"Can't Take It Anymore": Residents of Springfield Ohio Beg for Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife

It sure did. :ROFLMAO:
This was always going to be a turnout election. Biden inspired nobody under 50 to vote. Harris improved that, but Swift's call to her fans to go out and register will end up being a massive movement. We'll surely have at least one more school shooting before election day, so kids will have multiple reasons to participate this time around.
I doubt he believes it. Legina is evil personified. He just likes spreading hate and lies for kicks. Like Trump, his excuse will be "I just read about it" or "I'm simply reposting it".
That's often a losing game for me online. I can't always tell if strangers are just evil or actually stupid or both. I know plenty of people who have followed their stupidity and their irrational dedication to the greasy fuck all the way to evil and vice versa.
Yes. The Gold names with the dog avatar is typically a tell.

I believe she has a sock here in incognito mode. I forget who I believed it was. gfm is a lot like Minty in many respects.
One of her names here was "Trump Diva." That one was a name change from the current Life Is Golden account. The Pointgold one was interesting. She hadn't used it in a couple of years. I looked at some of her old posts under that account. She was openly racist, using the n-word repeatedly, calling other posts by the n-word, etc.
That's often a losing game for me online. I can't always tell if strangers are just evil or actually stupid or both. I know plenty of people who have followed their stupidity and their irrational dedication to the greasy fuck all the way to evil and vice versa.
Same for me, but it's very revealing about a person's personality.

Observing people over time usually reveals if they are just stupid and scared vs. being malicious and evil. Legina, Pmp, TOP and several other MAGAts are clearly the latter. They know what they are doing and have no intentions of stopping.
Y'all will need the duck vote to win, but since you're opposed to voter registration and free elections, how does that work?
One of her names here was "Trump Diva." That one was a name change from the current Life Is Golden account. The Pointgold one was interesting. She hadn't used it in a couple of years. I looked at some of her old posts under that account. She was openly racist, using the n-word repeatedly, calling other posts by the n-word, etc.
All signs of both a weak and malicious person. Sad.
How the fuck did 20,000 Haitians (of the 100,000 Kamala Harris let into the US) end up in Springfield ,Ohio (pop 60,000) ? It couldn't have happened by accident (?)

The majority of these Haitians would have come from the capital, Port au Prince, which is a shit-hole that makes the West Congo in Africa look positively civilised.

Port au Prince is a lawless city rum by Haitian cannibals and criminal gangs. The denizens smoke a shit - load of the ganga and have an average IQ of 78. They are also heavily into witchcraft and voodoo. So we are dealing with very primitive and savage individuals here.

BTW: I've seen/read convincing evidence that they are, indeed, eating animals in Springfield (cats, dogs, horses, ducks, geese, etc) and terrorising locals at their homes).

Eating peoples' pets is EVIL, diabolical behaviour, but things could get even worse !! As I mentioned, cannibalism is regularly practiced in Port au Prince and other parts of Haiti, so if Trump doesn't win the Nov 5th election and the southern border remain wide open "President" Harris would probably wave 1000s more Haitians (including many cannibals) through into the US. Then it would just be a matter of time before they started eating Whitey Yanks !! I mean abducting and killing Mid-Westerners, cutting then up and throwing the pieces of flesh (thighs, breasts, buttocks, peenies, etc) on the Bar-B-Que to cook before washing them down with a nice, frosty Budweiser or two.

I'm deadly serious - that's what these black bastards actually do.
Dumb fuck.

Y'all will need the duck vote to win, but since you're opposed to voter registration and free elections, how does that work?
They're also against mail-in voting which I think will backfire on them since it's mostly elderly voters who both use mail-in voting and who vote conservative.

IMO, that's one reason why Trump lost in 2020 and also why he flip-flopped on mail-in voting after the election.

Donald Trump and his 2024 presidential campaign team are now fans of mail-in voting - never mind all the allegations and lawsuits they've backed in the past seeking to restrict or end the practice....

...Said Trump: "Whether you vote absentee, by mail, early in-person or on Election Day (Nov. 5), we are going to protect the vote."

Democrats, including aides to President Joe Biden, quickly pointed out that Trump and his team have filed a string of lawsuits - some still pending - to restrict mail-in voting and other programs designed to make voting easier.
One of her names here was "Trump Diva." That one was a name change from the current Life Is Golden account. The Pointgold one was interesting. She hadn't used it in a couple of years. I looked at some of her old posts under that account. She was openly racist, using the n-word repeatedly, calling other posts by the n-word, etc.
She began life here as Stargazer. She also had a name that made fun of Stacy Abrams, "Abrams tank" or something like that.
No it wasn't fine in Springfield... But it will be better now... He mentioned it0 Because it was one of the many grievances....But you all blew it up... This would have been long over ...(I'll tell you, though...if a pet is stolen I have no problem with someone tak action against the thief. They're family...geese or swans or ducks in a pond...part of the community... If you're a visitor in a community be respectful... You're only visiting temporarily... Things
got out of control there unfortunately...but it's being handled now... as I said...)
I haven't seen so much maga outrage here since Kristi Noem shot her pup and tossed him into a gravel pit. :cry:

Oh wait...

American veteran DENIED Medicaid and forced to pay out of his own pocket while long lines of Haitian immigrants get in line to receive Child Care, Cash, SNAP, Medicaid, and other FREE benefits paid for you by you:the American taxpayer.

The security guard estimates a 9:1 ratio of Haitians to Springfield locals waiting in line for their benefits. Local welfare recipients are now forced to wait in line for hours at a time to accommodate the language barriers and lack of paperwork the Haitians bring with them.

I asked this veteran if he thinks the city is putting the American people first-- He said "Hell no."

Oh my gosh. Poor white trash has a longer line wait now that poor brown migrants are applying for the same benefits to which they are all entitled?

This is insane. Never underestimate the ability of white people to bitch about their slippery stranglehold on society.
Oh my gosh. Poor white trash has a longer line wait now that poor brown migrants are applying for the same benefits to which they are all entitled?

This is insane. Never underestimate the ability of white people to bitch about their slippery stranglehold on society.
I had no idea you were white.....didn't you claim before that you were black?.......