Chafee beats conservative

Funny when the REpug's are releaved when the guy who fought Bush's tax cuts and war gets the nomination!
The point is, whether you want to admit it or not, "your" party is the party of the lunatic fringe, the religious right, the Iraq war and the upcoming Iran war, deficit spending, ending social secutiry, no taxation, the end of the estate taxs, and all the other programs that Bush has instigated and I bet you even voted for this yahoo, twice, so don't tell me about Lunatic Rants, because you and guys like you voted for and supported this idiot and now you don't like the direction he has taken you--tough, you got the government you deserve; the rest of us just got fucked by Bush and people just like you...And you have the gall to say we are supposed to like it and want go for it, me I'd rather rant knowing that it does no good, than look at some idiot who will make no difference and think that he or she other words, dream on!!

No partisanship in this post........whew, talk about rants. We are going to have to keep the fringes in both parties to a minimum to ever get anything accomplished. Guess who the major benefactors of this type of fringe politics are? I'd say the news people. That's why they seem to like to get things stirred up among the fringes. That's why you only see the fringes represented among the people they interview or allow on their shows, IMO.
I don't see it either. And I remember watching the interview referred to previously and recall nothing about "doing away" with SS. Partisan blinders?

Of course they're not going to say that publically.

A journey through the world of the conservative movement - their magazines, journals, and think tanks - will reveal that their ultimate goal is a return to unfettered lassaize-faire capitalism.

The first step is the weaken social security. They're not going to admit the ultimate goal is to end it.
The point is, whether you want to admit it or not, "your" party is the party of the lunatic fringe, the religious right, the Iraq war and the upcoming Iran war, deficit spending, ending social secutiry, no taxation, the end of the estate taxs, and all the other programs that Bush has instigated and I bet you even voted for this yahoo, twice, so don't tell me about Lunatic Rants, because you and guys like you voted for and supported this idiot and now you don't like the direction he has taken you--tough, you got the government you deserve; the rest of us just got fucked by Bush and people just like you...And you have the gall to say we are supposed to like it and want go for it, me I'd rather rant knowing that it does no good, than look at some idiot who will make no difference and think that he or she other words, dream on!!
LOL. Both parties have a lunatic fringe. ELF, Anarchists, etc. This doesn't mean that I think that voting for a Moderate over a Religous Conservative isn't a good thing for the Party and something that I have worked towards in the Party for some time.

The whole Idea that because there are some lunatic fringe on the Right means that the whole Party is lunatic flies in the face of all reality and actually underlines my point that it was lunatic ranting that got us to this point of this thread to begin with.

And no, I did not vote for Bush twice. He "fooled" me once and had me thinking he was a Conservative, but I wasn't fooled again.

I have never told you that you were supposed to like this, in fact quite the opposite. This is just another lunatic rant.

I'll ask again, although two in three posts in a thread pretty much gives me the answer... Lunatic Rant much?
Funny when the REpug's are releaved when the guy who fought Bush's tax cuts and war gets the nomination!
Not all Rs are relieved. Many will be upset that a "Moderate" won. Once again I think it is a sign that the Party will pull in a different direction in the future. It will take this election to make it happen and probably 2008 too, unfortunately, but the Party has marched away from its base and needs to be brought back in to heel...
Karl Rove doesn't care at this point if chaffe is a moderate.

Rove wants to prevent a Democratic take-over of either house, so that Bush will remain unchecked and uninvestigated.
Of course they're not going to say that publically.

A journey through the world of the conservative movement - their magazines, journals, and think tanks - will reveal that their ultimate goal is a return to unfettered lassaize-faire capitalism.

The first step is the weaken social security. They're not going to admit the ultimate goal is to end it.

I admit it openly. I think a program should be instituted to gradually phase out social security. I have little confidence that I will ever collect SS benefits with the system as it currently is. SS is nothing more than a backdoor tax. The government just raids the funds to support the exhorbitant spending.

I have the balls to say such a thing but Republicans don't and won't do it anyway. They need the votes of the AARP.

Politics is about handing out stuff to your base and hope that your base comes out in bigger numbers than your opponents base. Its as simple as that.
Karl Rove doesn't care at this point if chaffe is a moderate.

