Capitalism isnt the problem but the answer

and for all of your idiot posturing, you still refuse to see the actual issue which isn't the faults of capitalism, but the corruption in the crony capitalist economy that democrats and republicans have fostered............that isn't unfettered

Go blow yourself. You make no fucking sense.
Tough to do, because so much is done in the private sector here...but medical insurance for one. The object of an insurance company is to make money...for the shareholders and the executives. Some CEO's of insurance companies make over 20,000,000 per year...and dividends of some insurance companies are HUGE compared even with that.

Yes insurance companies make money but I think it's mostly because we insure ourselves for things that never happen and or we go to great lengths to prevent them from happening. The only type of insurance that doesn't apply to is home owner insurance in Florida because of the hurricanes that's why so many have left the state. The other issue is requirements that people have insurance.
Capitalism is a misnomer. We morphed into an oligopoly long ago. We have very little competition, especially in major industries. The era of buyouts and mergers removed the power of the consumer. That is why the "the buyer is always right" faded into history. Now it breaks, you deal with it. Need help, you need a translator to get through the offshore"service". Big industry won.
This article makes a great case for the efficacy and morality of capitalism. Plus it has a hilarious cartoon of that little retarded climate kid, helga

I'm on Social sScurity and Medicare, now.

I don't give a fat flying fuck about capitalism anymore.

In fact, I want them to make much bigger direct deposits to my account while I sit on my geriatric ass.

I wish that i could have done this when I was much younger.

Fuck capitalism and just send me more money!
I'm on Social sScurity and Medicare, now.

I don't give a fat flying fuck about capitalism anymore.

In fact, I want them to make much bigger direct deposits to my account while I sit on my geriatric ass.

I wish that i could have done this when I was much younger.

Fuck capitalism and just send me more money!

Um, you do know that you donated to that mess and will likely never get the amount of money you paid into it back, right? One of the worst investments for your retirement ever. Just putting things randomly into the stock market would have paid better.
Capitalism is a misnomer. We morphed into an oligopoly long ago. We have very little competition, especially in major industries. The era of buyouts and mergers removed the power of the consumer. That is why the "the buyer is always right" faded into history. Now it breaks, you deal with it. Need help, you need a translator to get through the offshore"service". Big industry won.

Sounds like Demolition Man. Where, as it was said by Sandra Bullock, "All restaurants are now Taco Bell"...
Um, you do know that you donated to that mess and will likely never get the amount of money you paid into it back, right? One of the worst investments for your retirement ever. Just putting things randomly into the stock market would have paid better.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration--from a very expensive school--and I fucking hate finance.

I have this smart Greek kid take care of all of my stuff because I hate it so much.
Every few months I drop by his office to see if I have any money left.
So far, so good.

No, we need more socialism, not less.

Less shit to worry about.
Yea bring back the good old days of Laissez-faire capitalism!!!

We don't need stinken' stuff like this

Upton Sinclair was a famous novelist and social crusader from California, who pioneered the kind of journalism known as "muckraking." His best-known novel was "The Jungle" which was an expose of the appalling and unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry.
Yea bring back the good old days of Laissez-faire capitalism!!!

We don't need stinken' stuff like this

Upton Sinclair was a famous novelist and social crusader from California, who pioneered the kind of journalism known as "muckraking." His best-known novel was "The Jungle" which was an expose of the appalling and unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry.
Sinclair was a hack

people left the countryside because they had better living conditions in the city. A very very hard existence was slowly getting easier with technological improvements. He focused not on how their lives were improved, but on how they were supposedly exploited because the huge families thy had to help them on the farm were now helping them in a factory.

and morons like turdo here licks it up
Sinclair was a hack

people left the countryside because they had better living conditions in the city. A very very hard existence was slowly getting easier with technological improvements. He focused not on how their lives were improved, but on how they were supposedly exploited because the huge families thy had to help them on the farm were now helping them in a factory.

and morons like turdo here licks it up

Wait a minute, the conditions that he described in those meat packing plants, plus the product those plants put out, were an "improvement" on life?
Um, you do know that you donated to that mess and will likely never get the amount of money you paid into it back, right? One of the worst investments for your retirement ever. Just putting things randomly into the stock market would have paid better.

Not correct presently.

Currently, it takes about 9 years to get back what you pay as a wage earner in FICA taxes...less than 20 to get back what you and your employer jointly pay. Self-employed people take about 13 years to get back what they pay.

Since it is a mandatory tax...the money actually accumulates. The notion that one can get more by randomly investing the amount into the stock market has the problem of the money never getting invested.

Social Security is one of the best programs ever passed by a United States congress.
Not correct presently.

Currently, it takes about 9 years to get back what you pay as a wage earner in FICA taxes...less than 20 to get back what you and your employer jointly pay. Self-employed people take about 13 years to get back what they pay.

Since it is a mandatory tax...the money actually accumulates. The notion that one can get more by randomly investing the amount into the stock market has the problem of the money never getting invested.

Social Security is one of the best programs ever passed by a United States congress.

Boomers are the biggest group coming up for retirement. Their retirement age is 67. Life expectancy in the US is 80. At 76 you've gotten back what you put in but you still get a check. You earn. Interest in the money that was taken from you. Social security is an illegal ponzi scheme which are banned in the US.
Boomers are the biggest group coming up for retirement. Their retirement age is 67. Life expectancy in the US is 80. At 76 you've gotten back what you put in but you still get a check. You earn. Interest in the money that was taken from you. Social security is an illegal ponzi scheme which are banned in the US.

Social Security is one of the greatest programs ever passed in this nation. It most assuredly is not illegal...nor is it a Ponzi scheme.
Social Security is one of the greatest programs ever passed in this nation. It most assuredly is not illegal...nor is it a Ponzi scheme.

Hardly. As I pointed out it isn't the great investment you claimed. People out live the benefit and burden the system. That's why the retirement age continues to move. Also not a penny of interest is paid as you would get with personal investments.

Pon·zi scheme
/ˈpänzē ˌskēm/


a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors.
Sinclair was a hack

people left the countryside because they had better living conditions in the city. A very very hard existence was slowly getting easier with technological improvements. He focused not on how their lives were improved, but on how they were supposedly exploited because the huge families thy had to help them on the farm were now helping them in a factory.

and morons like turdo here licks it up

Evidently you never read the book, what was he writing about and who were the people who he was writing about?, One Hint, it wasn't rural people coming into the city from the farm . What was the subject and focus of the book?