No, CO, injection would still be the best way.
It's a matter of what you inject.

In lethal injection executions, no sedative or anesthetic is used.
The first injection paralyzes the nerves so you can't see the prisoner reacting to the second injection which stops respiration.
The prisoner dies of suffocation and feels the whole thing.

This is deliberate and defended by right wing religious maggots.

That's definite not how pets are euthanized.

Lethal injection has been around for a long time. The person is strapped to a gurney. There is nothing humane about it and, it often does not go as planned. We already know this.

If I found myself on death row, I would choose the method from, "Final Exit." But that is voluntary.
You had a very reasonable expectation of surviving. You must know of executions by lethal injection which went horribly wrong.

Yeah...because it was not done by professionals with reasonable drugs.

I am saying we should allow professionals to do the job...and allow them to use drugs that will get it done with minimal pain.

And if done correctly by competent people...the expectations of the individual should have no impact on whether or not it is painless.

Let's return to the topic at hand.

I have not been off topic.

Asking me to "return to the topic"...IS OFF TOPIC.
If you are truly carrying out capitol punishment to fit the crime....

Take for instance, if someone locks someone up in the trunk of a car, pours gasoline on the car and burns the car- that is what should happen to the convicted killer!

Shit, murder rates would drop instantly!
Lethal injection has been around for a long time. The person is strapped to a gurney. There is nothing humane about it and, it often does not go as planned. We already know this.

If I found myself on death row, I would choose the method from, "Final Exit." But that is voluntary.

If done properly...a lethal injection CAN BE HUMANE.

The fact is, some people just do not want capital punishment...and would prefer to have people languish in prison for the entire of their lives.

I consider that infinitely MORE BARBARIC...and MUCH less humane.

I have no problem with you being barbaric and inhumane, CO...but some of us want to be above that.
I appreciate your take, Mott. Over the years I've had reservations myself.

BUT...if the alternative is "life in prison without the possibility of parole"...I will choose execution every time.

In any case, while I respect and acknowledge your right to think this is not a power the government should have...

...I disagree.

The operative word here is "choose". It's not like those who receive the death penalty have a choice.
To be honest, don't get me wrong. The vast majority of those on death row or life in prison with no parole are not people I hold a lot of sympathy for. The vast majority of them earned their fate. Life in prison and the death penalty are both meant to be punishments and most persons with those sentences deserve them. A few don't and no one wants to see a miscarriage of justice and an innocent person sent to prison for life or executed.

Having said that I still don't want to give the government the right to take a human life.
I find the bolded part moronic; How does one disproportionately apply the death penalty to poor and minorities? The statutes are clear; if you are convicted of a capital crime, you are punished. Does the judge ask them for a financial statement to see if they are poor? Does he have a different statute for convicting minorities he looks up?

Dumb. The notion that we are not a nation of laws but rather, prejudiced in our disposition of penalties is not merely stupid, but insults our intelligence.

It's applied disproportionately because those with means to hire legal protection very rarely receive the death penalty when convicted of capital crimes.
The operative word here is "choose". It's not like those who receive the death penalty have a choice.
To be honest, don't get me wrong. The vast majority of those on death row or life in prison with no parole are not people I hold a lot of sympathy for. The vast majority of them earned their fate. Life in prison and the death penalty are both meant to be punishments and most persons with those sentences deserve them. A few don't and no one wants to see a miscarriage of justice and an innocent person sent to prison for life or executed.

Having said that I still don't want to give the government the right to take a human life.

Holy Shit Mott, we agree.
If you are truly carrying out capitol punishment to fit the crime....

Take for instance, if someone locks someone up in the trunk of a car, pours gasoline on the car and burns the car- that is what should happen to the convicted killer!

Shit, murder rates would drop instantly!

These are not the words of somebody who should be walking around freely outside of a mental hospital.

Fitting the crime is not the intent.
Removing a damaged individual from threatening society and also from his/her own demons is the intent.
The operative word here is "choose". It's not like those who receive the death penalty have a choice.

The "choice" is not meant to be theirs. The "choice" is for "the people" to decide. The people COULD decide to give the condemned person the choice of life in prison...or humane death by injection. (That might be a reasonable idea.)

My guess is that many would choose death...but that is just a guess based on how I feel I would react in that situation.

To be honest, don't get me wrong. The vast majority of those on death row or life in prison with no parole are not people I hold a lot of sympathy for. The vast majority of them earned their fate. Life in prison and the death penalty are both meant to be punishments and most persons with those sentences deserve them. A few don't and no one wants to see a miscarriage of justice and an innocent person sent to prison for life or executed.

My take is that the person who was killed by the condemned person probably was an innocent person. I'm not into an eye or an eye, Mott...but the notion of life spent confined to a prison is so abhorrent to me that execution seem the humane way to handle the situation.

Having said that I still don't want to give the government the right to take a human life.

I understand and respect your right to feel that way.

I just disagree. Governments throughout history have always retained that right. Wars, a result of "government" takes lots and lots of lives...most of which are innocent lives. Condemnation and execution have been the obligation of government also.
It's applied disproportionately because those with means to hire legal protection very rarely receive the death penalty when convicted of capital crimes.

If so...they are the unfortunate ones in my estimation.

They stay in prison for the rest of their lives...which I see as truly inhumane.
I prefer the death penalty for first degree murder but I have no problem with life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Let me ask this of you.
If the Vegas killer survived. Death penalty or life in prison.
Fitting the crime is not the intent.

Oh! OK! I see! Providing them free rent- free utilities- 3 square meals a day- free medical- Free clothing- and the life of Riley laying in a warm bed watching TV for the rest of their lives suits the crime for murder!

I am not sure what I would have ever done if you didn't bring me to my senses!

Thanks for your input! LOL!
I’m pro choice but against late term abortion.
My daughter was born nearly three months early weighing less that 2 lbs.
I prefer the death penalty for first degree murder but I have no problem with life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Let me ask this of you.
If the Vegas killer survived. Death penalty or life in prison.

Death penalty.

It would be the humane thing to do.

Life in prison without the possibility of parole is INHUMANE.

Frankly, a prison term of over 10 - 15 years for INHUMANE.

Anything that requires incarceration for longer than that...stop the person from getting older.
The death penalty should only be used on agents of the state and it should be the only punishment agents of the state receive.
If you've ever been through the ordeal and agony of having to have a beloved pet euthanized,
you realized that you suffered far more than the pet did.
First they apply anesthesia or a strong sedative .
Then the final injection is completely painless.

That is decidedly NOT how lethal injection executions are carried out.

That is precisely how human lethal injections are carried out. Why lie about that? I am amused by the notion that we care more about pets than we do about humans.

By the way, why is it more humane to allow humans to suffer terribly with a debilitating disease and not allow them the option of a peaceful death by injection?

he first is a harmless saline solution that is started immediately. Then, at the warden's signal, a curtain is raised exposing the inmate to the witnesses in an adjoining room. Then, the inmate is injected with sodium thiopental - an anesthetic, which puts the inmate to sleep. Next flows pavulon or pancuronium bromide, which paralyzes the entire muscle system and stops the inmate's breathing. Finally, the flow of potassium chloride stops the heart. Death results from anesthetic overdose and respiratory and cardiac arrest while the condemned person is unconscious.
You're right. If they really wanted to put people out right away they could do it. I've been dealing with painkillers due to a car wreck for three years now and I laugh when they say the drugs aren't effective. They're using the wrong drugs.

The ONLY one's claiming they don't work are defense attorneys, low IQ liberals against the death penalty and the FAKE media.