Chameleon Harris...Here Come the Flip-Flops

Biden had the equivalent to a political gun held to his head when he made the "voluntary" decision to drop out. Nancy made it clear the 25th amendment was an option.

You are allowing the disappointment of knowing that your side is going to lose big time in November...fuck up your thinking.



There is no question about that. None whatsoever.

Now if you want to think that the 25th Amendment was contemplated...think it. Most of you assholes think Trump was cheated out of the 2020 election. (Such as any of you actually "think.")

Like that move would have been a better one for the Dems than convincing Joe Biden that he should drop out. need a narrative that makes you feel better about your lost cause.

Go for it. It is actually fun to watch.

Be careful or the other residents may make you voluntarily step down from pResident of the Alzheimer's Ward Frankie.

Not clever at all. Just desperation. Another emotion you guys are showing that is a delight to see.

Keep at it...and thank you for it.
And you are still a hateful little man!

Where are we going with this?
I have my convictions. They won't change.
Hateful? No. Intolerant? Sometimes.

I dunno. You tell me.

The thread is about the Ho changing her positions just
because she's running for president. I call her out as a liar.
I have my convictions. They won't change.
Hateful? No. Intolerant? Sometimes.

I dunno. You tell me.

The thread is about the Ho changing her positions just
because she's running for president. I call her out as a liar.
You have no tolerance for anything you do not want, or anyone who is not WHITE AND HATEFUL OF OTHERS LIKE YOU!

I forgot the world revolves around you and your prejudices while you sit up there on your lofty little perch judging everyone but yourself.

How silly of me! Huh?
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You have no tolerance for anything you do not want, or anyone who is not WHITE AND HATEFUL OF OTHERS LIKE YOU!

I forgot the world revolves around you. How silly of me.
There are a number of black women I'd vote for, and black men as well. Hell, I'd even vote for a qualified (natural born American citizen) Asian, or... Why must you make this about race when it's definitely all about policies, and nothing more?
Holy shit! She couldn't even send down orders to secure the border when the president put
her in charge? WTF! Sne's an SF far left liberal. That's makings for dismantling our freedoms.

Yep. The world does revolve around me. If it didn't, why would I care? Why would you care?
Are you whacked, you jump from the National Review to Washington Examiner trying to establish creditable, comparable to going from the Huffington Post to the Daily Beast, and on top of that, you offer videos

Your playing minor league ball, up your game if you want to be taken serious

So you're lying that the CNN video is "fake?"

Is that your lie? Really?
I am not confused!

I am just being honest. about how I feel about your manner- whether you care or not!

Calling Black women bitches, just because you don't like them, shows what a hateful and disrespectful little man you really are!
And you call Trump a number of terrible names because you do not like them. Plus Kamala's own employees say she is abusive and curses at them. That kind of behavior is commonly called being a bitch.
And you call Trump a number of terrible names because you do not like them. Plus Kamala's own employees say she is abusive and curses at them. That kind of behavior is commonly called being a bitch.
I've never called Trump's VP a Bitch!

And can you provide us with a list of people she abused and cursed, and their quotes?

If you can't provide a list, that's OK- WE'LL UNDERSTAND!

Here Come the Flip-Flops

Vice President Kamala Harris managed to become the presumptive Democratic nominee in record time after President Biden was forced to drop out of the race, and now, with breathless speed, she is dramatically reversing positions that she once claimed were strongly held when she last ran for president. Whether these new positions last longer than the old ones is something voters won’t know until after the election.

When Harris entered the Senate in 2017, it was the heyday of anti-Trump resistance on the left. With the aging socialist Senator Bernie Sanders having given eventual loser Hillary Clinton a run for her money in the prior year’s primaries, there was a growing belief that the next Democratic nominee would have to appeal to his movement. As a freshman senator with presidential aspirations and with a prosecutor image that alienated some on the left, Harris wasn’t going to miss a beat. In a short period of time, she racked up a voting record that ranked her as the most progressive U.S. senator.

Harris was one of 16 co-sponsors of Sanders’s socialized health-care plan branded as “Medicare for All,” which would have cost $34 trillion over a decade, according to the left-wing Urban Institute. It would also have necessitated kicking about 180 million people off their private insurance plans. She also signed on to the Senate version of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s radical Green New Deal.

In 2019, as the Democratic primaries took off, there was fierce competition to the left of Joe Biden. Harris dug into her support for banning private insurance before (unconvincingly) trying to take it back. She called for banning fracking and offshore drilling. She said those who crossed the border illegally shouldn’t be treated as criminals and called for getting rid of ICE and starting from scratch. She advocated banning AR-15s and confiscating them (under the euphemism “mandatory buybacks”).

What were once seen as necessary stances to woo a rabid progressive base in the 2020 primaries are now general-election liabilities. And so, for about 100 more days, Harris wants to be unburdened by what has been. ( :laugh: )

The New York Times reports, “In addition to changing her position on fracking, campaign officials said she now backed the Biden administration’s budget requests for increased funding for border enforcement; no longer supported a single-payer health insurance program; and echoed Mr. Biden’s call for banning assault weapons but not a requirement to sell them to the federal government.” This is an implicit acknowledgement that Biden’s unpopular presidency is still less politically radioactive than Harris’s even more left-wing 2019 platform.....
Chameleon Harris is trying to change her appearance but underneath she is the same old ultra liberal that she has has always been. She LIED about Biden's declining mental health and she is lying about the border, single payor health, defending the police, abolishing ICE, and gun confiscation. Chameleon Harris can't be trusted.

Kamala drew all of her inspiration from "Boy George's" old, hit,pop song....

