Canada, Mexico Steelmakers Refuse New US Orders

I am seeing so many stories of people claiming that they recently bought an $80K piece of shit pick-up or a half a million piece of shit boat or a million dollar piece of shit RV.

But like on YouTube.

I dont see mention of the collapse of quality story in Regime Media or even most Alt-Media ....and I dont think it is because there is nothing to talk about.....I think that people other than the victims generally dont want to talk about it.
You're getting your news on YouTube?
"we can make it all here" no, we cannot. We don't have the resources, the money, the people, or the ability to do so.
yes we can.

we print money out of thin air.

if we can print it for idiot wars, we can print it to revitalize our industries.

only one of these is a good investment.
yes we can.

we print money out of thin air.

if we can print it for idiot wars, we can print it to revitalize our industries.

only one of these is a good investment.
Printing money out of thin air does not magically make resources appear out of thin air. It does not magically make people appear out of thin air. It does not magically make industries materialize out of thin air.
why does it work for Ukraine and not the steel industry?
Because Ukraine has been given things we already have. Almost all the aid has been weapons we already had stockpiled.. We don't have a functional steel industry that is not reliant on other countries. Are you really this goddamn stupid?
When trump is done with the USA will we still be a larger economy?

The original whole concept of the BRICS was that they were so large that they could actually have a self maintaining economy, even with high trade barriers. Brazil has almost as many people as the USA, and India has much more people than the USA.
Hey Wally, weren't you one of the drones laughing at Trump for mixing up the S in BRICS? How about you get your own facts straight before throwing shade, genius? The term BRIC wasn't coined to say they could be a 'self maintaining economy', you moron. It was about them becoming a dominant economic force together. Close, not so much, especially not closer than Trump's slip-up saying Spain instead of South Africa, which, by the way, wasn't even part of BRIC until years later, lol.

And let's not forget, BRIC(S) came from a Brit Libtard at Goldman Sachs in 2001, who was about as conservative as Liz Cheney is Republican. He bailed from the party later, probably out of sheer embarrassment for his predictably bad prediction. As usual, the libtard dream went down the drain. Those countries aren't exactly setting the world on fire with economic dominance, are they? LOL. Sure, you could point to China as growing, but they're sucking ass in many ways recently. It won't get any better soon without their thumb on the Presidency as they enjoyed with Biden.

Also, they desperately need to keep those trade doors wide open. They suck at making meds, tech, enough energy, planes, and let's not overlook the luxury crap their Libtard leaders crave. That's just scratching the surface of what they need to import. If you're gonna act like you know something, Wally, at least get your shit straight first.
You think there is more than one producer of IPhones? A patent holder with exclusive rights is free to charge whatever the market will pay. Steel is not currently patented by any one company.

Like any item in the economy where there is competition, if an American company sees that they can make a profit selling steel at the price that it is currently being purchased for domestically then they might start producing steel. If they can't make a profit, then they won't start producing steel unless they are looking to lose money.

Yes, foreign importers can drop their prices to the point that domestic steel mills can't compete and they go out of business because they can't make a profit at the price that an imported steel with a 25% tariff is selling for. That would just defeat the claimed purpose of the tariff.

lol more rubbish economics. You think there is real competition or something. Look up 'dumping' and 'govt. subsidies', and learn why their 'profits' don't rely on prices being higher than costs, for one.

One of the reasons the British Empire went bankrupt and both Germany and the U.S. ran over it by the end of the 19th Century is because of tariffs, and not their own tariffs but 'everybody elses' while they allowed their financial sector to take over their economy while the U.S. and Germany built theirs up, via drum roll please, high tariffs.
Boy oh boy, that's definitely a step up from a 1st graders best insult, all the way to a 2nd graders best insult. Real progress for a drone. LOL What a door knob. You represent all of the Libtard parroting drones like a true champion for your cause. :hand:
It's actually the argument of a toddler that hasn't yet reached school age. It's mimickry and mocking.
Too fucking bad I guess we'll just have to go back to making our own then.

Oh wait what were those tariffs for again?
Joe's looking forward to that minimum wage job shoveling coal in 120F heat for minimum wage and no benefits.

It's only 50 hours a week and no overtime pay!