The Washington state Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously struck down the death penalty there as unconstitutional.**

The final order decreed that any death sentences currently in force in the state be converted to life in prison.

This is conceived by many as a move toward a greater respect for life…and as an adjustment that removes what they see as “cruel and unusual punishment.”

There seems to be majority opinion that “life in prison without the possibility of parole” is less cruel and unusual.

I suppose some people can actually think that…but I consider it nuts to the point of bat-shit crazy.

Putting any human in a cage for the remainder of his/her life with no hope of being released…no matter what that person has supposedly done to deserve it…is FAR from “less cruel” than simply ending that person’s life.

I cannot imagine any sane person wanting to be caged for the remainder of his/her life…rather than finally being put out of his/her misery by a relatively peaceful death.

If the people arguing for the end to capital punishment want to be authentic and consistent…they ought also to be arguing for a maximum sentence for ANY crime of no more than ten years confinement.

A far better move, in my opinion, would be to stop arguing for the end to capital punishment…and instead arguing for easier access to more efficient drugs to carry out humane executions.

I imagine one or two people here may disagree.

Okay…let’s hear from you.

**Reported in several newspapers including:

I could not agree more, Frank.
Execution should be replaced with humane euthanasia and used more frequently.
Prisons are horrific.
They are not designed to rehabilitate the rehabiltatable,
and where that's possible, that should be done.

But where it isn't, human euthanasia is the civilized way to go.

One more thing.
It should be completely legal for any good citizen to kill anybody who compares abortion to execution or murder.
I am so sick of those assholes that I can't think of a better solution.
The Washington state Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously struck down the death penalty there as unconstitutional.**

The final order decreed that any death sentences currently in force in the state be converted to life in prison.

This is conceived by many as a move toward a greater respect for life…and as an adjustment that removes what they see as “cruel and unusual punishment.”

There seems to be majority opinion that “life in prison without the possibility of parole” is less cruel and unusual.

I suppose some people can actually think that…but I consider it nuts to the point of bat-shit crazy.

Putting any human in a cage for the remainder of his/her life with no hope of being released…no matter what that person has supposedly done to deserve it…is FAR from “less cruel” than simply ending that person’s life.

I cannot imagine any sane person wanting to be caged for the remainder of his/her life…rather than finally being put out of his/her misery by a relatively peaceful death.

If the people arguing for the end to capital punishment want to be authentic and consistent…they ought also to be arguing for a maximum sentence for ANY crime of no more than ten years confinement.

A far better move, in my opinion, would be to stop arguing for the end to capital punishment…and instead arguing for easier access to more efficient drugs to carry out humane executions.

I imagine one or two people here may disagree.

Okay…let’s hear from you.

**Reported in several newspapers including:

My opinion is evolving on this issue. I am in support of abolishing the death penalty ONLY if we can be assured that those who are found guilty of capital crimes never get parole.

The reason for this is that there have been a few instances where new evidence has been brought forward exonerating someone mistakenly convicted of a capital crime. The thought of even one innocent person having their life taken by mistake is uncivilized.

That said; is it more cruel and unusual punishment to be incarcerated for life rather then executed? ::shrug:: Maybe there should be an option given to the accused; life or execution and left them choose? ::shrug::
I could not agree more, Frank.
Execution should be replaced with humane euthanasia and used more frequently.
Prisons are horrific.
They are not designed to rehabilitate the rehabiltatable,
and where that's possible, that should be done.

But where it isn't, human euthanasia is the civilized way to go.

One more thing.
It should be completely legal for any good citizen to kill anybody who compares abortion to execution or murder.
I am so sick of those assholes that I can't think of a better solution.

A bit extreme on that last part, NIfty...but I get your point...and feel about those assholes just the way you do.
Well I guess that depends on point of view. The point that Io makes is valid. Executing someone is final. There's no..Whoops...made a mistake there, let's fix that.

I oppose the death penalty for a number of reason. It's unfair, it's inequitable, it is disproportionately applied to the poor and minorities and to often applied to the innocent. However my major objection is that taking a human life is not a power that I wish to grant the government and is not a power the government should have.

I find the bolded part moronic; How does one disproportionately apply the death penalty to poor and minorities? The statutes are clear; if you are convicted of a capital crime, you are punished. Does the judge ask them for a financial statement to see if they are poor? Does he have a different statute for convicting minorities he looks up?

Dumb. The notion that we are not a nation of laws but rather, prejudiced in our disposition of penalties is not merely stupid, but insults our intelligence.
The Washington State legislature had agreed to eliminate the death penalty. It was a bi-partisan agreement. The court decision wouldn't have mattered.

There is no gentle way to kill someone, and there are horror stories of ruined attempts at it.

Not that long ago, Washington State offered convicts a choice between hanging and lethal injection. They ended hanging when a convict chose it. He weighed nearly 400 pounds. It would have ripped his head from his body.
The Washington State legislature had agreed to eliminate the death penalty. It was a bi-partisan agreement. The court decision wouldn't have mattered.

There is no gentle way to kill someone, and there are horror stories of ruined attempts at it.

Not that long ago, Washington State offered convicts a choice between hanging and lethal injection. They ended hanging when a convict chose it. He weighed nearly 400 pounds. It would have ripped his head from his body.

