Cats show little attachment to humans

You are again arguing the strawman. We may want to change how people are educated because we see how the current structure isn't working and can tell by the amounts we spend it isn't because of "how much" but rather because of "how", but we don't want to "cut" education.

In this case you guys are always for the status quo, you are bought and paid for, and being owned keeps you stuck in some conservative dream of perfection that flies in the face of results... once government gets its hands on something you can never let it go no matter how poorly it performs. We can't change it, our sole "fix" must be to feed the monster more money.

The last "fix" was worse than the problem.

So, you have solutions, Damo?
Like I said, a whole group stuck on stupid, we can't even change gears, nothing new must be tried. However, only one of us is trying to manipulate the other group by trying to get them to act against a claim of "evil". One sign of a sociopath is the attempt to manipulate others, another is anger and foul language when everything doesn't go your way. There is only one of us showing any of these symptoms, and it isn't the people you claim.

The only "fix" possible in this fantasy world of yours is to feed the singularity more cash and to make still more "zero tolerance" rules. When it fails the only possible solution is to make a centralized program that will fail but will be funded with automatic increases higher than the inflation rate every year without pause and for time immemorial.


utter clap trap.

your ideas have failed repeatedly Damo.

deregulations fucks things u[p EVERYTIME you talk us into it.

your ideas don't work.

the insistence they we TRY them again because they were not applied top to bottom is like saying " I know when you stabbed yourself like I told you to it hurt but you just didn't stab enough"
pretending that ignoring human suffering helps to end human suffering is just not in line with all known facts
My girl dog is all about love.

she gets all wiggley and silly when trying to wooo a person or dog.

she is soooo pretty and soooo silly.

she is brillent.

I can talk to her like a person and she understands full sentences.

its so wild to look into her eyes while Im talking to her and see that SAME look of "yeah I get it" that I see in human eyes during a converstion.

shes border mix

they are so damned bright
I can go anywhere and don't need a gun to protect me .

I can surround myself with over 200 pounds of hound and three mouths full of sharp teeth.

I fear no man
The last "fix" was worse than the problem.

So, you have solutions, Damo?

Absolutely. Thankfully education is at a state level rather than at a federal. We need to do this right rather than feed the beast more sacrifices instead using our unique structure to find the best solution to apply to the problem.

Personally, were I "king" I would implement a system more like the Belgium system where the money follows the child with a basic standard necessary to receive the funding from the state. Allowing other states to take a different approach would be beneficial to us all, until we've found the best system available.
Ignore the suffering is all the right EVER offers

As I said, so long as you keep it black and white you have a better chance of manipulating the weak-willed into some form of "But that isn't me!"

The reality is far different than this fantasy you try to project onto others.

One side says: Let's find a closer-to-home way to provide that doesn't involve the government at a level that exceeds efficiency and doesn't produce a whole world of problems of its own.
The other says: We need a centralized government program that can provide for everybody, it's only fair.

Neither say, "Let them suffer!" nor does either side "not care", that is a projection you put onto others in an attempt to manipulate action in your favor. When they do not act you get angry, start cursing, and tell them they are "sociopaths"...
your team wants to destroy public education not fix it.

Just like your stupid ID laws for voting are not designed to fix anything that exists.

Its all bullshit and lies to kill this country from within.

just like the debt ceiling crap and unpaid for wars to bankrupt us

Your team ALREADY destroyed it.