Ross Dolan

Well-known member
The Washington state Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously struck down the death penalty there as unconstitutional.**

The final order decreed that any death sentences currently in force in the state be converted to life in prison.

This is conceived by many as a move toward a greater respect for life…and as an adjustment that removes what they see as “cruel and unusual punishment.”

There seems to be majority opinion that “life in prison without the possibility of parole” is less cruel and unusual.

I suppose some people can actually think that…but I consider it nuts to the point of bat-shit crazy.

Putting any human in a cage for the remainder of his/her life with no hope of being released…no matter what that person has supposedly done to deserve it…is FAR from “less cruel” than simply ending that person’s life.

I cannot imagine any sane person wanting to be caged for the remainder of his/her life…rather than finally being put out of his/her misery by a relatively peaceful death.

If the people arguing for the end to capital punishment want to be authentic and consistent…they ought also to be arguing for a maximum sentence for ANY crime of no more than ten years confinement.

A far better move, in my opinion, would be to stop arguing for the end to capital punishment…and instead arguing for easier access to more efficient drugs to carry out humane executions.

I imagine one or two people here may disagree.

Okay…let’s hear from you.

**Reported in several newspapers including:
The Washington state Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously struck down the death penalty there as unconstitutional.**

The final order decreed that any death sentences currently in force in the state be converted to life in prison.

This is conceived by many as a move toward a greater respect for life…and as an adjustment that removes what they see as “cruel and unusual punishment.”

There seems to be majority opinion that “life in prison without the possibility of parole” is less cruel and unusual.

I suppose some people can actually think that…but I consider it nuts to the point of bat-shit crazy.

Putting any human in a cage for the remainder of his/her life with no hope of being released…no matter what that person has supposedly done to deserve it…is FAR from “less cruel” than simply ending that person’s life.

I cannot imagine any sane person wanting to be caged for the remainder of his/her life…rather than finally being put out of his/her misery by a relatively peaceful death.

If the people arguing for the end to capital punishment want to be authentic and consistent…they ought also to be arguing for a maximum sentence for ANY crime of no more than ten years confinement.

A far better move, in my opinion, would be to stop arguing for the end to capital punishment…and instead arguing for easier access to more efficient drugs to carry out humane executions.

I imagine one or two people here may disagree.

Okay…let’s hear from you.

**Reported in several newspapers including:

Yet they have no problem killing children in the womb? :laugh: Apparently its not cruel and unusual to take a set of tongs and tear a living human child to pieces.
Yet they have no problem killing children in the womb? :laugh: Apparently its not cruel and unusual to take a set of tongs and tear a living human child to pieces.

Sounds as though you want to start a thread arguing against a woman's right to choose to end a pregnancy occurring in her own body, Ralph.

Do it. Start one. I promise I'll participate.

I even invite you to provide a link to the new thread here.
Sounds as though you want to start a thread arguing against a woman's right to choose to end a pregnancy occurring in her own body, Ralph.

Do it. Start one. I promise I'll participate.

I even invite you to provide a link to the new thread here.

I love STRAW MAN arguments....clearly you must also, this thread for example. LAMO Couldn't resist the BAIT could ya? A troll is a troll. I simply posted what this thread deserves......more BAITING.
I love STRAW MAN arguments....clearly you must also, this thread for example. LAMO Couldn't resist the BAIT could ya? A troll is a troll. I simply posted what this thread deserves......more BAITING.

If you were a man...instead of a would have made an argument in opposition or in accord with what I had to say.

You brought up a bunch of anti-choice nonsense, which I handled with tact and reason. Even offered you a platform to tout any thread you might want to start on your nonsense.

Now you are trying to make it seem you finessed me in some way.

I understand. You amateurs try this kind of stuff.

I enjoyed laughing at you. Thanks.
The Washington state Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously struck down the death penalty there as unconstitutional.**

The final order decreed that any death sentences currently in force in the state be converted to life in prison.

This is conceived by many as a move toward a greater respect for life…and as an adjustment that removes what they see as “cruel and unusual punishment.”

