10-15 years for intentional taking someone’s life is not enough.
As of 2014 the study showed that within three years after release 67.8 % were rearrested.
Within five years after release 76.6% of the released prisoners were rearrested.

I would sure hate to release a murderer after 10-15 years for him to kill again. There are a lot of evil people in the world who have no regard for human life.
Would you really want Charles Manson out of prison after 15 years?
The death penalty should only be used on agents of the state and it should be the only punishment agents of the state receive.

Jesus, mailman (mailwoman, actually) sucks...but not so badly that I want her to be executed.

Wouldn't want to be your mailman, that's for sure.
10-15 years for intentional taking someone’s life is not enough.
As of 2014 the study showed that within three years after release 67.8 % were rearrested.
Within five years after release 76.6% of the released prisoners were rearrested.

I would sure hate to release a murderer after 10-15 years for him to kill again. There are a lot of evil people in the world who have no regard for human life.
Would you really want Charles Manson out of prison after 15 years?

I thought I made that clear.


Don't you read what has been written?
Oh! OK! I see! Providing them free rent- free utilities- 3 square meals a day- free medical- Free clothing- and the life of Riley laying in a warm bed watching TV for the rest of their lives suits the crime for murder!

I am not sure what I would have ever done if you didn't bring me to my senses!

Thanks for your input! LOL!

Good job, 'Dolph.
Welcome to my ever expanding ignore list!

Good job,
I’m the only one that read your comments. You should have re-read it for clarification.

You said “frankly a prison term of over 10-15 years for anything is inhumane”.
You said death penalty in response to my question regarding the Vegas shooter.

You never said you would kill the prisoner after 15 years in jail.
That statement is just so stupid I can’t believe anyone could think that way. My fault for thinking you were smarter.

You do realize people other than murderers get sentenced for jail time in excess of 10-15 years?
Would you kill Bernie Madoff after 10 years in prison.
I don't believe that people should be punished for being mentally damaged or broken.
I don't believe sane people do genuinely horrific things (like vote for orangutans).
I don't think vengeance is a legitimate government function.

If people are fixable, fix them.
If they're not, humanely euthanize them.

Revenge is a personal responsibility as long as one understands the possible consequences.
It's the govenment's responsibility to do a lot of things, but getting your revenge for you is not one of them
Removing dangerous people from society efficiently and humanely is.
They aren't agents, they wield no power or authority.

Oh...agents have to have power or authority?

But their supervisors you want to execute the supervisors, because their poor supervision means that I sometimes get letters for neighbors...and neighbors sometimes get letters that belong to me?

(I'm busting your balls, Q. You really do not have to respond.)
The "choice" is not meant to be theirs. The "choice" is for "the people" to decide. The people COULD decide to give the condemned person the choice of life in prison...or humane death by injection. (That might be a reasonable idea.)

My guess is that many would choose death...but that is just a guess based on how I feel I would react in that situation.

My take is that the person who was killed by the condemned person probably was an innocent person. I'm not into an eye or an eye, Mott...but the notion of life spent confined to a prison is so abhorrent to me that execution seem the humane way to handle the situation.

I understand and respect your right to feel that way.

I just disagree. Governments throughout history have always retained that right. Wars, a result of "government" takes lots and lots of lives...most of which are innocent lives. Condemnation and execution have been the obligation of government also.

Just because they have done so doesn't make it right and we do live in a Republic where government powers are limited by the consent of the governed.
I prefer the death penalty for first degree murder but I have no problem with life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Let me ask this of you.
If the Vegas killer survived. Death penalty or life in prison.

No...that was probably justifiable homicide. I mean dude...can you imagine going to Vegas and being stuck in a Hotel room and forced to listen to hillbilly's singing through their noses for hours? Shoot...that would drive anyone postal. I say temporary insanity in this case. ;)
Just because they have done so doesn't make it right and we do live in a Republic where government powers are limited by the consent of the governed.

We do indeed.

And you and I happen to disagree about whether or not this power should be in the hands of the government.

That happens.
Good job, 'Dolph.
Welcome to my ever expanding ignore list!

Good job,

Don't let the door hit you- where the lord split you! LOL!

I'm sure I will miss you about as much as I miss hemorrhoids or something!

You are the one that came out and attacked me personally- don't forget that!

I have never insulted you- nor have I ever responded to you negatively in any way!

But you do what you have to do! OK?
There is that.

Over here we sometimes (rarely, but occasionally) find that someone has spent 40 years in prison and has had a conviction reasonably questioned.

If you would take 40 years in prison...or 10 rather than death...okay. But if you are going to try to sell me the idea that "life in prison without the possibility of parole" is somehow less cruel than death...I am going to laugh at you.

For is a no-brainer. If I were wrongly convicted and given "life in prison without the possibility of parole...or death" I would choose death without thinking for a full minute. I'd hate the wrongful conviction with a passion...but I would choose death.

Patrick Henry put it best: Give me freedom...or give me death.

First of all, it was liberty, not freedom and second, easy for you to say at age 80, don't you think?
I find the bolded part moronic; How does one disproportionately apply the death penalty to poor and minorities? The statutes are clear; if you are convicted of a capital crime, you are punished. Does the judge ask them for a financial statement to see if they are poor? Does he have a different statute for convicting minorities he looks up?

Dumb. The notion that we are not a nation of laws but rather, prejudiced in our disposition of penalties is not merely stupid, but insults our intelligence.

You stupid fuck: a rich man hires the best lawyer, a poor man is defended by a public defender who gets his pay check from the same fund as the prosecutor, judge and the police.
First of all, it was liberty, not freedom and second, easy for you to say at age 80, don't you think?

I know it was liberty...and I fucked up.

I actually thought about it...but my advanced age still allowed me to fuck up and leave it uncorrected.

Anyway...not sure how old you are, but if you are 30 and would prefer to spend the rest of your life in prison...fine.

I personally think that "life without possibility of parole" is about as inhumane as it is possible to get.

I recognize that many would disagree...made a snarky remark about that in the OP.

Fine with me that you think differently from me on this issue.
I know it was liberty...and I fucked up.

I actually thought about it...but my advanced age still allowed me to fuck up and leave it uncorrected.

Anyway...not sure how old you are, but if you are 30 and would prefer to spend the rest of your life in prison...fine.

I personally think that "life without possibility of parole" is about as inhumane as it is possible to get.

I recognize that many would disagree...made a snarky remark about that in the OP.

Fine with me that you think differently from me on this issue.

Damn right in that I am entirely opposed to the death penalty in any form.
Just don't fuck up, easy.
How would you execute them? Traditionally soldiers get the firing squad and common criminals are would you execute government employees? Bureaucratic over sight? That’s how they did in Doc Daneeka in Catch-22. They filed him as KIA on the flight report of a plane that crashed where he was listed as the flight surgeon but wasn’t actually on the plane. He stopped getting his pay. His wife received his life insurance and remarried. An obituary was published in his home town and a funeral held. Doc complained bitterly that he was still alive but no one was crazy enough to listen a dead man. It was a horrible death.