If you've ever been through the ordeal and agony of having to have a beloved pet euthanized,
you realized that you suffered far more than the pet did.
First they apply anesthesia or a strong sedative .
Then the final injection is completely painless.

That is decidedly NOT how lethal injection executions are carried out.
But it could be if we were civilized enough.
Maybe the fire and brimstone, First Testament-loving Evangelicals could be executed first.
That would be great.
They're the ones who oppose making executions more humane.
The Washington State legislature had agreed to eliminate the death penalty. It was a bi-partisan agreement. The court decision wouldn't have mattered.

There is no gentle way to kill someone, and there are horror stories of ruined attempts at it.

Not that long ago, Washington State offered convicts a choice between hanging and lethal injection. They ended hanging when a convict chose it. He weighed nearly 400 pounds. It would have ripped his head from his body.

I just do not understand that.

I have to have an endoscopy every six months because of an esophagus problem. They use propofol to sedate me...and I am unconscious within seconds of the anesthesiologist telling me that he/she is injecting me. It is instantaneous. I am out for almost a half hour.

And they could cut my nuts off with a chain saw while out...and I would not feel a thing.

The executions CAN be done without pain...but protestors make it impossible for proper drugs to be obtained.

Makes no sense to me.
I just do not understand that.

I have to have an endoscopy every six months because of an esophagus problem. They use propofol to sedate me...and I am unconscious within seconds of the anesthesiologist telling me that he/she is injecting me. It is instantaneous. I am out for almost a half hour.

And they could cut my nuts off with a chain saw while out...and I would not feel a thing.

The executions CAN be done without pain...but protestors make it impossible for proper drugs to be obtained.

Makes no sense to me.

You're right. If they really wanted to put people out right away they could do it. I've been dealing with painkillers due to a car wreck for three years now and I laugh when they say the drugs aren't effective. They're using the wrong drugs.
The executions CAN be done without pain...but protestors make it impossible for proper drugs to be obtained.

Makes no sense to me.

Not actually the case, Frank.
The protesters try to make it impossible for the currently used, non-humane drugs to be obtained.
Every vet and human hospital in the country has the humane drugs
Not actually the case, Frank.
The protesters try to make it impossible for the currently used, non-humane drugs to be obtained.
Every vet and human hospital in the country has the humane drugs

I know they have them. They use them on me every six months. They are in plentiful supply.

That is not the problem.

Getting them into the hands of people performing executions IS the problem.
I say lock them up for life and blast Yoko Ono songs continuously into their cell without them being able to turn it down or off!

We totally overlooked this punishment and torturing technique when we waterboarded those people!

You gotta use stuff that really works! Lol!
I say lock them up for life and blast Yoko Ono songs continuously into their cell without them being able to turn it down or off!

We totally overlooked this punishment and torturing technique when we waterboarded those people!

We did it in Panama. Noriega hated Van Halen.
Again, Frank, nobody is TRYING to get those drugs into the hands of executioners.
Executioners don't use them, and right now, executioners are all we have.
We have no humane euthanasia technicians.
If you've ever been through the ordeal and agony of having to have a beloved pet euthanized,
you realized that you suffered far more than the pet did.
First they apply anesthesia or a strong sedative .
Then the final injection is completely painless.

That is decidedly NOT how lethal injection executions are carried out.
But it could be if we were civilized enough.
Maybe the fire and brimstone, First Testament-loving Evangelicals could be executed first.
That would be great.
They're the ones who oppose making executions more humane.

Yes, I recently had one of my three cats euthanized. It was horrible, and I certainly don't believe that my cat was neutral about it. Of course, a cat does not have the consciousness of a human and doesn't fully realize what was happening. Not so with a human being.

What would be your method of execution for a human? Would it be drinking poison? Wouldn't that be demanding that someone commit suicide?
I just do not understand that.

I have to have an endoscopy every six months because of an esophagus problem. They use propofol to sedate me...and I am unconscious within seconds of the anesthesiologist telling me that he/she is injecting me. It is instantaneous. I am out for almost a half hour.

And they could cut my nuts off with a chain saw while out...and I would not feel a thing.

The executions CAN be done without pain...but protestors make it impossible for proper drugs to be obtained.

Makes no sense to me.

You had a very reasonable expectation of surviving. You must know of executions by lethal injection which went horribly wrong.

Let's return to the topic at hand.
I say lock them up for life and blast Yoko Ono songs continuously into their cell without them being able to turn it down or off!

We totally overlooked this punishment and torturing technique when we waterboarded those people!

You gotta use stuff that really works! Lol!

You, supporting torture? That's difficult for me to believe. But you are being facetious, aren't you?
I can see the look on Moses face when the burning bush was carving out the 10 commandments and it got down to the "Thou Shalt Not Kill" part!

I can see him saying "Fuck! What about abortions, Capitol Punishment, War and all that shit"?
What would be your method of execution for a human? Would it be drinking poison? Wouldn't that be demanding that someone commit suicide?

No, CO, injection would still be the best way.
It's a matter of what you inject.

In lethal injection executions, no sedative or anesthetic is used.
The first injection paralyzes the nerves so you can't see the prisoner reacting to the second injection which stops respiration.
The prisoner dies of suffocation and feels the whole thing.

This is deliberate and defended by right wing religious maggots.

That's definite not how pets are euthanized.