There seems to be majority opinion that “life in prison without the possibility of parole” is less cruel and unusual.

I suppose some people can actually think that…but I consider it nuts to the point of bat-shit crazy.

Putting any human in a cage for the remainder of his/her life with no hope of being released…no matter what that person has supposedly done to deserve it…is FAR from “less cruel” than simply ending that person’s life.

I cannot imagine any sane person wanting to be caged for the remainder of his/her life…rather than finally being put out of his/her misery by a relatively peaceful death.

If the people arguing for the end to capital punishment want to be authentic and consistent…they ought also to be arguing for a maximum sentence for ANY crime of no more than ten years confinement.

A far better move, in my opinion, would be to stop arguing for the end to capital punishment…and instead arguing for easier access to more efficient drugs to carry out humane executions.

I imagine one or two people here may disagree.

Okay…let’s hear from you.

**Reported in several newspapers including:

What we found over here is that persons later shown to be innocent got hanged, which seemed a bad plan. If they are in prison, they can be let go, but if they are dead, no good digging them up really.
What we found over here is that persons later shown to be innocent got hanged, which seemed a bad plan. If they are in prison, they can be let go, but if they are dead, no good digging them up really.

There is that.

Over here we sometimes (rarely, but occasionally) find that someone has spent 40 years in prison and has had a conviction reasonably questioned.

If you would take 40 years in prison...or 10 rather than death...okay. But if you are going to try to sell me the idea that "life in prison without the possibility of parole" is somehow less cruel than death...I am going to laugh at you.

For is a no-brainer. If I were wrongly convicted and given "life in prison without the possibility of parole...or death" I would choose death without thinking for a full minute. I'd hate the wrongful conviction with a passion...but I would choose death.

Patrick Henry put it best: Give me freedom...or give me death.
There is that.

Over here we sometimes (rarely, but occasionally) find that someone has spent 40 years in prison and has had a conviction reasonably questioned.

If you would take 40 years in prison...or 10 rather than death...okay. But if you are going to try to sell me the idea that "life in prison without the possibility of parole" is somehow less cruel than death...I am going to laugh at you.

For is a no-brainer. If I were wrongly convicted and given "life in prison without the possibility of parole...or death" I would choose death without thinking for a full minute. I'd hate the wrongful conviction with a passion...but I would choose death.

Patrick Henry put it best: Give me freedom...or give me death.

I'd be planning appeals or escape. It would help the time to pass, though I agree with you about long imprisonment - bit like having to listen to Trump for twenty-four hours or some similar torture!
If you were a man...instead of a would have made an argument in opposition or in accord with what I had to say.

You brought up a bunch of anti-choice nonsense, which I handled with tact and reason. Even offered you a platform to tout any thread you might want to start on your nonsense.

Now you are trying to make it seem you finessed me in some way.

I understand. You amateurs try this kind of stuff.

I enjoyed laughing at you. Thanks.

Why argue....with baiting? I often wish that I could speak to simply see my gums flapping over a subject that does not deserve debate. Its a simple matter of evil v. righteousness, morality v. immorality. There are no gray areas. You are either evil or righteous and all the straw you can pile up and attempt to burn will not remove the core of someone that has an evil heart. ;)

I simply take the advise of my Lord.....why cast pearls among SWINE? :cool:
Why argue....with baiting? I often wish that I could speak to simply see my gums flapping over a subject that does not deserve debate. Its a simple matter of evil v. righteousness, morality v. immorality. There are no gray areas. You are either evil or righteous and all the straw you can pile up and attempt to burn will not remove the core of someone that has an evil heart. ;)

I simply take the advise of my Lord.....why cast pearls among SWINE? :cool:

What in the fuck are you babbling about?
I'd be planning appeals or escape. It would help the time to pass, though I agree with you about long imprisonment - bit like having to listen to Trump for twenty-four hours or some similar torture!

I understand that some European countries have maximum sentences...and that a sentence of "life without possibility of parole" would not be allowed.

I've tried to look it up...but have mostly failed.

Do you know the scoop on that?
What in the fuck are you babbling about?

