Cats may need vaccination or culling, scientists say


Oderint dum metuant
How sad is that, "copy and paste" has to go from recognized propaganda sites to Russian media sites

Poor, poor "copy and paste," as much as he tries, and he tries a lot, he just can't deliver anything real
Deer also are carrying this disease. There are deer in Russia... many animals, including wild animal populations are carrying the disease and mutations can happen. The animal population can reinfect humans with new variants of the disease. Unless we vaccinate every living thing we are likely to find ourselves living with the disease forever. (Or better prediction, we will be living with the disease forevermore).
How sad is that, "copy and paste" has to go from recognized propaganda sites to Russian media sites

Poor Anchovies.
There has been an ongoing effort to end or massively restrict cats as pets, the #1 argument is that they are destroying bird populations.


Experts warn continued evolution of virus in animals followed by transmission to humans ‘poses significant long-term risk to public health’

Coronavirus can infect a wide range of species including cats, dogs, mink and other domesticated species, experts from the University of Minnesota said.

In an editorial for the journal Virulence, they warned that continued evolution of the virus in animals followed by transmission to humans "poses a significant long-term risk to public health".

"It is not unthinkable that vaccination or a cull of some domesticated animal species might be necessary to curb the spread of the infection," they wrote.

Denmark's government culled millions of animals after it emerged hundreds of Covid-19 cases in the country were linked with virus variants.

Kevin Tyler, editor-in-chief of Virulence, said: "Cats are asymptomatic but they are infected by it and they can infect humans with it.

"The risk is that, as long as there are these reservoirs, that it starts to pass from animal to animal, and then starts to evolve animal-specific strains, but then they spill back into the human population and you end up essentially with a new virus which is related which causes the whole thing all over again."

The scientists wrote: "Continued virus evolution in reservoir animal hosts, followed by spillback events into susceptible human hosts, poses a significant long-term risk to public health".

"SARS-CoV-2 can infect a wide range of host species, including cats, dogs, and other wild and domesticated species and, hence, vaccination or culling of domesticated animals might be required to halt further virus evolution and spillback events.

"While the vaccination campaigns against SARS-CoV-2/ Covid-19 are being rolled out worldwide, new virus variants are likely to continue to evolve that have the potential to sweep through the human population."

They said that more transmissible virus strains require more people to be vaccinated to keep viruses under control.

"Vaccination against a viral pathogen with such high prevalence globally is without precedent and we, therefore, have found ourselves in uncharted waters," they wrote.

The scientists called on governments to consider cat culls as a way to reduce the evolution and spread of new Covid-19 variants.

:fu: Have you lost your marbles? :mad: