobody how to handle it or the proper cure.
There is no cure except for your own immune system.
There was no more evidence ivermectin was effective
It is, and there is.
and people had no problem getting it if they wanted.
Made no difference to the mandates.
Generally, if we are ill we go to the doctor and follow his treatment and drug recommendations.
Doctors are not God. They make mistakes. Some are outright evil, such as Fauci.
But many decided to treat this disease differently accusing people of lying,
People were lying, in many cases, criminally so. Falsifying public records in Washington State, for example, carries a class B felony penalty.
having financial reasons for recommendations,
They did.
claiming the drugs were not effective.
They 'vaccines' are not effective. They are placebos at best, and a serious health hazard at worst.
Most importantly, they tried to make it political.
It IS political. The Church of Covid is a state religion.
It is no coincidence that the right didn't believe the recommended treatments while the left did.
The right tried to make COVID a conspiracy
The Church of Covid is a conspiracy. The Democrat party is a conspiracy. Government is a conspiracy.
the same way they did Obama's birthplace,
Irrelevance fallacy. Strawman fallacy.
Cruz's fathers involvement in JFK death,
Irrelevance fallacy. Strawman fallacy.
claims Trump won the 2016 popular vote,
Presidents are not elected by popular vote. Discard of the Constitution of the United States.
claims the Republicans were going to do nefarious stuff to prevent his nomination in 2016,
Since the Republicans nominated him that's hooey.
the unemployment rate,
Generally a made up number.
claims of voter fraud in the 2018 midterm,
Election fraud by Democrats did occur in the 2018 midterm elections. It wasn't enough to throw most of the elections.
claims of voter fraud in 2020,
There was no election in 2020.
the crowd at the inauguration,
Irrelevance fallacy. Strawman fallacy.
Deep State,
A phrase created by President Trump to describe unelected bureaucrats in government.
A buzzword created by Democrats to label Conservatives.
Pizzagate, a child sex ring in government, etc.
Irrelevance fallacy. Strawman fallacies.
The Trump crowd is distrustful of government
No. They are distrustful of Democrats that want to destroy the Republic (and did!).
and will believe any claim of government secrets and conspiracies
The Democrat party is a conspiracy. The government is a conspiracy. The government has secrets. So does the Democrat party.
and Trump uses this to drum up support by playing the victim.
So you choose to ignore the continuous persecution. Discard of history.
The COVID controversy was part of this overall approach.
Trump did not create covid19, does not control covid19, and did not shut down the economy over covid19. DEMOCRATS did.
Fresh and Good:

Support and Defend: Military Whistleblowers Confront a Rogue Chain of Command

Bret speaks with three active and past duty service members about their experience in the US military during Covid, they seek to bring to light what they are seeing and what it represents.
Those that did the right and compassionate thing for society saved our medical system

Some republicans wanted our medical system to melt down

I don’t need those idiots or their support
Not my fault they can’t handle the truth

Pfizer admits: Covid vaccine was never meant to stop transmission
‘Moving at the speed of science’ does not excuse Pfizer’s bold claims, which it knew to be untrue

By James David Dickson | October 14, 2022Share on FacebookShare on Twitter

Pfizer exec Janine Small claims the company was moving “at the speed of science.” But that does not explain why it would make bold claims it did not know to be true.
The COVID-19 vaccine was never designed to stop transmission of the virus, and it was never tested to see whether it did, the company admitted this week.

Not only did Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tweet in April 2021 that the vaccine was “100% effective in preventing COVID cases in South Africa,” the company put out a press release making the claim.

We now know that the company made these claims with zero data to support them. Because the data didn’t exist. Pfizer says so itself.

Bourla was called before the European Parliament’s COVID-19 committee this week but did not make himself available. He sent Janine Small, president of international markets for Pfizer, in his stead.

Rob Roos, a member of parliament from the Netherlands, asked Small:

Was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share the data with this committee?

Small answered: “Regarding the question around, did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? No.”

She continued: “We had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. And from that point of view, we had to do everything at risk.”

But “the speed of science” only explains why Pfizer would act fast. It may even explain the government’s emergency use authorization.

It does not explain why Pfizer would make bold claims it did not know to be true.

These claims became the basis for vaccine mandates. If a drug really existed that would stop the spread of a deadly global virus, only the most unselfish people would deny it, held the conventional wisdom of the time. President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made several statements to that effect, and other Western leaders joined them.

Now we know that no such transmission-stopping drug existed, and that the jab wasn’t designed or tested for this.

As Roos said on Twitter after the hearing:

“‘Get vaccinated for others’ was always a lie.

“The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated.”

241 Americans died yesterday of Covid, almost all of them certainly among the unvaccinated. 28,000 new cases. Apologize? Fuck no. Waiting on you to become another statistic. It's only a matter of time. If you are not vaccinated, you are over 16 times more likely to die. Suit yourself.

of covid or with covid?

the data doesn't contain that distinction. it never has.
Just a reminder of some of the complete and utter hell that Demonkkkrat communists put "unvaccinated" people through before you cast your midterm vote (hopefully sensibly for Republicans)....

I find myself having a hard time forgiving anyone who forced people to wear masks, forced people to undergo invasive medical procedures (such as tests and jabs), forced people out of their jobs, forced people to die in hospitals without family members by their side, vehemently and venomously ridiculed and treated "unvaccinated people" like lepers (shunning them from society), denied people healthcare because they were "unvaccinated", denied people hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as treatment options, forced people onto ventilators who shouldn't've been on them to kill them to collect government money, lied to people about the efficacy of the jabs, lied to people about what kind of testing (if any) was performed with regard to the jabs, denied/censored/covered up the side effects (such as myocarditis, blood clots, and bells palsy) that were occurring due to the jabs, and many many more tyrannical evil actions.

Such people would first need to be truly apologetic about their abovementioned actions and even then they shouldn't get away from any of it "Scott free". It's truly disgusting what these people did and what monsters they turned into (and might still be to this very day).

This is one of MANY reasons why I will be voting straight Republican this November.

“Living hell”, ok snowflake!
Next we should be apologizing to Trump for being mad that he stole top secret classified documents. And to the rioters for trying to overthrow the government. And to Herschel Walker for pointing out that we are pointing out that he is what Repubicans call a 'murderer'. And to Alex Jones for calling him on his disgusting subhuman conspiracy theories. Let me get started on my apology tour by saying to bird brain 'FUCK YOU'.

Good start?
Well, I am very skeptical about all the conspiracy theory aspects.
What "conspiracy theory aspects" are you referring to, specifically?

I don't think people were purposely lying about anything because it served no purpose.
As I said in my OP, the efficacy of the jabs was most definitely lied about, as was the amount of testing that was performed with regard to the jabs.

[1] These jabs were originally sold to the public as being "95+% effective". That turned out to be a lie, as most everyone who has gotten the jabs has also gotten COVID. This is the documented truth that you can look up for yourself, not a conspiracy theory.

[2] These jabs were also sold to the public as being able to "prevent oneself (as well as others around you) from getting COVID". IOW, it was sold as being able to "prevent illness" and "prevent transmission". That turned out to be a lie, not only because people were still getting sick and transmitting the disease anyway, but also because Pfizer themselves have now openly stated that they never tested their jabs for "preventing transmission". The whole "get jabbed so grandma doesn't get sick" mantra had absolutely ZERO rational basis, since Pfizer now-admittedly never tested that claim in the first place (and still hasn't to this very day). This is the documented truth that you can look up for yourself, not a conspiracy theory.

The purpose of these aforementioned lies was ultimately to transfer as much money as possible from taxpaying citizens to Big Harma. It worked. Big Harma has made countless BILLIONS of dollars off of this scam while your own pocketbook is all the lighter...

It was a serious disease
No, it was a rather mild disease actually.

that killed many people
It killed absolutely nobody. See the COVID death scam article within my sig ("...debunked!") for more information on the death certificate scam that sneaks COVID into the very bottom of Section 1 when it should really be listed in Section 2.

and nobody how to handle it or the proper cure.
It was known quite early on that both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were safe and effective treatments. Those treatment options were quickly suppressed by TPTB.