Rove wants to prevent a Democratic take-over of either house, so that Bush will remain unchecked and uninvestigated.
I agree. However I still think it is a good sign for the Party.
Of course they're not going to say that publically.

A journey through the world of the conservative movement - their magazines, journals, and think tanks - will reveal that their ultimate goal is a return to unfettered lassaize-faire capitalism.

The first step is the weaken social security. They're not going to admit the ultimate goal is to end it.

I admit it openly. I think a program should be instituted to gradually phase out social security. I have little confidence that I will ever collect SS benefits with the system as it currently is. SS is nothing more than a backdoor tax. The government just raids the funds to support the exhorbitant spending.

I have the balls to say such a thing but Republicans don't and won't do it anyway. They need the votes of the AARP.

Politics is about handing out stuff to your base and hope that your base comes out in bigger numbers than your opponents base. Its as simple as that.

I think a program should be instituted to gradually phase out social security.

Replacing one government program, with another doesn't make sense too me. It sounds like bureacratic deck shuffling.

It'd be simpler to strenghten social security.
Nonsense Cypress. Insitutionalized racism used to be a government program. Now we used government programs to dismantle it.

It takes a crew to assemble a car. It also takes one to disassemble it. In my view the imposition of the SS system was a crime in which the government is now responsible for remedying.
LOL. Both parties have a lunatic fringe. ELF, Anarchists, etc. This doesn't mean that I think that voting for a Moderate over a Religous Conservative isn't a good thing for the Party and something that I have worked towards in the Party for some time.

The whole Idea that because there are some lunatic fringe on the Right means that the whole Party is lunatic flies in the face of all reality and actually underlines my point that it was lunatic ranting that got us to this point of this thread to begin with.

And no, I did not vote for Bush twice. He "fooled" me once and had me thinking he was a Conservative, but I wasn't fooled again.

I have never told you that you were supposed to like this, in fact quite the opposite. This is just another lunatic rant.

I'll ask again, although two in three posts in a thread pretty much gives me the answer... Lunatic Rant much?

You're wrong on two counts, one is the difference between the lunatic fringeon the right and the left. The lunatic fringe on the righ, unlike the left lunatic fringe are politically active, they vote Republican, while the lunatic fringe on the left generally do not subscribe to Democratic politics at all and generally do not vote or support the party in any way. Anarchists are not party people by definition..and they certainly don't vote for conservative Democrats like Bill Clinton. Until I gave money to John Kerry, the whimp, in 2004, the only other politician I had ever supported monetarily was Vermont's Bernie Sanders, because I thought he was closer to my own views than any other member of Congress. I really couldn't support a President who as governor ate desert while a retarded person was being put to death so that he could appear "tough on crime." But you could vote for someone who as governor put to death more people than any other governor in history and think he was a "conservative." Where I come from we call that a murderer, and we don't support it no matter who does it.

I don't really support either party, although I do believe at this juncture, that a Democratically controlled Congress may at least look into what this ignorant bastard has done and how he has done it. A Republican Congress never will, they will simply continue to rubber stamp his designs and desires. I get so tired of all the Republican mavericks, from McCain on down, kissing Bush's ass in the back room, while chastising him in public, that it isn't even funny. But you party people eat it up. Net gain nothing...Bush signs McCain's torture bill and issues a signing statment that says the bill doesn't apply to him, and tells the press he will continue to torture whenever he wants. And McCain goes out all smiles and says I'm a maverick and I won't allow torture becuase it puts our own troops in danger and everybody grins and says see the Republicans can take care of Bush when he steps out of line. In the meantime, the neo-conservatives and hyper-conservatives and wackos are running the country into the ground with huge debts, huge deficits, and the claim of bringing democracy to the Middle east while stripping away the last shreds of democracy right here in America, to protect us from the terrorists, wink wink, nudge nudge; but hey, Chafee won in Rhode Island ain't it great. He's a moderate, even voted against the war, which actually makes him more desirable than a rather large number of Democrats, but given the structure of Congress, its still bad for the anti-war people because the Republicans will hold the majority and the "moderates" will be swept aside in the pursuit of the neo-conservative agenda. The Rove's and Nordquist's emerge victorious once again. As I said Rove and Bush could give a rat's ass less what kind of republican wins, just as long as the winner is a Republican, they have many ways of keeping the Chafee's od this world contained. He can't contain Saddam or Iran but he can contain Chafee and other mavericks...He's been doing it for 6 years now.
You're wrong on two counts, one is the difference between the lunatic fringeon the right and the left. The lunatic fringe on the righ, unlike the left lunatic fringe are politically active, they vote Republican, while the lunatic fringe on the left generally do not subscribe to Democratic politics at all and generally do not vote or support the party in any way. Anarchists are not party people by definition..and they certainly don't vote for conservative Democrats like Bill Clinton.

