Chafee beats conservative


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(AP) -- Moderate Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, who has bucked President Bush on tax cuts and the war in Iraq, defeated a conservative challenger Tuesday in a contest crucial to the larger fight for control of Congress.

With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Chafee had 34,042 votes, or 54 percent, to Cranston Mayor Steve Laffey's 29,431 votes, or 46 percent.

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If NewsBoy hadn't delivered it I was going to go out and find it. Also the handpicked NeoCon dived in Arizona...
Huffman was the candidate hand-picked by the Party, a good little NeoCon, the man who won, Randy Graf, is a Tancredo type R... worried about the Border. This may give them an idea that the R base is getting serious about this.
Its a great day for the moderate Republicans and for America... The attempt at hyjacking the nation and moving hard right is slowly begining to show some cracks!
Huffman was the candidate hand-picked by the Party, a good little NeoCon, the man who won, Randy Graf, is a Tancredo type R... worried about the Border. This may give them an idea that the R base is getting serious about this.

Oh yeah, like Rove gives a rat's ass what kind of Republican wins; Bush and Co. wound up having to support Chaffee, a guy who said he didn't vote for Bush in 2004 in Rhode Island in order to maintain the seat there. Unless Chaffee changes parties it doesn't matter what he thinks once he gets in Congress...never has, one monkey won't stop Bush's show...Same thing here, Bush is more concerned about doing away with Social Security than any other single issue. As long as he gets a Republican Congress that stays away from investigating his behavior he could care less about Tancredo or any other member..."Tancredo type"--give me abreak...radicals
Oh yeah, like Rove gives a rat's ass what kind of Republican wins; Bush and Co. wound up having to support Chaffee, a guy who said he didn't vote for Bush in 2004 in Rhode Island in order to maintain the seat there. Unless Chaffee changes parties it doesn't matter what he thinks once he gets in Congress...never has, one monkey won't stop Bush's show...Same thing here, Bush is more concerned about doing away with Social Security than any other single issue. As long as he gets a Republican Congress that stays away from investigating his behavior he could care less about Tancredo or any other member..."Tancredo type"--give me abreak...radicals
What a lunatic.

Much like you I am a partisan, but I think "my" Party is going in the wrong direction. By hiring a Moderate in a place where many were against him and pointing more attention at an actual security issue of the border rather than a false one of Iraq I think it begins to move in a more correctible direction. This is a good sign...

Just having Rs in office clearly isn't enough, they must be the right kind. "Religious" conservatives cannot represent me, they simply have foreign ideas to mine. Borrow and Spend Rs are not fiscally conservative enough to represent my interest either...

Clearly "just being R" isn't enough for me, and when I express it all I get is some inane drivel about what Bush wants?

Lunatic Rant much?
Bush is more concerned about doing away with Social Security than any other single issue.

Do you have anything to back such an assertion?
Bush is more concerned about doing away with Social Security than any other single issue.

Do you have anything to back such an assertion?

Nothing more than his recent interview with Brian Williams in New Orleans where he not only said not only that it was his main goal for his last two years in office, but that he wanted it to be his legacy issue. Other than the man's own words on national television, I got nothin'.
Are you referring to the following quote?

I think the two biggest challenges that I would like to see solved in the next two and half years are... one, the unfunded liabilities inherent in our Social Security and Medicare. Baby Boomers are retiring, fewer people are paying into the system and the system is going broke. It's going to require Republicans and Democrats coming together to reform these systems, so they keep their promises.

I don't see anything here where he says he wants to day away with social security.
What a lunatic.

Much like you I am a partisan, but I think "my" Party is going in the wrong direction. By hiring a Moderate in a place where many were against him and pointing more attention at an actual security issue of the border rather than a false one of Iraq I think it begins to move in a more correctible direction. This is a good sign...

Just having Rs in office clearly isn't enough, they must be the right kind. "Religious" conservatives cannot represent me, they simply have foreign ideas to mine. Borrow and Spend Rs are not fiscally conservative enough to represent my interest either...

Clearly "just being R" isn't enough for me, and when I express it all I get is some inane drivel about what Bush wants?

Lunatic Rant much?

The point is, whether you want to admit it or not, "your" party is the party of the lunatic fringe, the religious right, the Iraq war and the upcoming Iran war, deficit spending, ending social secutiry, no taxation, the end of the estate taxs, and all the other programs that Bush has instigated and I bet you even voted for this yahoo, twice, so don't tell me about Lunatic Rants, because you and guys like you voted for and supported this idiot and now you don't like the direction he has taken you--tough, you got the government you deserve; the rest of us just got fucked by Bush and people just like you...And you have the gall to say we are supposed to like it and want go for it, me I'd rather rant knowing that it does no good, than look at some idiot who will make no difference and think that he or she other words, dream on!!
Are you referring to the following quote?

I think the two biggest challenges that I would like to see solved in the next two and half years are... one, the unfunded liabilities inherent in our Social Security and Medicare. Baby Boomers are retiring, fewer people are paying into the system and the system is going broke. It's going to require Republicans and Democrats coming together to reform these systems, so they keep their promises.

I don't see anything here where he says he wants to day away with social security.

I don't see it either. And I remember watching the interview referred to previously and recall nothing about "doing away" with SS. Partisan blinders?
Bush is more concerned about doing away with Social Security than any other single issue.

Do you have anything to back such an assertion?

Not just bush. On the domestic front, SS has always been - for decades - the linchpin in the republican effort to return us to the pre-1930's era of unfettered lassaize-faire captalism. SS is the keystone.

A review of the leading conservative magazines and journals since the 1950s will confirm this.

SS is the one program that - if unraveled - will deal a death blow to the social contract americans have had with each other and their government for the last 80 years.
Prakosh you are so way off base its not even funny.

Why don't I indulge in the same exercise of stereotyping democrats to the same degree.

"your" party is the party of the lunatic fringe, God haters, appeasement, immorality, baby killing, deficit spending, crippling taxation, the imposition of even more new taxes.

Now isn't that fun to stereotype people by groups. Yay!