"Karma, Karma, Karma, Karma, Kamelion"

Her "colours" (political policies) completely change all the time !
I have my convictions. They won't change.
Hateful? No. Intolerant? Sometimes.

I dunno. You tell me.

The thread is about the Ho changing her positions just
because she's running for president. I call her out as a liar.
Trump has his convictions, also.

34 of them.

Gonna be more.


Yes there was pressure for him to do so. BUT HE DECIDED TO DROP OUT.

Are you saying that it was wrong for the Dems to pressure him to drop out?

Do you think they hurt themselves by doing so?

Okay...if you didn't...I accept that. I certainly am not going to do the work to look up all your posts.

But a common theme among the that the 2020 election was rigged against the asshole, Trump.
There is no doubt he dropped out because he (and the party elites) knew he couldn't win.
He had the vote of the people to solidify the nomination. Harris had zero. She dropped out early, before in the primaries.

There is no need to cuss at me, Frank. It won't change the fact.

Common theme among the right? Nah, Trump lost. He wouldn't have fucked up the economy and the Afgan withdrawal as bad as Biden.
Kamala drew all of her inspiration from "Boy George's" old, hit,pop song....

"Karma, Karma, Karma, Karma, Kamelion"

Her "colours" (political policies) completely change all the time !
The heroin addicted faggot?
There is no doubt he dropped out because he (and the party elites) knew he couldn't win.

I do not give a shit why he dropped out...he voluntarily dropped out.

He had the vote of the people to solidify the nomination. Harris had zero. She dropped out early, before in the primaries.

Hillary Clinton had the vote of the people. Over 3,000,000 more than the abomination, Trump. But...the rules are that that doesn't count. Legally, Trump earned the presidency via the Electoral College.

There are no rules that Kamala Harris has to get any primary votes. She is getting the nod because the party decides who its nominee will be.

So what is your point?
There is no need to cuss at me, Frank. It won't change the fact.

I am not trying to change the fact. I am attempting to get you to understand the fact.

Joe Biden decided to drop out. He had that right...and he did it.

Common theme among the right? Nah, Trump lost. He wouldn't have fucked up the economy and the Afgan withdrawal as bad as Biden.
Yup Trump lost. IS a common theme among the right.

Here Come the Flip-Flops

Vice President Kamala Harris managed to become the presumptive Democratic nominee in record time after President Biden was forced to drop out of the race, and now, with breathless speed, she is dramatically reversing positions that she once claimed were strongly held when she last ran for president. Whether these new positions last longer than the old ones is something voters won’t know until after the election.

When Harris entered the Senate in 2017, it was the heyday of anti-Trump resistance on the left. With the aging socialist Senator Bernie Sanders having given eventual loser Hillary Clinton a run for her money in the prior year’s primaries, there was a growing belief that the next Democratic nominee would have to appeal to his movement. As a freshman senator with presidential aspirations and with a prosecutor image that alienated some on the left, Harris wasn’t going to miss a beat. In a short period of time, she racked up a voting record that ranked her as the most progressive U.S. senator.

Harris was one of 16 co-sponsors of Sanders’s socialized health-care plan branded as “Medicare for All,” which would have cost $34 trillion over a decade, according to the left-wing Urban Institute. It would also have necessitated kicking about 180 million people off their private insurance plans. She also signed on to the Senate version of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s radical Green New Deal.

In 2019, as the Democratic primaries took off, there was fierce competition to the left of Joe Biden. Harris dug into her support for banning private insurance before (unconvincingly) trying to take it back. She called for banning fracking and offshore drilling. She said those who crossed the border illegally shouldn’t be treated as criminals and called for getting rid of ICE and starting from scratch. She advocated banning AR-15s and confiscating them (under the euphemism “mandatory buybacks”).

What were once seen as necessary stances to woo a rabid progressive base in the 2020 primaries are now general-election liabilities. And so, for about 100 more days, Harris wants to be unburdened by what has been. ( :laugh: )

The New York Times reports, “In addition to changing her position on fracking, campaign officials said she now backed the Biden administration’s budget requests for increased funding for border enforcement; no longer supported a single-payer health insurance program; and echoed Mr. Biden’s call for banning assault weapons but not a requirement to sell them to the federal government.” This is an implicit acknowledgement that Biden’s unpopular presidency is still less politically radioactive than Harris’s even more left-wing 2019 platform.....
Chameleon Harris is trying to change her appearance but underneath she is the same old ultra liberal that she has has always been. She LIED about Biden's declining mental health and she is lying about the border, single payor health, defending the police, abolishing ICE, and gun confiscation. Chameleon Harris can't be trusted.
So, no different than Trump who regularly flip-flops whenever it suits him.
I do not give a shit why he dropped out...he voluntarily dropped out.

Hillary Clinton had the vote of the people. Over 3,000,000 more than the abomination, Trump. But...the rules are that that doesn't count. Legally, Trump earned the presidency via the Electoral College.

There are no rules that Kamala Harris has to get any primary votes. She is getting the nod because the party decides who its nominee will be.

So what is your point?

I am not trying to change the fact. I am attempting to get you to understand the fact.

Joe Biden decided to drop out. He had that right...and he did it.


Yup Trump lost. IS a common theme among the right.
I just made you aware of why he dropped out. Me? I wanted him to stay.

Hillary and that election has nothing to do with Biden being the front runner and voted for the nomination of president of this election.

No, there are no rules, but that isn't the point. This is the first time in the history of our country that a sitting president who was voted by the people as their nomination for president all of a sudden (because he is losing) quits and the VP takes over without another vote of the people.
Hell, they could have put Judge Judy in, or a lunatic like AOC for that matter! The people had an choice.

Frank, you need to get out more. You are starting to lose your mind.