Anarchists are also right wing (opposite of socialism) and were the reason that I put them in there. You are wrong. The KKK, right fringe, do not vote Republican, they put forward their own candidates and do not support the R Party as they were "betrayed" by them long ago.... We can go on. The idea that the "fringe" votes for either party is ridiculous.

Until I gave money to John Kerry, the whimp, in 2004, the only other politician I had ever supported monetarily was Vermont's Bernie Sanders, because I thought he was closer to my own views than any other member of Congress. I really couldn't support a President who as governor ate desert while a retarded person was being put to death so that he could appear "tough on crime." But you could vote for someone who as governor put to death more people than any other governor in history and think he was a "conservative." Where I come from we call that a murderer, and we don't support it no matter who does it.

Mostly because I understand that the Governor of Texas has no power to stop the Death Penalty from being implemented. The most they can do is a 30 day reprieve for review by a panel of Judges. That power was taken from them long ago in Texas because a corrupt governor was taking money to convert sentences....

That you don't understand the history, didn't care to learn it, and are likely to blame somebody with no power over something for it is clear. That I am for the Death Penalty is not.... That you don't know my positions is also clear, that you assume them to your detriment and embarrassment constantly is also clear....

I don't really support either party, although I do believe at this juncture, that a Democratically controlled Congress may at least look into what this ignorant bastard has done and how he has done it. A Republican Congress never will, they will simply continue to rubber stamp his designs and desires. I get so tired of all the Republican mavericks, from McCain on down, kissing Bush's ass in the back room, while chastising him in public, that it isn't even funny. But you party people eat it up. Net gain nothing...Bush signs McCain's torture bill and issues a signing statment that says the bill doesn't apply to him, and tells the press he will continue to torture whenever he wants. And McCain goes out all smiles and says I'm a maverick and I won't allow torture becuase it puts our own troops in danger and everybody grins and says see the Republicans can take care of Bush when he steps out of line. In the meantime, the neo-conservatives and hyper-conservatives and wackos are running the country into the ground with huge debts, huge deficits, and the claim of bringing democracy to the Middle east
Hence the reason that I have been working to change the Party more to my leanings than theirs....

while stripping away the last shreds of democracy right here in America, to protect us from the terrorists, wink wink, nudge nudge; but hey, Chafee won in Rhode Island ain't it great. He's a moderate, even voted against the war, which actually makes him more desirable than a rather large number of Democrats, but given the structure of Congress, its still bad for the anti-war people because the Republicans will hold the majority and the "moderates" will be swept aside in the pursuit of the neo-conservative agenda. The Rove's and Nordquist's emerge victorious once again. As I said Rove and Bush could give a rat's ass less what kind of republican wins,

And as I said, I am not Rove and that has little to do with my opinion on why I think it is good that Chafee won... You just ignore it for another lunatic rant based on supposition and assumption, grabbing the air and assuming you have handfuls of dirt to throw at me. First ask my opinion before attempting to hand it to me, so far you have been wrong EVERY TIME!

just as long as the winner is a Republican, they have many ways of keeping the Chafee's od this world contained. He can't contain Saddam or Iran but he can contain Chafee and other mavericks...He's been doing it for 6 years now.

However the more Rs that win that are not for what they are for is a positive IMO because it is a sign that the party is beginning to move in my direction...

