Candace Owens Learns About The Free Market

Whether she doesn't support the guidelines, the event that wants her to test beforehand does.

Pretending that rejecting governmental services for political ideology isn't hypocritical is, as I said before, just jumping into that pool.

I get that you don't like Candace, but if you want to stop the spread of the disease you don't stop anybody from getting tested.
It won’t stop the spread, she won’t wear a mask or follow other guidelines. Not attending one event that requires a test doesn’t mean she won’t expose others, she just won’t expose the people at that particular event.
It won’t stop the spread, she won’t wear a mask or follow other guidelines. Not attending one event that requires a test doesn’t mean she won’t expose others, she just won’t expose the people at that particular event.

It will though, as she won't be able to attend an event that she otherwise would be at.

Regardless of what you think of Candace, the reality is: If you don't want to be a fat hypocrite and want to stop the spread of a disease you would not stop anyone from getting tested, ever.
It will though, as she won't be able to attend an event that she otherwise would be at.

Regardless of what you think of Candace, the reality is: If you don't want to be a fat hypocrite and want to stop the spread of a disease you would not stop anyone from getting tested, ever.

Says the fat neckbeard hypocrite living in his mom's basement. :rofl2:
It will though, as she won't be able to attend an event that she otherwise would be at.

Regardless of what you think of Candace, the reality is: If you don't want to be a fat hypocrite and want to stop the spread of a disease you would not stop anyone from getting tested, ever.
Why do you make it personal? It doesn’t matter what I think of Candace, having a test won’t do squat when she doesn’t follow guidelines. She doesn’t wear a mask and she’s not vaccinated
Oh, Snap!
Swing and a miss. Keep your eye on the ball.

[FONT=&quot]Conservative personality [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Candace Owens[/FONT][FONT=&quot] was trending on Twitter Wednesday after a private COVID-19 testing service denied her service for spreading misinformation[/FONT]
Swing and a miss. Keep your eye on the ball.

[FONT="]Conservative personality [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#1D2228][FONT="]Candace Owens[/FONT][FONT="] was trending on Twitter Wednesday after a private COVID-19 testing service denied her service for spreading misinformation[/FONT]

That just means she can sue for discrimination.

That is a public conveyance.
It will though, as she won't be able to attend an event that she otherwise would be at.

Regardless of what you think of Candace, the reality is: If you don't want to be a fat hypocrite and want to stop the spread of a disease you would not stop anyone from getting tested, ever.
You keep ignoring the fact that the lack of a negative test will keep anyone from attending.

You know what would let her enter without incident?

A vaccination card.
I do think it is more likely that the leftists will learn you can't refuse somebody a government service due to your own dislike of their political ideology and that since the government pays for these tests it is a government service than I think it is likely that Candace has learned anything other than the fact that even the leftists who work in healthcare do not think testing is important to stopping the spread of Covid.
They made it personal.
The testing agency? No they didn't. They are inundated with work, and don't believe that a person who single handedly causes thousands of cased of the virus deserves their help.

You do realize that alcoholics will always be denied a liver transplant?

Unless, of course, you're Mickey Mantle.
You keep ignoring the fact that the lack of a negative test will keep anyone from attending.

You know what would let her enter without incident?

A vaccination card.

Hence the reason I said she likely went elsewhere if it was a timeline issue. You forget that there are more than one place to get tested. Though I do believe that rejecting a government service for political ideology only shows that you don't believe that testing is effective at all and really isn't all that necessary.

If you don't want to be a hypocrite, then you give folks tests when they need them. Even if you don't like them.