There was no more evidence ivermectin was effective
A lie. See Uttar Pradesh.

and people had no problem getting it if they wanted.
A lie. See the unavailability of ivermectin as an OTC medication in the States. See the widespread unwillingness of doctors to prescribe it and/or pharmacies to fill that prescription. See the number of people resorting to obtaining/using the horse paste version of it because they had difficulty getting the human pill version of it. See the FDA twitter page proclaiming that "you are not a horse, you are not a cow". TPTB actively did NOT want the general populace getting their hands on ivermectin.

Generally, if we are ill we go to the doctor and follow his treatment and drug recommendations.
Who is "we"? Generally, if I am ill, I rest and make sure that I am adequately hydrated and eating a healthy diet. I might also take some OTC medicine. If that doesn't work after an extended period of time, then I generally go to a doctor and seek the treatment that I need (such as an antibiotic prescription). I don't automatically adhere to everything that the doctor tells me or suggests that I do, because he might very well say or suggest something that is rather stupid. Thankfully, that doesn't happen very often because I have a doctor who isn't indoctrinated and isn't a complete moron.

But many decided to treat this disease differently
Correct, because indoctrinated doctors were making bad suggestions and refusing to prescribe what actually works (in favor of prescribing risky new rushed hardly tested Big Harma products), so people who knew better seeked more effective and less harmful treatment options (such as ivermectin).

accusing people of lying,
Because they WERE lying. Pfizer lied about the testing that they did on their jabs, for example.

having financial reasons for recommendations,
Because there WERE financial reasons for recommendations. For example, all of the government money involved with COVID testing, COVID cases, COVID hospitalizations, and so called "COVID deaths".

claiming the drugs were not effective.
Which drugs? You mean "run-death-is-near" and "max-covid"?

Once again, the COVID scam was ultimately a HUUUUUUUUUUGE money transfer from taxpayers to Big Harma. Big Harma made out BIG off of taxpayer dollars because of this scam.

Most importantly, they tried to make it political.
The Demonkkkrat communists made it political. (See my OP).

It is no coincidence that the right didn't believe the recommended treatments while the left did.
The "recommended treatments" were injuring and killing people instead of healing them.

The right tried to make COVID a conspiracy
The Demonkkkrat Party ITSELF is a conspiracy.

the same way they did Obama's birthplace,
His supposed "birth certificate" was/is problematic for a number of reasons. This issue was never resolved, but at this point is irrelevant as he already did his damage during two official terms (and now for an unofficial third term via the current Chief Puppet). This is documented truth, not a conspiracy.

Cruz's fathers involvement in JFK death,
Why is this important?

claims Trump won the 2016 popular vote,
There is no "popular vote". He won the electoral college vote 304-227. This is documented truth, not a conspiracy.

claims the Republicans were going to do nefarious stuff to prevent his nomination in 2016,
The RNC wanted "Jeb!" to win, but Republican voters chose Trump instead. This is documented truth, not a conspiracy.

the unemployment rate,
The way that this rate is calculated has changed to make it appear lower than it actually is and it is now both dishonest and incomplete.

claims of voter fraud in the 2018 midterm,
I think you mean "election fraud" (not voter fraud), and there were claims of election fraud by both Republicans AND Demonkkkrats in 2018. For instance, I claimed that the Wisconsin Gubernatorial race in 2018 experienced widespread fraud, especially in Milwaukee County, that handed "Tyrant Tony" Evers the "win" over Scott "Brown Bag Lunch" Walker. On the other hand, Stacey Abrams claimed election fraud in her race against the RINO dipshit Kemp, and still to this very day has not conceded that race. You will never ever ever ever ever see CNN call Stacey Abrams an "election denier".

claims of voter fraud in 2020,
Again, I think you mean election fraud. There is a mountain of evidence for election fraud regarding what was supposed to be the 2020 election, but Demonkkkrat communists simply pretend that it doesn't exist by vigorously repeating the mantra "there is no evidence of widespread fraud".

