How would you execute them? Traditionally soldiers get the firing squad and common criminals are would you execute government employees? Bureaucratic over sight? That’s how they did in Doc Daneeka in Catch-22. They filed him as KIA on the flight report of a plane that crashed where he was listed as the flight surgeon but wasn’t actually on the plane. He stopped getting his pay. His wife received his life insurance and remarried. An obituary was published in his home town and a funeral held. Doc complained bitterly that he was still alive but no one was crazy enough to listen a dead man. It was a horrible death.

Public hanging, by their supervisor/captain or whatever. Need the emphasize the gravity of fucking up and betraying public confidence and trust.
The Washington state Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously struck down the death penalty there as unconstitutional.**

The final order decreed that any death sentences currently in force in the state be converted to life in prison.

This is conceived by many as a move toward a greater respect for life…and as an adjustment that removes what they see as “cruel and unusual punishment.”

There seems to be majority opinion that “life in prison without the possibility of parole” is less cruel and unusual.

I suppose some people can actually think that…but I consider it nuts to the point of bat-shit crazy.

Putting any human in a cage for the remainder of his/her life with no hope of being released…no matter what that person has supposedly done to deserve it…is FAR from “less cruel” than simply ending that person’s life.

I cannot imagine any sane person wanting to be caged for the remainder of his/her life…rather than finally being put out of his/her misery by a relatively peaceful death.

If the people arguing for the end to capital punishment want to be authentic and consistent…they ought also to be arguing for a maximum sentence for ANY crime of no more than ten years confinement.

A far better move, in my opinion, would be to stop arguing for the end to capital punishment…and instead arguing for easier access to more efficient drugs to carry out humane executions.

I imagine one or two people here may disagree.

Okay…let’s hear from you.

**Reported in several newspapers including:

Being left alive gives one the possibility of being exonerated. Execution prevents that.

The rest of the civilized world has caught on. It’s about time we did.

It appears that no drug company wants to be involved with the death penalty. Looks like they’re catching on as well.
There is that.

Over here we sometimes (rarely, but occasionally) find that someone has spent 40 years in prison and has had a conviction reasonably questioned.

If you would take 40 years in prison...or 10 rather than death...okay. But if you are going to try to sell me the idea that "life in prison without the possibility of parole" is somehow less cruel than death...I am going to laugh at you.

For is a no-brainer. If I were wrongly convicted and given "life in prison without the possibility of parole...or death" I would choose death without thinking for a full minute. I'd hate the wrongful conviction with a passion...but I would choose death.

Patrick Henry put it best: Give me freedom...or give me death.

You aren’t everyone, Frank. Some people will choose differently.
Yeah...because it was not done by professionals with reasonable drugs.

I am saying we should allow professionals to do the job...and allow them to use drugs that will get it done with minimal pain.

And if done correctly by competent people...the expectations of the individual should have no impact on whether or not it is painless.

I have not been off topic.

Asking me to "return to the topic"...IS OFF TOPIC.

The topic was the decision of the Washington State Supreme Court to rule that the death penalty was illegal under Washington State's Constitution. There is no federal involvement for that reason. I am happy about the decision.
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If done properly...a lethal injection CAN BE HUMANE.

The fact is, some people just do not want capital punishment...and would prefer to have people languish in prison for the entire of their lives.

I consider that infinitely MORE BARBARIC...and MUCH less humane.

I have no problem with you being barbaric and inhumane, CO...but some of us want to be above that.

If done properly? Yes, I, CO, want to be above that and my state's Supreme Court wants that as well.
You stupid fuck: a rich man hires the best lawyer, a poor man is defended by a public defender who gets his pay check from the same fund as the prosecutor, judge and the police.

I have a lot of experience in the field of criminal defense investigations and always cringe when people disrespect public defenders. They are every bit as good as any prosecuting attorney, but with fewer resources.

To stay on topic, as my State Attorney General said, even the county one is convicted in can play a role in whether or not one receives the death penalty. Poorer, rural counties can often not afford the costs of seeking the ultimate punishment.
I have a lot of experience in the field of criminal defense investigations and always cringe when people disrespect public defenders. They are every bit as good as any prosecuting attorney, but with fewer resources.

To stay on topic, as my State Attorney General said, even the county one is convicted in can play a role in whether or not one receives the death penalty. Poorer, rural counties can often not afford the costs of seeking the ultimate punishment.

Public defenders are most often overworked with huge caseloads. They don't have the time to dig deeply into the facts to defend someone like a private attorney does. To ease that burden, they often try to plea bargain so they have a bit more time to concentrate on the many other cases they have.
I have a lot of experience in the field of criminal defense investigations and always cringe when people disrespect public defenders. They are every bit as good as any prosecuting attorney, but with fewer resources.

To stay on topic, as my State Attorney General said, even the county one is convicted in can play a role in whether or not one receives the death penalty. Poorer, rural counties can often not afford the costs of seeking the ultimate punishment.

I always cringe when people defend public defenders.

Public defenders never seek a not guilty finding.
Instead they always go for a plea deal.
I actually fired a public defender in the middle of a trial and was found innocent.
I think it's more of a question of evidence. If there's absolutely no question whatsoever a person is guilty of a horrendous crime, fry them.
I especially despise pedophiles, and a prison sentence won't change them. If there's undeniable proof they committed that act, hang them
by their toes and shoot them in the balls with a pellet rifle until they bleed to death. Our prisons are overcrowded anyway...
That's how the Russians used to do it, but even they have eliminated the death penalty because it is ineffective as a deterrent.

All punishments are ineffective deterrents to those who commit vicious violent crimes because those criminals are almost never sane.
Humane euthanasia as opposed to punitive execution is neither deterrent nor punishment.
It's expediency.
It removes unrehabilitable sociopaths from society in the most humane possible way.

That's the first reform required.
Next is an outright ban on private, for profit prisons.
Their very existence defines us as an inferior, uncivilized culture.

I'd personally love to toss every Trumpanzee in America into one of those sick private prisons, but that wouldn't make it right.
Euthanizing the assholes would be far more humane.
All punishments are ineffective deterrents to those who commit vicious violent crimes because those criminals are almost never sane.
Humane euthanasia as opposed to punitive execution is neither deterrent nor punishment.
It's expediency.
It removes unrehabilitable sociopaths from society in the most humane possible way.

That's the first reform required.
Next is an outright ban on private, for profit prisons.
Their very existence defines us as an inferior, uncivilized culture.

I'd personally love to toss every Trumpanzee in America into one of those sick private prisons, but that wouldn't make it right.
Euthanizing the assholes would be far more humane.

Bring it on...scumbag.