Canadians Prepared to Go to War Against America to Defend Independence from Trump: 'Just Say When'

I guess Smarty has his own reality. In our reality, if you want a huge number of veterans, you draft people. The draft ended over half a century ago, so the really huge number of veterans are dying out. In fact, WWII veterans are almost gone, almost all being over 100. The WWI veterans are all gone. The majority of the Korean War veterans are gone. The Vietnam War Era veterans are dying out.

Odd how almost all combat soldiers carry rifles rather than handguns.

Almost all guns are officially registered at one point. If you lose your registration on a fully automatic gun, you have lost a very expensive thing indeed.

It is extremely rare for a fully automatic gun to be found.
the math isn't working out..........majority of veterans are over 75??????? I am around veterans on an almost daily basis and only one of them is over 75.

that rifle is nearly useless in CQC............each weapon has it's benefits

proof that you know next to nothing about guns. It's almost too easy to turn my AR in to an auto with a simple piece of metal.
the math isn't working out..........majority of veterans are over 75???????
The draft ended 52 years ago. That was the end of drafting broad sections of American society. Even then, it was not like the WWII draft where everyone in reasonable health was taken. After 1972, the fewer veterans were used in smaller wars, but over and over again. There are veterans who spent 7 or 8 years in combat, which was almost impossible for previous veterans.

I am around veterans on an almost daily basis and only one of them is over 75.
If you lived in a Black neighborhood, you could tell us that you are around Americans on a daily basis, and all of them are Black. Would that mean that all Americans are Black?

I am beginning to wonder if you really know any veterans, but being charitable, and saying you do, you obviously do not know a good cross section of veterans.

that rifle is nearly useless in CQC
If you are fighting in close quarters combat, then you have failed. But even there, rifles can have bayonets. A bayonet turns a rifle into a pike, or even a sword. And if nothing else, you can hit someone over the head with a rifle.

There is a reason that most combat soldiers are not issued handguns. They are not the preferred weapon in almost any type of combat. The major good feature of a handgun is ease of carrying, but that is less important if you know you are going into combat.
The draft ended 52 years ago. That was the end of drafting broad sections of American society. Even then, it was not like the WWII draft where everyone in reasonable health was taken. After 1972, the fewer veterans were used in smaller wars, but over and over again. There are veterans who spent 7 or 8 years in combat, which was almost impossible for previous veterans.

If you lived in a Black neighborhood, you could tell us that you are around Americans on a daily basis, and all of them are Black. Would that mean that all Americans are Black?

I am beginning to wonder if you really know any veterans, but being charitable, and saying you do, you obviously do not know a good cross section of veterans.

If you are fighting in close quarters combat, then you have failed. But even there, rifles can have bayonets. A bayonet turns a rifle into a pike, or even a sword. And if nothing else, you can hit someone over the head with a rifle.

There is a reason that most combat soldiers are not issued handguns. They are not the preferred weapon in almost any type of combat. The major good feature of a handgun is ease of carrying, but that is less important if you know you are going into combat.
if you want to narrow it down to combat veterans only, your math still fails. we have millions volunteer for the first gulf war as well as the second.

I'm a veteran. of course I know other veterans.

In case you hadn't noticed, but the last couple of wars have taken place in a lot of urban areas where close quarters combat is kind of necessary.

you should really stop commenting on subjects that you know nothing about.
As Trump is credited with the removal of Trudeau.... who most Canadians are happy to have gone.
How feckless politicians like Newscum and Trudeau remain in power is a testimony to people not standing up to their bullshit. Canada is awakening and California is experiencing the failures of their elected officials.
Let's hope the trump effect will open more eyes.

BTW, I love Bowel Woman who is passing out a lot of finger emojis in a silly attempt to ruin your "stats", whatever they are. Be afraid, be very afraid.
How feckless politicians like Newscum and Trudeau remain in power is a testimony to people not standing up to their bullshit. Canada is awakening and California is experiencing the failures of their elected officials.
Let's hope the trump effect will open more eyes.

BTW, I love Bowel Woman who is passing out a lot of finger emojis in a silly attempt to ruin your "stats", whatever they are. Be afraid, be very afraid.
I was asking questions about the reaction score.....which she likely took as evidence that I care about it.

9 years Trudeau was in office...not that he was running things because he was in large degree a figure head for the real power.... but we get to laugh at Canadians for that.

As their standard of living has plummeted.
Damocles, owner of this site.
Only one rule is ever enforced and that’s 12b. And it’s enforced selectively.
Dutch, aka Commander Dutch, aka Douche Commander has had a habit of breaking all the rules including 12b but got a pass since he was making 100+ posts/day, every day of the week, month and year without fail.
The post count apparently increases the ad revenue was all we could figure as to why he was never banned for flaunting the 12b rule.
Finally Damo had enough apparently.
Bowel woman is hopelessly rude and low class, calling other female posters cunts and whores. She’ll be your friend until you disagree with her on any topic once , then turns on you immediately and forever.
Anyway good night. It’s 11:00 Hawai’i time.
^That's about what one needs to know here. :dunno:
That, and

melania is always on the prowl for a man... A real man.
Rubbish OP link, conjured up by some hack on a slow news day.

If it were true, we would be flooded by Canadian draft dodgers seeking asylum.
When I think of the Canadians I am reminded of the Brits....also with a vaporwear military, which even when they were bigger performed very poorly in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

They yap big....that is about all they have.