

Leftist Vermin
I have finally achieved my life's goal of serving as a horrible example. :laugh:

Yesterday I found out that I had cancer. "Had" is the operative word here. I haven't had a mammo since I was 40. (Bad nurse, bad!) Due to a dear family member's diagnosis, I surrendered and had one in July. They found a something. Had a needle biopsy in Sept. which came back negative for cancer. Out of an abundance of caution, I opted to have Brutus removed via lumpectomy a couple of weeks ago. The results came back yesterday. There was a miniscule bit of DCIS -- ductal carcinoma in situ. It's all gone now. I may or may not need to have a short round of follow-up radiation; the surgeon seemed to feel that it is unnecessary but deferred to the oncologist.

So, good people, here's the thing. Don't be a dumb owl. Get your mammos, your prostate exams, your testicle fondlings, colonoscopies/Cologuards, etc. And please live long and prosper!
I have finally achieved my life's goal of serving as a horrible example. :laugh:

Yesterday I found out that I had cancer. "Had" is the operative word here. I haven't had a mammo since I was 40. (Bad nurse, bad!) Due to a dear family member's diagnosis, I surrendered and had one in July. They found a something. Had a needle biopsy in Sept. which came back negative for cancer. Out of an abundance of caution, I opted to have Brutus removed via lumpectomy a couple of weeks ago. The results came back yesterday. There was a miniscule bit of DCIS -- ductal carcinoma in situ. It's all gone now. I may or may not need to have a short round of follow-up radiation; the surgeon seemed to feel that it is unnecessary but deferred to the oncologist.

So, good people, here's the thing. Don't be a dumb owl. Get your mammos, your prostate exams, your testicle fondlings, colonoscopies/Cologuards, etc. And please live long and prosper!

This is great news and good advice. Thank you.
I have finally achieved my life's goal of serving as a horrible example. :laugh:

Yesterday I found out that I had cancer. "Had" is the operative word here. I haven't had a mammo since I was 40. (Bad nurse, bad!) Due to a dear family member's diagnosis, I surrendered and had one in July. They found a something. Had a needle biopsy in Sept. which came back negative for cancer. Out of an abundance of caution, I opted to have Brutus removed via lumpectomy a couple of weeks ago. The results came back yesterday. There was a miniscule bit of DCIS -- ductal carcinoma in situ. It's all gone now. I may or may not need to have a short round of follow-up radiation; the surgeon seemed to feel that it is unnecessary but deferred to the oncologist.

So, good people, here's the thing. Don't be a dumb owl. Get your mammos, your prostate exams, your testicle fondlings, colonoscopies/Cologuards, etc. And please live long and prosper!

Congrats on finding out and getting treatment. Agreed on following medical advice for regular testing. I lost a dear aunt due to cancer because she "never went to a doctor unless it was really necessary". By the time it was necessary, she was terminal.
I have finally achieved my life's goal of serving as a horrible example. :laugh:

Yesterday I found out that I had cancer. "Had" is the operative word here. I haven't had a mammo since I was 40. (Bad nurse, bad!) Due to a dear family member's diagnosis, I surrendered and had one in July. They found a something. Had a needle biopsy in Sept. which came back negative for cancer. Out of an abundance of caution, I opted to have Brutus removed via lumpectomy a couple of weeks ago. The results came back yesterday. There was a miniscule bit of DCIS -- ductal carcinoma in situ. It's all gone now. I may or may not need to have a short round of follow-up radiation; the surgeon seemed to feel that it is unnecessary but deferred to the oncologist.

So, good people, here's the thing. Don't be a dumb owl. Get your mammos, your prostate exams, your testicle fondlings, colonoscopies/Cologuards, etc. And please live long and prosper!

Glad to hear you caught it early and treated it!
Congrats on finding out and getting treatment. Agreed on following medical advice for regular testing. I lost a dear aunt due to cancer because she "never went to a doctor unless it was really necessary". By the time it was necessary, she was terminal.

Thanks. Sure hope that my story here will encourage others to get their screenings before something gets out of hand!
That's great news Owl. In attempt to win the Captain Obvious award of the year I have to assume it's a huge relief!
I have finally achieved my life's goal of serving as a horrible example. :laugh:

Yesterday I found out that I had cancer. "Had" is the operative word here. I haven't had a mammo since I was 40. (Bad nurse, bad!) Due to a dear family member's diagnosis, I surrendered and had one in July. They found a something. Had a needle biopsy in Sept. which came back negative for cancer. Out of an abundance of caution, I opted to have Brutus removed via lumpectomy a couple of weeks ago. The results came back yesterday. There was a miniscule bit of DCIS -- ductal carcinoma in situ. It's all gone now. I may or may not need to have a short round of follow-up radiation; the surgeon seemed to feel that it is unnecessary but deferred to the oncologist.

