"Can't Take It Anymore": Residents of Springfield Ohio Beg for Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife

The city of Springfield, Ohio - population 60,000, has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 Haitian illegal migrants, who flocked to the city - exacerbating a 'significant housing crisis' according to city officials, and eating pets and wildlife according to locals.

During an Aug. 27 City Commission meeting, one local resident said that Haitians were "in the park grabbing ducks, cutting the heads off, and eating them."

Another local resident posted to a Facebook group that their neighbor had a cat go missing - only to see it "hanging from a branch, like you'd do a deer for butchering, & they [the Haitians] were carving it up to eat."
While the cat claim has been refuted by as racist fear-mongering, others have provided receipts showing that cats are indeed part of Haitian cuisine.
Lol, you believed this, didn't you? :ROFLMAO:
Everything was fine until Trump spouted out terrible lies about Haitians eating pets. Trump blew it up. It is his job to fix it. Can you imagine people actually believing that crazy story? This is America, the land of guns. There would be lots of pet thieves shot . That too is not happening. None of it is true. Trump does not require true. Neither do you.
No it wasn't fine in Springfield... But it will be better now... He mentioned it0 Because it was one of the many grievances....But you all blew it up... This would have been long over ...(I'll tell you, though...if a pet is stolen I have no problem with someone tak action against the thief. They're family...geese or swans or ducks in a pond...part of the community... If you're a visitor in a community be respectful... You're only visiting temporarily... Things
got out of control there unfortunately...but it's being handled now... as I said...)
Hell...Minty predates the Teabaggers in that respect. I've been on boards with her for 20 years.

She must be spending most of her time on other echo chambers because she used to be a sickeningly prolific poster.
Maybe her boyfriend's out on parole again? lol

She got exposed as a liar here last year and hasn't posted much since. Among other things, she claimed that no one here is allowed to call her "Minty" because she never went by "Mint Julep" on this board. Nor did she ever have a sock here. She does -- one is Life is Golden; the other is Pointgold. And yes, she changed her name many times including to "Mint Julep."
No it wasn't fine in Springfield... But it will be better now... He mentioned it0 Because it was one of the many grievances....But you all blew it up... This would have been long over ...(I'll tell you, though...if a pet is stolen I have no problem with someone tak action against the thief. They're family...geese or swans or ducks in a pond...part of the community... If you're a visitor in a community be respectful... You're only visiting temporarily... Things
got out of control there unfortunately...but it's being handled now... as I said...)

Trump is always the victim, right? "We blew it up" - not his wild and repetitive lies about those people.

When are you going to stop making excuses for this hateful demagogue?
Everything was fine until Trump spouted out terrible lies about Haitians eating pets. Trump blew it up. It is his job to fix it. Can you imagine people actually believing that crazy story? This is America, the land of guns. There would be lots of pet thieves shot . That too is not happening. None of it is true. Trump does not require true. Neither do you.
I'd bet you $50 that Toxic, who fancies herself a dog rescuer because she spends all day on social media posting shares about shelter pets, has posted the lies about the Haitians multiple times to her tiny circle of similar cunts.
Hell...Minty predates the Teabaggers in that respect. I've been on boards with her for 20 years.

She must be spending most of her time on other echo chambers because she used to be a sickeningly prolific poster.
MAGAts AKA racist, bigots, misogynists, etc existed decades before Trump and MAGA. Archie Bunker epitomized the concept. Jim Crow laws and the KKK before television.
What we are seeing in Springfield is the racist attacks on immigrants. We are seeing the far right calling in bomb threats against the government and schools in support of the racist attacks. We are seeing the way Trump turns his back on the residents of Springfield when they call on him to stop with his racist attacks.
Horse mierda, Pobre.

Thousands of illegals were taken to a small town without the local services to accommodate them.

Perhaps a few can be shipped to your trailer to feed, educate, and provide medical care.

Will tomorrow be too soon?
Trump is always the victim, right? "We blew it up" - not his wild and repetitive lies about those people.

When are you going to stop making excuses for this hateful demagogue?
I didn't say that...did I? I mentioned before.I don't know why he included dogs...;) but...it did get blown up unnecessarily (no pun meant on bomb threats...those were awful.i hopw they catch and prosecute).... but you know it wasn't Republicans... There are still people Hanging on for dear life here to get some more play out of it.... There was evena thread on Amy Barrett's adpted children... You can't make these people up.... I'm surprised You even want to identify with some of these people... They're awful...
I'm calling them out on how "religious" they are w/ this story.

They're fake Christians. Jesus Christ would be disgusted by a lie that creates so much hostility for a group of people, and so much hate.
Yes, He would. He commanded His followers to emulate the example of the Good Samaritan. He directed them to give to the poor, aid the sick, visit those imprisoned, clothe the needy. He said that the greatest of all the commandments was to love your neighbor like you love yourself.

These fake Xtians do exactly the opposite.
Horse mierda, Pobre.

Thousands of illegals were taken to a small town without the local services to accommodate them.

Perhaps a few can be shipped to your trailer to feed, educate, and provide medical care.

Will tomorrow be too soon?
That is very true... A lot of people got displaced because landlords were given more money to house the Haitians.... So
many example Of how things went wrong...
Trump is always the victim, right? "We blew it up" - not his wild and repetitive lies about those people.

When are you going to stop making excuses for this hateful demagogue?
May I help?

Maybe her boyfriend's out on parole again? lol

She got exposed as a liar here last year and hasn't posted much since. Among other things, she claimed that no one here is allowed to call her "Minty" because she never went by "Mint Julep" on this board. Nor did she ever have a sock here. She does -- one is Life is Golden; the other is Pointgold. And yes, she changed her name many times including to "Mint Julep."
Yes. The Gold names with the dog avatar is typically a tell.

I believe she has a sock here in incognito mode. I forget who I believed it was. gfm is a lot like Minty in many respects.
I didn't say that...did I? I mentioned before.I don't know why he included dogs...;) but...it did get blown up unnecessarily (no pun meant on bomb threats...those were awful.i hopw they catch and prosecute).... but you know it wasn't Republicans... There are still people Hanging on for dear life here to get some more play out of it.... There was evena thread on Amy Barrett's adpted children... You can't make these people up.... I'm surprised You even want to identify with some of these people... They're awful...

This is your usual spewage when your #MalignantMessiah has been rightfully accused of promoting some bigotry or the other. "It's all blown out of proportion," "If the Democrats would stop talking about it, it would go away," "He didn't mean it like that," rinse, repeat. You've played the same sorry Trump-is-the-real-victim-here-and-it's-not-his-fault for years. You need some new material.