
I ignore JPP idiots mentally, without the software block, just in case I'm feeling ornery and decide to respond.

Im here to see what EVERYONE has to say

The cruel idiots are how you see the directions of the trend

I spotted it during the creation of the pre maga idiots

The tea party fools

It became very clear to me money people were organizing the idiots in their party to think that they were the smart ones who knew what was really happening

Just lying to them wasn’t working anymore

They needed to be told that they were the special ones who would save the nation from the actual majority of the people who had told them the real facts

So they massaged them into indignant mouthy assholes Who would scream the lies into the faces of those who knew the actual facts

Decent people avoided these new Republican clown troops ready to scream at everyone and just talk loud over anything a normal person tried to say

If you don’t want to be assholes to people you don’t get drawn to the Republican Party now

You have to want to treat people badly because they dont believe the lies republicans have to use to rationalize the things the party does
Im here to see what EVERYONE has to say

The cruel idiots are how you see the directions of the trend

I spotted it during the creation of the pre maga idiots

The tea party fools

It became very clear to me money people were organizing the idiots in their party to think that they were the smart ones who knew what was really happening

Just lying to them wasn’t working anymore

They needed to be told that they were the special ones who would save the nation from the actual majority of the people who had told them the real facts

So they massaged them into indignant mouthy assholes Who would scream the lies into the faces of those who knew the actual facts

Decent people avoided these new Republican clown troops ready to scream at everyone and just talk loud over anything a normal person tried to say


You're extreme, evince, but I love you since your heart is in the right place.
I have finally achieved my life's goal of serving as a horrible example. :laugh:

Yesterday I found out that I had cancer. "Had" is the operative word here. I haven't had a mammo since I was 40. (Bad nurse, bad!) Due to a dear family member's diagnosis, I surrendered and had one in July. They found a something. Had a needle biopsy in Sept. which came back negative for cancer. Out of an abundance of caution, I opted to have Brutus removed via lumpectomy a couple of weeks ago. The results came back yesterday. There was a miniscule bit of DCIS -- ductal carcinoma in situ. It's all gone now. I may or may not need to have a short round of follow-up radiation; the surgeon seemed to feel that it is unnecessary but deferred to the oncologist.

So, good people, here's the thing. Don't be a dumb owl. Get your mammos, your prostate exams, your testicle fondlings, colonoscopies/Cologuards, etc. And please live long and prosper!

You live long and prosper as well and thanks for sharing! It's such a good idea to get mammos and prostate exams as an adult! I