How Rove feels about it has little bearing on why I think it is good.
That you refuse to understand that whether the party moves in some slight degree more or less "right" is of little matter at this jucture is a result of either ignorant or willfull blindness. But that you can exault in the victory of a moderate because it will make some kind of difference is just plain silly and shows that you understand neither the structure of congress, party politics, nor history. By the way how many 30 day reprieve's did the man who mocked Karla Faye Tucker call for? And was his decision to mock Karla Faye Tucker a result of the provincial laws of Texas or was that a decision he was able to make on his own?
That you refuse to understand that whether the party moves in some slight degree more or less "right" is of little matter at this jucture is a result of either ignorant or willfull blindness. But that you can exault in the victory of a moderate because it will make some kind of difference is just plain silly and shows that you understand neither the structure of congress, party politics, nor history. By the way how many 30 day reprieve's did the man who mocked Karla Faye Tucker call for? And was his decision to mock Karla Faye Tucker a result of the provincial laws of Texas or was that a decision he was able to make on his own?
I have not "exalted" I simply reported. I think it is a good thing for the Party in general, that is all.

What has Karla Faye Tucker to do with this conversation, other than she murdered somebody in a Texas Library in 1983?

That you don't understand that often there is a lean to a party as well as just a person. That sometimes the leadership will pull the party in a different direction than a different leader will. I think of this as a sign that the party will lean away from the Neo Con agenda and more toward what I perceive as an actual Libertarian Conservative agenda....
Prakosh you fail to see anything beyond the horizon of the current presidential term. The direction of the Republican party changing will have effects long after Bush leaves office to limit its effects in the scope of how it relates to Karl Rove is myopic.
Prakosh you fail to see anything beyond the horizon of the current presidential term. The direction of the Republican party changing will have effects long after Bush leaves office to limit its effects in the scope of how it relates to Karl Rove is myopic.

Surely it will, one day the Republican party won't care about social issues like abortion and gay marriage and flag burning and they will start caring about the little guy, and about the way the current structure benefits not just big business but makes it imperative that bigger and bigger businesses aggregate in order to continue to make greater and greater profits.

And soon they will become the party of universal healthcare, and the rights of workers and a higher minimum wage, and greater freedom in how we choose partners and the champion of gay marriage to insure that all share equally in the bounty of the country. And they will champion health coverage for domestic partners and the teaching of science in public schools and not biblically based myths as science. And they will become strong believers in global warming and the necessity for big business to make the important changes that will be required if our quality of life is to continue for more than 50 years. In fact, the new Republican party will cease to believe that the best case scenario for the future is the end times and the last days before the apocalypse.

They will also suddenly become the party that champions the end to the death penalty because the death penalty isn't working, they will begin working to close down all the prisons in America and begin experimenting with other ways of handling criminals. They will abandon their hard on crime stance and begin fighting instead a war on poverty that spends the billions that former Republicans spent on war and war mongering to guarantee that every American has the best possible free public education in the world all the way through graduate school, that every person is able to have cradle to grave social aid if deserving and that those who need mental and psychological treatment receive it. Yes now that Chafee has been selected to run in the general election from Rhode Island the Republican party will begin turning things around, in fact I would say that this indicates that the Republican party as we know it under Karl Rove is in its "last throes"!
"And soon they will become the party of universal healthcare, and the rights of workers and a higher minimum wage, and greater freedom in how we choose partners and the champion of gay marriage to insure that all share equally in the bounty of the country. And they will champion health coverage for domestic partners and the teaching of science in public schools and not biblically based myths as science. And they will become strong believers in global warming and the necessity for big business to make the important changes that will be required if our quality of life is to continue for more than 50 years. In fact, the new Republican party will cease to believe that the best case scenario for the future is the end times and the last days before the apocalypse.

They will also suddenly become the party that champions the end to the death penalty because the death penalty isn't working, they will begin working to close down all the prisons in America and begin experimenting with other ways of handling criminals. They will abandon their hard on crime stance and begin fighting instead a war on poverty that spends the billions that former Republicans spent on war and war mongering to guarantee that every American has the best possible free public education in the world all the way through graduate school, that every person is able to have cradle to grave social aid if deserving and that those who need mental and psychological treatment receive it."

Now that is left of my left. Whew!
Prakosh do you not understand the dynamics of politics. You seem to think politics is fixed as I can tell by the tone of your sarcasm. Have you not forgotten the fact that at one time it was the Republican party that was the liberal party in the United States. Familiar with Abraham Lincoln?

I suppose that you are such a great predictor of future events that you know that such a shift in the future is impossible.

Tell me oh wise Oracle which stock should I add to my portfolio?