Challenging Hume to a Debate #2 - Physics of the Global Warming Faith : Is Greenhouse Effect Even Possible?

A fallacy is not a question, Void.
Your inability to answer two simple questions is acknowledged....

He is not arguing any theory of science. He is simply trying to deny them, just like you do.

I have already shown you the theories of science you ignore, and their equations. You just simply want to ignore them. Your religion is NOT science.

Pointing out your wacky religion in all it's glory is entertainment.

Full extent. Earth is not a greenhouse. It's a false equivalence fallacy.

No. It is reduced heat.

There is no such thing as a 'greenhouse effect' in science.

Science is not a government agency.

There is not such thing as a 'greenhouse effect' in science.

No gas or vapor is capable of creating energy out of nothing.
No gas or vapor is capable of heating anything warmer than itself.
No gas or vapor is capable of trapping light.

See what I mean?
You aren't asking a question. A fallacy is not a question.
Still more lies :rolleyes:

1. If you have a greenhouse sitting in the sun, will the temperature inside the greenhouse eventually be higher than the temperature outside the greenhouse?

2. Since we both know that greenhouses have a higher temperature inside than outside, do you believe that greenhouses violate the first law of thermodynamics?
Still more lies :rolleyes:

1. If you have a greenhouse sitting in the sun, will the temperature inside the greenhouse eventually be higher than the temperature outside the greenhouse?

2. Since we both know that greenhouses have a higher temperature inside than outside, do you believe that greenhouses violate the first law of thermodynamics?