"Can't Take It Anymore": Residents of Springfield Ohio Beg for Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife

That is an AMERICAN CUTIZEN NOT A HAITIAN. And that is in Canton not Springfield. The picture of the man with the goose is also not from Springfield and the man is not Haitian. You irresponsible fucks are causing real human suffering because you are willing to post your fucking bulkshit without fact checking. You are nothing but Nazi pigs. Beneath contempt. I hope it comes back on fucking asshokes.
Sounds like a job for Jerry Springer, former Mayor of Cincinnati...
The destruction of their community is an overt warning from the Overlords to the rest of us.

How is it that you can read what is being posted on YOUR SITE and make jokes? Seriously. Someone calling another poster a ‘fucking Jew’. Lies being posted about immigrants that is causing bomb threats and attracting Nazis to a town because it has an immigrant population. And you think it’s funny? How sad.
That is an AMERICAN CUTIZEN NOT A HAITIAN. And that is in Canton not Springfield. The picture of the man with the goose is also not from Springfield and the man is not Haitian. You irresponsible fucks are causing real human suffering because you are willing to post your fucking bulkshit without fact checking. You are nothing but Nazi pigs. Beneath contempt. I hope it comes back on fucking asshokes.
I'm waiting for lawsuits for damages.
What on Earth does being a prepper have to do with crazy MAGAT idiots who believe the lies about immigrants eating their pets?

As for your #MalignantMessiah, I could care less if he knows that I exist. He does though. And he knows that I and my cohort vote.
1. who mentioned being a prepper? i'm talking about simple things like carrying a handgun.
2. what mental obstacle prevents most of you from understanding that if someone is not on here bashing the shit out of trump, he/she must be a trumper?
JD Vance actually agrees with you:

That same month, Vance wrote on Twitter: “Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us.”
And now, for the sake of power and fame, Mr. Vance is in bed with the "American Hitler," as he once referred to the Cult leader.
It's disgraceful that Trump supporters are still trying to prop up this lie.

An absolute disgrace. I'm glad I don't have to do this stuff just to support a political candidate.
That's because all MAGAts are liars and divisive bigots. They'll say and do anything to win regardless of the damage to other Americans or our nation.
Good friend of mine is a transplanted New Yorker from Long Island now living in Florida. She says the insane racism there is so thick you can slice it with a knife .... and she's Irish American!
This whole immigrants-eating-pets thing has an upside. It has exposed Trump and his MAGATs for what they are -- racist, xenophobic, gullible haters. I don't think that this is going to play well come November. Sure hope not.
My stalker is back! Hi, Quackter, how's it going? Cured any rabies cases with Pepto Bismal and horse dewormer lately? :laugh:
No but then again I haven't seen any bitten by you so no rabies cases. BTW: Which of your nurses aides courses taught you to use Pepto and horse dewormer clearly they are giving you a substandard education. Did the wedge that course between bedpan cleaning and urinal emptying?
No but then again I haven't seen any bitten by you so no rabies cases. BTW: Which of your nurses aides courses taught you to use Pepto and horse dewormer clearly they are giving you a substandard education. Did the wedge that course between bedpan cleaning and urinal emptying?
It’s Doofy Howser!!! What are you prescribing for your cousins severe headache? Bleach?