I also noticed that you conveniently forgot to mention the Demonkkkrat claims of election fraud re: 2000, 2004, 2016 (and even 2018 that I already touched on above). Remember the "hanging chad" fraud claims in 2000? Remember Hilary claiming fraud in 2016? You can even watch a lengthy video compilation of Demonkkkrat claims of election fraud if you wish to educate yourself...

the crowd at the inauguration,

Deep State,
It exists. For example, the existence and tactics of the "4th Branch of Government" (Intelligence Branch) is well known and documented at this point. The existence of Klaus Schwab and the WEF's influence over numerous multinational corporate policies is well known and documented at this point.

This is a Demonkkkrat conspiracy theory, as I have only ever heard Demonkkkrats talk about it.

Pizzagate, a child sex ring in government, etc.
All documented and known at this point.

The Trump crowd is distrustful of government

My OP includes a plethora of government lies... Why would I trust an entity that lies so often and so blatantly?

and will believe any claim of government secrets and conspiracies
Nope. Only the ones that are corroborated, and there are A LOT of them that are.

and Trump uses this to drum up support by playing the victim.
His "America First" economic policies speak for themselves and drum up support all on their own. He has no need to "play victim" and doesn't pretend that he's a victim in every situation around him. He IS a victim at times though, such as the illegal raid on Mar-a-lago.

If anyone "plays victim", it is a percentage of black people who believe the media lies about anything and everything "disproportionately affecting people/communities of color", whatever THAT means.

The COVID controversy was part of this overall approach.
What is "the COVID controversy"?
Last edited:
What can I say about your opinion except that I don't agree with it?
You could say WHY you don't agree with it... or don't you have any rational basis for disagreeing with it?

I will also note that much of my OP actually contains documented truths rather than opinions (IOW, it largely isn't "my opinion").
Pfizer admits: Covid vaccine was never meant to stop transmission
‘Moving at the speed of science’ does not excuse Pfizer’s bold claims, which it knew to be untrue

By James David Dickson | October 14, 2022Share on FacebookShare on Twitter

Pfizer exec Janine Small claims the company was moving “at the speed of science.” But that does not explain why it would make bold claims it did not know to be true.
The COVID-19 vaccine was never designed to stop transmission of the virus, and it was never tested to see whether it did, the company admitted this week.

Not only did Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tweet in April 2021 that the vaccine was “100% effective in preventing COVID cases in South Africa,” the company put out a press release making the claim.

We now know that the company made these claims with zero data to support them. Because the data didn’t exist. Pfizer says so itself.

Bourla was called before the European Parliament’s COVID-19 committee this week but did not make himself available. He sent Janine Small, president of international markets for Pfizer, in his stead.

Rob Roos, a member of parliament from the Netherlands, asked Small:

Was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share the data with this committee?

Small answered: “Regarding the question around, did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? No.”

She continued: “We had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. And from that point of view, we had to do everything at risk.”

But “the speed of science” only explains why Pfizer would act fast. It may even explain the government’s emergency use authorization.

It does not explain why Pfizer would make bold claims it did not know to be true.

These claims became the basis for vaccine mandates. If a drug really existed that would stop the spread of a deadly global virus, only the most unselfish people would deny it, held the conventional wisdom of the time. President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made several statements to that effect, and other Western leaders joined them.

Now we know that no such transmission-stopping drug existed, and that the jab wasn’t designed or tested for this.

As Roos said on Twitter after the hearing:

“‘Get vaccinated for others’ was always a lie.

“The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated.”


Oh no, you are not going to show us the edited video again are you?

It has been debunked
Buy a mirror
A mirror is not "MAGA militia". I am not "MAGA militia" either. What is "MAGA militia"? Please point out this "MAGA militia" to me.

Nearly everything
Evasion. What specifically have I been wrong about regarding COVID. You need to provide specifics in order to hold an intelligent conversation.

When was the last time the common flu killed millions
It never has.

Now answer my questions above or else I won't answer any further questions from you since this isn't a one way street.

But far less are dying, duh
False, and a goalpost shift. You are now trying to shift over from infections to deaths because you were shown to be wrong about infections and have no retort to what I said about it. You are now choosing to be dishonest rather than admit that I was right and you were wrong.

... out of/from what? You need to be specific in order for your words to hold meaning.

Thus, COVID jabs (by definition) spread COVID. Can you not follow any basic train of thought?

Yes they are.

See phrase two above
That was a yes or no question. Do you mean "herd immunity"?