"Can't Take It Anymore": Residents of Springfield Ohio Beg for Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife

I don't believe anyone is catching and eating ducks. It is highly illegal. You need a Duck Stamp in Ohio. And catching ducks at the park? Anyone ever try that?

Explosion of newcomers in dying Ohio city boosts its economy after decades of shrinking population - but not everyone's happy about it​

Japanese vehicle parts maker Topre was one of the first to arrive in 2017, followed by a microchip manufacturer, a logistics company, and many more.

About 8,000 new jobs were created by 2020, and they have only increased since then. But there were not enough workers to fill them.

Then Haitian immigrants elsewhere in the US, who were in the country legally, heard Springfield needed workers.

Willing to do the blue-collar jobs locals were unenthusiastic about and keen to pay lower rent than in big cities, they arrived in droves.

Do you really think that someone who is illiterate, has maybe a 6th grade education, and no job skills is going to suddenly be wanted as an employee by a auto parts manufacturer, microchip maker, or even a logistics company? Someone with that "resume" is unemployable.
Do you really think that someone who is illiterate, has maybe a 6th grade education, and no job skills is going to suddenly be wanted as an employee by a auto parts manufacturer, microchip maker, or even a logistics company? Someone with that "resume" is unemployable.
When the Revolution orders it....Obviously.

But then again your brain is a good 20 years out of date.
The destruction of their community is an overt warning from the Overlords to the rest of us.
That’s fucking crazy talk. I live a short distance from Springfield and it’s been in serious decline since the late 70’s and has been a crime ridden shithole long before now. The loss of manufacturing jobs created a mass exodus from the area and it’s been one of the poorest cities in Ohio for over 30 years now. Now with the end of globalization and the return of low end manufacturing and warehouse jobs has attracted a lot of Haitian immigrants to fill these low paying jobs. They still have a median household income across the board of $35,000/year and it’s been that way long before any immigrants started moving there. So essentially the low end hillbillies are being replaced by immigrants. Whoop de fucking do. That can only be a blessing as the Hillbillies in Springfield are the ones who turned the city into a shithole in the first place.
It's a shame that the Republicans blocked the bi-partisan drafted immigration reform bill.
Because the only thing it did was to legalize the ones who already broke the law and nothing to stop new ones?

You and some others here are so fucking stupid in numbs the senses. You need to shut the fuck up until you know something Twizzler.
I don't believe anyone is catching and eating ducks. It is highly illegal. You need a Duck Stamp in Ohio. And catching ducks at the park? Anyone ever try that?
The welfare geese at our parks are easy to catch since they attack you demanding food, just asking for a neck ringing. Someone killed a couple of the annoying bastards a while back and it went unsolved. The local tree huggers were all up in arms but most celebrated in silence.
The welfare geese at our parks are easy to catch since they attack you demanding food, just asking for a neck ringing. Someone killed a couple of the annoying bastards a while back and it went unsolved. The local tree huggers were all up in arms but most celebrated in silence.
Welfare geese, LOL. True, seen plenty of funny vids of those dumb fuckers attacking people. But usually to protect a nest.