Chafee beats conservative

For starters!

Or we could just continue to fuck everyone who doesn't have a golden spoon up their ass, like Democrats like Daily in Chicago are trying to do. Its our choice really...Most people are so indoctrinated and ideologically commited to the status quo they do not even know what it would be like to think in a completely different way and have things be completely different. I have a lot of other ideas as well, much too radical for anyone here I can tell.

One other thing, sure Lincoln and the early Republicans were different but they weren't that different, they were still dominated by religious freaks, Check out William Loyd Garrison or John Brown, just because I agree with their stance on slavery doesn't mean I don't think that the route they took to get their wasn't twisted as all hell. But what could they do, they were Americans after all. They only had so many choices available to them, they just didn't realize it. I do, but it doesn't stop me from trying to get beyond the ideological constraints that are everywhere. Most aren't even aware of what makes them think like they think, let alone do they have the ability to think of a different world, established with different goals and different values and different lives for the majority of the people who struggle daily throughout their miserable lives for little or no material gain.
Or we could just continue to fuck everyone who doesn't have a golden spoon up their ass, like Democrats like Daily in Chicago are trying to do. Its our choice really...Most people are so indoctrinated and ideologically commited to the status quo they do not even know what it would be like to think in a completely different way and have things be completely different. I have a lot of other ideas as well, much too radical for anyone here I can tell.

Why don't you share I like different ideas. However please remember that when you share your ideas they will be challenged. Many ideas I hold are unorthodox but I stand ready to defend them.

One other thing, sure Lincoln and the early Republicans were different but they weren't that different, they were still dominated by religious freaks, Check out William Loyd Garrison or John Brown, just because I agree with their stance on slavery doesn't mean I don't think that the route they took to get their wasn't twisted as all hell.

And you think the Democratic party was different? William Jenings Bryan was the darling of the Democratic party for three presidential campaigns. A religious nut by modern standards.

This country is religious in general. It isn't truly secular like France. Hell you go to court and you swear on a bible for an oath or affrimation.

Look Prakosh I can see by your writings that you are highly knowledgable and I commend that. However you seem to have an arrogant air to your posts that you stand alone with that distinction. Many on this board have a wide breadth of knowledge and understanding of politics. Among these people the political differences do not arise out of ignorance of a thing but rather the value one places on certain things. Purely an element of personal taste.

Reading your posts I find it somewhat of a shame that you know so much yet are so closed minded about other views. I invite you to share your ideas but you should be prepared to hear others as well.
The whole religious nut thing, and the Democrats, I guess you missed the importance of the line you didn't quote. "But what could they do, they were Americans after all. They only had so many choices available to them, they just didn't realize it" and then all the ideological stuff--I was referring to the whole periodical religious awakening crap...You won't ever see me defending Democrats so quit all this party shit with me please...I don't think either party is worth a fuck...And they won't be until we have publicly funded campaigns and elections in which money isn't considered speech...

Gotta Run!
Yes I saw that Prakosh frankly I perceived it as giving an air of superiority. You see them as victims of their own ignorance who lacked the "great wealth" of knowledge you have.

Religiosity should not be automatic grounds of dismissal for the views of others.
"You won't ever see me defending Democrats so quit all this party shit with me please"

As far as I have seen you also won't see you trashing them.... It's all good though.
I don't see it either. And I remember watching the interview referred to previously and recall nothing about "doing away" with SS. Partisan blinders?

Not at all. We can all play stupid, but the right wing has considered SS a form of socialism since it was first instituted, and when some of their most powerful members will openly say they want to shrink the government until it's so small they can drown it in a bathtub, and then start talking about "reform", you have to have your own blinders on not to see what is going on.
Of course they're not going to say that publically.

A journey through the world of the conservative movement - their magazines, journals, and think tanks - will reveal that their ultimate goal is a return to unfettered lassaize-faire capitalism.

The first step is the weaken social security. They're not going to admit the ultimate goal is to end it.

I admit it openly. I think a program should be instituted to gradually phase out social security. I have little confidence that I will ever collect SS benefits with the system as it currently is. SS is nothing more than a backdoor tax. The government just raids the funds to support the exhorbitant spending.

I have the balls to say such a thing but Republicans don't and won't do it anyway. They need the votes of the AARP.

Politics is about handing out stuff to your base and hope that your base comes out in bigger numbers than your opponents base. Its as simple as that.

You are wrong that they believe they cannot end SS someday. Once upon a time, that was the conventional wisdom about the estate tax. And that is not long ago. I have this book, death by athousand cuts, and you would be amazed at how many, on the record quotes there are from republicans stating that it could not be killed, but it the ceiling could be raised.. And how many more quotes they're are, when only 12 years later, they realized, we can do it, we can kill it. And that taught them something.

But at least you seem to understand that they have the desire, you just don't believe they have the will.
I agree. However I still think it is a good sign for the Party.


Have you even looked at the polls man? If it was a closed primary Chafee was going down, Republicans voted for Laffee.

It was the independents who went for Chaffee. You're living in a bubble Damo.
The "new" republican party has 0 interest in shrinking government, at least among its leaders. They craft the law to be beneficial to the party's benefactors. They would not wish to dismantle the engine that supplies them with cash.

Republicans only talk about small government when they are not in power. Once in power ideas like: strict contructionism, state's rights, small government and fiscal responsibility go out the window.

In my foolish youth I looked forward to the day when the Republican party would take control of every branch of government for they would be the engine of dismantling our tyrannical government.

Didn't get what I bargained for. We have traded a Louis the XVI for a Maximillian Robespierre.

Power and power alone is all that is sought in politics.
The "new" republican party has 0 interest in shrinking government, at least among its leaders. They craft the law to be beneficial to the party's benefactors. They would not wish to dismantle the engine that supplies them with cash.

Republicans only talk about small government when they are not in power. Once in power ideas like: strict contructionism, state's rights, small government and fiscal responsibility go out the window.

In my foolish youth I looked forward to the day when the Republican party would take control of every branch of government for they would be the engine of dismantling our tyrannical government.

Didn't get what I bargained for. We have traded a Louis the XVI for a Maximillian Robespierre.

Power and power alone is all that is sought in politics.

There's much truth in what you say, and I do not believe they will ever shrink the budget, but you better believe that I KNOW they will bankrupt it with their own shit, and when cut time comes, they will go the American people and tell them we have to make sacrifices because of the fiscal trouble we are in, and that is how they will drastically cut, and perhaps dismantle, whatever is left of the modern welfare state. They cannot kill these hated programs any other way, the middle class will not go for it, unless there is an "emergency."

Have you even looked at the polls man? If it was a closed primary Chafee was going down, Republicans voted for Laffee.

It was the independents who went for Chaffee. You're living in a bubble Damo.

That's what I heard, though I don't have a link to prove it: republican voters broke for Laffe, and independents pushed Chaffey to victory.

Have you even looked at the polls man? If it was a closed primary Chafee was going down, Republicans voted for Laffee.

It was the independents who went for Chaffee. You're living in a bubble Damo.
No, I am not. If they keep losing because the Independents will go the other direction, it will pull the party in that new direction because they want to win...

Pretending it is all in a vacuum, that there is no future without Rove is living in fantasy.