Canada to leave retaliatory tariffs in place!

IF I remember right didn't the founders of this country fight against being at a King and the taxes he was putting on them?
So why are you MAGAS NOT doing the same thing now?
Trump is acting like a King/ dictator doing what ever he wants and his tariffs are a tax on the American consumer so why aren't the MAGA fighting for freedom?
Because they do what Trump tells them to do.
As Trump back downs on his tariffs again, Canada announces, they will leave the retaliatory tear. They put in place until they’re sure Trump‘s repeal of the tariffs are permanent.

Looks like Canada didn’t come to play.

So leftist dimwits are mad when he institutes tariffs and mad when he doesn't. You morons can't seem to be for much of anything but always against America. Sad and pathetic.
The Felon: I’m imposing Tarrifs.

Canada: That’s a mistake.

The Felon: I’ll delay it a month.

Canada: ok

The Felon: Ok now I’m serious, I’m imposing Tarrifs.

Canada: Ok, so will we.

The Felon: Ill repeal the Tarrifs.

Canada; We are going to keep our tarriffs up till you make up your mind.
Jarod in a fit of TDS:

If Trump was not doing this there would be status quo and no negotiations... Methinks bringing folks to the table to speak of more equitable trade agreements is probably a goal of the guy who got elected saying he would do exactly that using tariffs as the tool to start it....

Basically, Jarod knows that Trump is doing what he said he would do, what those folks that voted for him wanted him to do. He just wants to portray it as a "failure" because the threat of a stick got a result that Trump wanted and he didn't have to actually take the stick from its place of glory on the wall mounting... Trudeau would have happily continued taking advantage of the trade deficit... instead he's negotiating with Trump. I am surprised at how quickly this resulted in exactly what Trump wanted... talks.
If Trump was not doing this there would be status quo and no negotiations... Methinks bringing folks to the table to speak of more equitable trade agreements is probably a goal of the guy who got elected saying he would do exactly that using tariffs as the tool to start it....

Basically, Jarod knows that Trump is doing what he said he would do, what those folks that voted for him wanted him to do. He just wants to portray it as a "failure" because the threat of a stick got a result that Trump wanted. Trudeau would have happily continued taking advantage of the trade deficit... instead he's negotiating with Trump. I am surprised at how quickly this resulted in exactly what Trump wanted... talks.
Kamala voters are really stupid, lack self-awareness and wallow in hypocrisy. ;)
You are 100% correct on that.
We have two big auto plants in this area and the workers don't know what is going to happen and some of them are preparing to be laid off ( soon ) and may have to look for other jobs, the uncertainty is really getting to them.
It doesn't look good for people around here that work in the auto industry.
You love Trump's chaos, inconsistencies, and constant flip-flopping.

No, we love watching you leftist dumbasses cry, pound your tiny fists on the table and have conniptions as you suffer from severe TDS. :laugh:

Other nations are probably only going to tolerate it to a certain degree. They are not obligated to love what you love

What other nations would those be? The many who desperately need American markets, goods, services and defense? :laugh:
They already are pulling JD whiskey off their shelves and people in KY are already feeling it.
Jack Daniels does 1% of their business in Canada. They won't suffer.

I find it ironic that the Ontario Liquor board run by the Ottawa Government, yes they own the stores there, are going to not sell inventory they already paid for.

They're REALLY going to show those Americans. :laugh:
Anything the flip-flopping felon does, MAGAs are going to defend with all their heart and soul
Everything Trump does right, morons on your side will be against. Men beating women in women's sports, Men using women's restrooms, criminal aliens wandering about the countryside, open borders, illegals committing murder and rape, Government corruption. I hope they keep running on those things that nearly 80% of all voters don't agree with. Really I do.

Yup, they even admit it. They care about the person, not the policy.
Another moronic lie filled statement. That was Kamala voters like you. Democrats don't have any policies. They are for men beating women in women's sports, criminal aliens, open borders, government corruption and abortion on demand. They are for what nearly 80% of all voters are against.

By all means, continue! :laugh: