Challenging Hume to a Debate #2 - Physics of the Global Warming Faith : Is Greenhouse Effect Even Possible?


You wouldn't know science if it crawled up your ass and laid eggs. All you do is avoid question, pretend your opinion is fact and lie. You are in a three way tie for the most dishonest people on this forum.

When YOU want to have an honest conversation, I'll be more than happy to talk to you or Tweedle Dum (IBDaMann)
You are describing yourself again. DON'T TRY TO BLAME YOUR PROBLEM ON ME OR ANYBODY ELSE!
Why? We already know that things like greenhouses, using no additional energy from the sun, cause temperatures within the green house to be higher than they are outside the greenhouse.
The Earth isn't a greenhouse, Void. No greenhouse warms the Earth.
We know that an insulated house will have a higher internal temperature,
Insulation is not an energy source. You cannot heat a home with insulation.
with no additional energy, than an uninsulated house. What makes you so sure that this particular situation requires additional energy?
You cannot heat anything with insulation. You can't even heat a rock by putting a blanket on it.

You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics again. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
The Earth isn't a greenhouse, Void. No greenhouse warms the Earth.

Insulation is not an energy source. You cannot heat a home with insulation.

You cannot heat anything with insulation. You can't even heat a rock by putting a blanket on it.

You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics again. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
I never said you "heat" things with insulation.

Care to try again, Captain Dishonesty?

Oh, wait... Here comes the "Don't try to deny your own words!" response. :ROFLMAO:
The Earth isn't a greenhouse, Void. No greenhouse warms the Earth.

Insulation is not an energy source. You cannot heat a home with insulation.

You cannot heat anything with insulation. You can't even heat a rock by putting a blanket on it.

You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics again. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
Again, stop playing dumb troll boy.

I clearly stated the purpose of referencing greenhouses and insulated houses and it was not to compare to the earth, it was to make a point about increases in temperatures without increased energy. I also never once implied that insulation is an energy source.

Can you please turn on your brain before your next response. Thanks. :rolleyes:
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Again, stop playing dumb troll boy.

I clearly stated the purpose of referencing greenhouses and insulated houses and it was not to compare to the earth, it was to make a point about increases in temperatures without increased energy. I also never once implied that insulation is an energy source.

Can you please turn on your brain before your next response. Thanks. :rolleyes:
You can't weasel your way out using a paradox!
Well, it seems that the Church of Global Warming has basically given up and resorted to just throwing insults.

They don't realize that such behavior doesn't win any arguments or changes the laws of thermodynamics.

They still insist that a Magick Holy Gas can somehow create energy out of nothing, ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.

They still insist that a Magick Holy Gas can somehow reduce entropy by attempting to heat the warmer surface using a colder gas, ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

They still insist that a Magick Holy Gas can somehow prevent light from being emitted by the Earth, and that the Earth can be heated by this trapped energy, ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

They still insist that it's somehow possible to measure the temperature of the Earth, the total snow and ice on Earth, the sea level to within millimeters, the pH of the ocean, the emissivity of the Earth, and other factors that are simply not possible to measure, ignoring statistical mathematics and committing a base rate fallacy.

Round and round they go, switching to a different denial when caught in their own trap.

Well, that's religious fundamentalism for you.
This thread did wander into discussion about EVs for a short bit, showing how the Church of the EV stems from the Church of Global Warming.

The Church of Global Warming in turn stems from the Church of Green, or the environmentalist wackos. That in turn stems from the Church of Karl Marx, since their 'solution' to the 'problem' (which they can never state clearly), always involves communism and fascism, both promoted by Karl Marx in his writings.

This is the Democrat party.

A party that:
* Proposes murdering your offspring for convenience.
* Proposes socialism (including fascism, communism, and slavery).
* That created and continues to fund the KKK.
* That created DIE policies, or the hiring and firing based on racism and bigotry.
* That supports sexually deviant behavior.
* That can't figure out what a women is.
* That creates 'gun free zones', giving mass shooters a safe place to murder people.
* That causes high inflation.
* That causes a poor economy and bankruptcies that result from it.
* That proposes civil war against citizens of the United States (an act of treason).
* That invites invasion of the United States (an act of treason) and gives such invaders money, housing, medical care, and A VOTE!
* That persecutes and imprisons their political opponents, using fake 'prosecution' and biased 'juries' and 'judges'.
* That continually makes shit up by taking words out of context, fabricating words and narratives, point to 'experts' with no name or try to use the 'expert' as a proof.
* That fabricates numbers and attempt to use them as 'data'.
* That want to ban and limit guns.
* That deny their own voting record.
* That blame their problems on everyone else, especially conservatives or Trump.
* That denies and discards the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
* That think that indoctrination centers in schools, colleges, and universities is 'education'.

Fuck 'em. Democrats HATE kids. Democrats HATE women. Democrats HATE the constitution or indeed ANY constitution. Democrats HATE the very citizens that make up the fabric of this great country of ours.

Democrats want to replace that with mandates, forced welfare and slavery, tyranny, and an oligarchy or even a dictatorship (such as currently exists in the SDTC, once the great State of California).
Well, it seems that the Church of Global Warming has basically given up and resorted to just throwing insults.

They don't realize that such behavior doesn't win any arguments or changes the laws of thermodynamics.

They still insist that a Magick Holy Gas can somehow create energy out of nothing, ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.

They still insist that a Magick Holy Gas can somehow reduce entropy by attempting to heat the warmer surface using a colder gas, ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

They still insist that a Magick Holy Gas can somehow prevent light from being emitted by the Earth, and that the Earth can be heated by this trapped energy, ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

They still insist that it's somehow possible to measure the temperature of the Earth, the total snow and ice on Earth, the sea level to within millimeters, the pH of the ocean, the emissivity of the Earth, and other factors that are simply not possible to measure, ignoring statistical mathematics and committing a base rate fallacy.

Round and round they go, switching to a different denial when caught in their own trap.

Well, that's religious fundamentalism for you.

Again, stop playing dumb troll boy.

I clearly stated the purpose of referencing greenhouses and insulated houses and it was not to compare to the earth,
Stop right there. This thread is about Earth (specifically referencing Earth's average global equilibrium temperature), and then concludes by asking a question based upon that ("is such a concept possible in physics?")
it was to make a point about increases in temperatures without increased energy.
Earth is not a greenhouse.
I also never once implied that insulation is an energy source.
Yes, you did.
Can you please turn on your brain before your next response. Thanks. :rolleyes:
Can you please take your own advice before your next response? Thanks.

Btw, question marks are the correct punctuation to use whenever you ask someone a question.
Stop right there. This thread is about Earth (specifically referencing Earth's average global equilibrium temperature), and then concludes by asking a question based upon that ("is such a concept possible in physics?")

Earth is not a greenhouse.
For the third time, I never said the earth was a greenhouse. The comparison was to make the point that temperatures can change/rise in a specific area WITHOUT ADDITIONAL ENERGY? Do you understand that? There is no glass enclosure around the earth. The atmosphere is not like the insulation found in the walls of a house. Is there anything you'd like to pretend to not understand that I can "clear up" for you.

Yes, you did.
So YOU believe that I think insulation radiates energy? That is what you believe? So, when I walk over to the thermostat and turn the switch to "Heat" to turn on my heater, YOU think that I think it's sending electricity to the insulation lining the walls of my house? Is that what you're saying? :rolleyes:

Again, either you WANT to have an honest conversation or you don't. So far, neither you, Into the Night or IBDaMann has shown any desire to have an honest conversation.

Can you please take your own advice before your next response? Thanks.

Btw, question marks are the correct punctuation to use whenever you ask someone a question.
For the third time, I never said the earth was a greenhouse.
If the Earth isn't a greenhouse, then there's no valid comparison.
The comparison was to make the point that temperatures can change/rise in a specific area WITHOUT ADDITIONAL ENERGY? Do you understand that?
... and you failed. Within "[the] specific area" (namely, inside of a greenhouse), your example involves additional thermal energy being present. So, I ask once again, where is the additional thermal energy coming from that is causing Earth to increase in temperature?
There is no glass enclosure around the earth.
Precisely, so your comparison of the Earth to a greenhouse is invalid.
The atmosphere is not like the insulation found in the walls of a house.
Precisely. The Earth's atmosphere is not a "magick blanket".
Is there anything you'd like to pretend to not understand that I can "clear up" for you.
This is your issue, not mine.
So YOU believe that I think insulation radiates energy? That is what you believe?
Stop trying to blame me for YOUR issues.
So, when I walk over to the thermostat and turn the switch to "Heat" to turn on my heater, YOU think that I think it's sending electricity to the insulation lining the walls of my house? Is that what you're saying? :rolleyes:
Do try to stay focused. This discussion is about Earth's average global equilibrium temperature, not your house, its insulation, nor its thermostat.
Again, either you WANT to have an honest conversation or you don't. So far, neither you, Into the Night or IBDaMann has shown any desire to have an honest conversation.
Nope. You cannot blame any of us for YOUR issues.
If the Earth isn't a greenhouse, then there's no valid comparison.

... and you failed. Within "[the] specific area" (namely, inside of a greenhouse), your example involves additional thermal energy being present. So, I ask once again, where is the additional thermal energy coming from that is causing Earth to increase in temperature?

Precisely, so your comparison of the Earth to a greenhouse is invalid.

Precisely. The Earth's atmosphere is not a "magick blanket".

This is your issue, not mine.

Stop trying to blame me for YOUR issues.

Do try to stay focused. This discussion is about Earth's average global equilibrium temperature, not your house, its insulation, nor its thermostat.

Nope. You cannot blame any of us for YOUR issues.
... and you failed. Within "[the] specific area" (namely, inside of a greenhouse), your example involves additional thermal energy being present. So, I ask once again, where is the additional thermal energy coming from that is causing Earth to increase in temperature?

Sweet baby cannot get this ignorant. Do you know how greenhouses work? HINT: The sun does not magically produce extra energy to make the temperatures inside a greenhouse higher than those outside the greenhouse, right?

*****The temperature INSIDE a greenhouse is higher than the temperature OUTSIDE the greenhouse with NO ADDITIONAL ENERGY FROM THE SUN.*****

Before I waste any more time, I'm going to stop and wait for you to agree to what shouldn't have to be explained.
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Sweet baby Jesus....
You can simply call me 'gfm7175', or 'gfm' for short.
you cannot get this ignorant.
You cannot make your issues go away by blaming them on me.
Do you know how greenhouses work?
Yes. Obviously YOU don't.
HINT: The sun does not magically produce extra energy to make the temperatures inside a greenhouse higher than those outside the greenhouse, right?
*****The temperatures INSIDE a greenhouse are higher than those OUTSIDE the greenhouse with NO ADDITIONAL ENERGY FROM THE SUN.*****
Right, HOWEVER, now there IS additional thermal energy located within the specific area being referred to as the interior of the greenhouse due to the glass enclosure that is now surrounding the interior of the greenhouse. Same amount of sunlight. More thermal energy located internally. Less thermal energy located externally.

IOW, you have increased the amount of thermal energy inside of the greenhouse in order to increase the temperature inside of the greenhouse. Thus, you failed because there IS additional thermal energy present (inside of the greenhouse).
Before I waste any more time, I'm going to stop and wait for you to agree to what shouldn't have to be explained.
See above.