Challenging Hume to a Debate #2 - Physics of the Global Warming Faith : Is Greenhouse Effect Even Possible?


Argument of the Stone fallacy. Bulverism fallacy.
Obviously he's not. Nor is he factoring in the cost of movement of that material across the globe several times.

Very true. Fortunately, the EV market has already collapsed (again).

Yup. That's what they are.

Nah. They don't own the EVs'. They are in it for the religious aspect of it. The Church of Global Warming and the Church of Green are both fundamentalist style religions.

Unfortunately, you won't break them of their religion.
they own stock in these zombie companies that only exist because of their mandates.

It doesn't. It can't. You can't create energy out of nothing. You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics again.

Ok, let's run a test here and see how capable you are of having a conversation vs how much I'm just a big meanie that has mislabeled you as a jerk off.

Yes or no.....

If the Earth had no atmosphere, would the high and low temperatures, measured at surface level, be different than they are with the current atmosphere.
Ok, let's run a test here and see how capable you are of having a conversation vs how much I'm just a big meanie that has mislabeled you as a jerk off.

Yes or no.....

If the Earth had no atmosphere, would the high and low temperatures, measured at surface level, be different than they are with the current atmosphere.
You are still a loon though.
Irony is real.
I can't help that you're just here to jerk off, not have a serious conversation.
Garbage in, garbage out. Stop being a jerk off and we'll stop being jerks.
Yep... jerk off.
...looks like this thread is done (at least for now). It's just insults now coming from the Church of Global Warming believers.

They just can't handle theories of science or mathematics.
...looks like this thread is done (at least for now). It's just insults now coming from the Church of Global Warming believers.

They just can't handle theories of science or mathematics.
You wouldn't know science if it crawled up your ass and laid eggs. All you do is avoid question, pretend your opinion is fact and lie. You are in a three way tie for the most dishonest people on this forum.

When YOU want to have an honest conversation, I'll be more than happy to talk to you or Tweedle Dum (IBDaMann)
I don't assume it; I KNOW it.
Why? We already know that things like greenhouses, using no additional energy from the sun, cause temperatures within the green house to be higher than they are outside the greenhouse. We know that an insulated house will have a higher internal temperature, with no additional energy, than an uninsulated house. What makes you so sure that this particular situation requires additional energy?
Why? We already know that things like greenhouses, using no additional energy from the sun, cause temperatures within the green house to be higher than they are outside the greenhouse. We know that an insulated house will have a higher internal temperature, with no additional energy, than an uninsulated house. What makes you so sure that this particular situation requires additional energy?