
I have finally achieved my life's goal of serving as a horrible example. :laugh:

Yesterday I found out that I had cancer. "Had" is the operative word here. I haven't had a mammo since I was 40. (Bad nurse, bad!) Due to a dear family member's diagnosis, I surrendered and had one in July. They found a something. Had a needle biopsy in Sept. which came back negative for cancer. Out of an abundance of caution, I opted to have Brutus removed via lumpectomy a couple of weeks ago. The results came back yesterday. There was a miniscule bit of DCIS -- ductal carcinoma in situ. It's all gone now. I may or may not need to have a short round of follow-up radiation; the surgeon seemed to feel that it is unnecessary but deferred to the oncologist.

So, good people, here's the thing. Don't be a dumb owl. Get your mammos, your prostate exams, your testicle fondlings, colonoscopies/Cologuards, etc. And please live long and prosper!

Soooooo glad all turned out soooooo well

I was terrified when I saw the thread title

I Bless the moon and stars that you are healthy

The world needs wonderful people like you need it
Soooooo glad all turned out soooooo well

I was terrified when I saw the thread title

I Bless the moon and stars that you are healthy

The world needs wonderful people like you need it

You think the moon and stars had anything to to do with it???????? Freaking looney toon
I am glad your body took good care of you. Keep following up! Breast cancer is not what it used to be, but it can sill kill.

My wife found hers early and treated it aggressively, she is now 5 years cancer free.

May she continue to be well, Jarod. Thanks for your good wishes.
You're welcome. Im only 98% jerk. I think you're wrong about almost everything but not even leftists should have to suffer cancer. Be well.

It's okay, I think you're wrong about everything too, but I do appreciate your gracious comments. May you be well, as well.
Lies and irrational hate are not part of kindness

How I wish this lie cult would die a quick and merciful death
Lies and irrational hate are not part of kindness

How I wish this lie cult would die a quick and merciful death

This is why you will only ever get the 98% of me that's a jerk. There's a a few of you. Mrs Owl isnt one of them. If you had started this thread I would have followed my mother's advice, "If you haven't got...." You know the rest.
This is why you will only ever get the 98% of me that's a jerk. There's a a few of you. Mrs Owl isnt one of them. If you had started this thread I would have followed my mother's advice, "If you haven't got...." You know the rest.

You just admitted your core personality

It’s why you love lies and hate most humans
You just admitted your core personality

It’s why you love lies and hate most humans
Good observation, evince.

This is exactly why Internet forums interest me so much; we're allowed to observe people's core personalities. Even if they believe they are only playing a role, it's still their true self. Their core personality.

The maxim "A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts" is very often true. Anything that reduces one's inhibitions, be it alcohol, pot or an anonymous personality on the Internet, is more likely to reveal a person's core personality. Personality makeovers only work if the person is willing. People have free will. People can choose mentally even if they can't physically.

Thanks for bringing this up, evince. It's a subject dear to my heart. :)

FWIW, people can go through rough patches where their personality changes, such as being fired, forced into retirement, divorce, major economic or health problems, etc. This can temporarily alter their core personality which is why it's important to note a person's behavior over time. Sudden changes in personality are flags. Being a fucking asshole from Day One and consistently being so for over three fucking years is clearly their core personality.
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