So, good people, here's the thing. Don't be a dumb owl. Get your mammos, your prostate exams, your testicle fondlings, colonoscopies/Cologuards, etc. And please live long and prosper!

My immediate concern, of course, is for your wellness,

but I will add that I subject myself to all the precautions that you've suggested

[except maybe mammos because my boobs, although fleshier than they once were, remain unimpressive]

and yet I'm still a grumpy old prick.

Go figure.
I have finally achieved my life's goal of serving as a horrible example. :laugh:

Yesterday I found out that I had cancer. "Had" is the operative word here. I haven't had a mammo since I was 40. (Bad nurse, bad!) Due to a dear family member's diagnosis, I surrendered and had one in July. They found a something. Had a needle biopsy in Sept. which came back negative for cancer. Out of an abundance of caution, I opted to have Brutus removed via lumpectomy a couple of weeks ago. The results came back yesterday. There was a miniscule bit of DCIS -- ductal carcinoma in situ. It's all gone now. I may or may not need to have a short round of follow-up radiation; the surgeon seemed to feel that it is unnecessary but deferred to the oncologist.

So, good people, here's the thing. Don't be a dumb owl. Get your mammos, your prostate exams, your testicle fondlings, colonoscopies/Cologuards, etc. And please live long and prosper!
Finally! I’m so very glad you are cancer free. I won’t scold, you but, will implore you to keep following up. Sending hugs and glad Brutus has been removed.

Please keep us posted.
I have finally achieved my life's goal of serving as a horrible example. :laugh:

Yesterday I found out that I had cancer. "Had" is the operative word here. I haven't had a mammo since I was 40. (Bad nurse, bad!) Due to a dear family member's diagnosis, I surrendered and had one in July. They found a something. Had a needle biopsy in Sept. which came back negative for cancer. Out of an abundance of caution, I opted to have Brutus removed via lumpectomy a couple of weeks ago. The results came back yesterday. There was a miniscule bit of DCIS -- ductal carcinoma in situ. It's all gone now. I may or may not need to have a short round of follow-up radiation; the surgeon seemed to feel that it is unnecessary but deferred to the oncologist.

So, good people, here's the thing. Don't be a dumb owl. Get your mammos, your prostate exams, your testicle fondlings, colonoscopies/Cologuards, etc. And please live long and prosper!

I am so glad you had the lumpectomy! Don't forget pap smears. ((Hugs))
My immediate concern, of course, is for your wellness,

but I will add that I subject myself to all the precautions that you've suggested

[except maybe mammos because my boobs, although fleshier than they once were, remain unimpressive]

and yet I'm still a grumpy old prick.

Go figure.

I'm not sure that they can cure that, yet. :laugh:

Thank you for taking care of your health.
Finally! I’m so very glad you are cancer free. I won’t scold you, but, will implore you to keep following up. Sending hugs and glad Brutus has been removed.

Please keep us posted.

I sure will, and thanks for all of your encouragement and support, both public and private. Here's a song for you.

I have finally achieved my life's goal of serving as a horrible example. :laugh:

Yesterday I found out that I had cancer. "Had" is the operative word here. I haven't had a mammo since I was 40. (Bad nurse, bad!) Due to a dear family member's diagnosis, I surrendered and had one in July. They found a something. Had a needle biopsy in Sept. which came back negative for cancer. Out of an abundance of caution, I opted to have Brutus removed via lumpectomy a couple of weeks ago. The results came back yesterday. There was a miniscule bit of DCIS -- ductal carcinoma in situ. It's all gone now. I may or may not need to have a short round of follow-up radiation; the surgeon seemed to feel that it is unnecessary but deferred to the oncologist.

So, good people, here's the thing. Don't be a dumb owl. Get your mammos, your prostate exams, your testicle fondlings, colonoscopies/Cologuards, etc. And please live long and prosper!

I am glad your body took good care of you. Keep following up! Breast cancer is not what it used to be, but it can sill kill.

My wife found hers early and treated it aggressively, she is now 5 years cancer free.
I am glad your body took good care of you. Keep following up! Breast cancer is not what it used to be, but it can sill kill.

My wife found hers early and treated it aggressively, she is now 5 years cancer free.
Great news, I’ll be 18 years free in 2024.