Exactly: :laugh: The headlights of the oncoming traffic blind ya? The point are nothing but a trolling propagandist attempting to bait with some straw man argument. Its not worthy of any type of serious discussion, it is what it is...…….:seenoevil::hearnoevil::speaknoevil:
I understand that some European countries have maximum sentences...and that a sentence of "life without possibility of parole" would not be allowed.

I've tried to look it up...but have mostly failed.

Do you know the scoop on that?

The main very long sentence I know of was on a Soviet agent, but free-minded persons helped him escape and get safely home. I don't know about the rest of Europe, but real life sentences are extremely rare here.
Exactly: :laugh: The headlights of the oncoming traffic blind ya? The point are nothing but a trolling propagandist attempting to bait with some straw man argument. Its not worthy of any type of serious discussion, it is what it is...…….:seenoevil::hearnoevil::speaknoevil:

Maybe my question was not clear enough:

What the fuck are you babbling senselessly about?
Maybe my question was not clear enough:

What the fuck are you babbling senselessly about?

Exactly: We are supposed to accept that you are so stupid that you can't comprehend simple English? Feigned Ignorance, now where have I heard that one before? :bigthink:

Truth: You hear, you comprehend, what you hear does not fit into your practice of straw man debate. ;)
The Washington state Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously struck down the death penalty there as unconstitutional.**

The final order decreed that any death sentences currently in force in the state be converted to life in prison.

This is conceived by many as a move toward a greater respect for life…and as an adjustment that removes what they see as “cruel and unusual punishment.”

There seems to be majority opinion that “life in prison without the possibility of parole” is less cruel and unusual.

I suppose some people can actually think that…but I consider it nuts to the point of bat-shit crazy.

Putting any human in a cage for the remainder of his/her life with no hope of being released…no matter what that person has supposedly done to deserve it…is FAR from “less cruel” than simply ending that person’s life.

I cannot imagine any sane person wanting to be caged for the remainder of his/her life…rather than finally being put out of his/her misery by a relatively peaceful death.

If the people arguing for the end to capital punishment want to be authentic and consistent…they ought also to be arguing for a maximum sentence for ANY crime of no more than ten years confinement.

A far better move, in my opinion, would be to stop arguing for the end to capital punishment…and instead arguing for easier access to more efficient drugs to carry out humane executions.

I imagine one or two people here may disagree.

Okay…let’s hear from you.

**Reported in several newspapers including:

Tough call. I understand what you're saying, life in a cage is cruel. But, I don't like the state killing in my name either.
There is that.

Over here we sometimes (rarely, but occasionally) find that someone has spent 40 years in prison and has had a conviction reasonably questioned.

If you would take 40 years in prison...or 10 rather than death...okay. But if you are going to try to sell me the idea that "life in prison without the possibility of parole" is somehow less cruel than death...I am going to laugh at you.

For is a no-brainer. If I were wrongly convicted and given "life in prison without the possibility of parole...or death" I would choose death without thinking for a full minute. I'd hate the wrongful conviction with a passion...but I would choose death.

Patrick Henry put it best: Give me freedom...or give me death.

Well I guess that depends on point of view. The point that Io makes is valid. Executing someone is final. There's no..Whoops...made a mistake there, let's fix that.

I oppose the death penalty for a number of reason. It's unfair, it's inequitable, it is disproportionately applied to the poor and minorities and to often applied to the innocent. However my major objection is that taking a human life is not a power that I wish to grant the government and is not a power the government should have.
Well I guess that depends on point of view. The point that Io makes is valid. Executing someone is final. There's no..Whoops...made a mistake there, let's fix that.

I oppose the death penalty for a number of reason. It's unfair, it's inequitable, it is disproportionately applied to the poor and minorities and to often applied to the innocent. However my major objection is that taking a human life is not a power that I wish to grant the government and is not a power the government should have.

I appreciate your take, Mott. Over the years I've had reservations myself.

BUT...if the alternative is "life in prison without the possibility of parole"...I will choose execution every time.

In any case, while I respect and acknowledge your right to think this is not a power the government should have...

...I disagree.