Okay...you wanted him to stay. BUT HE DROPPED OUT...and you telling me your opinions of why he did is no big deal. Stop making it such.
If you cannot see the connection...just disregard it. But most intelligent people could see the connection...and why I brought it into the conversation.
There is a "first time in history" for EVERYTHING. So what?
And the "choice" of the people decided to drop out. He has that right. Just as the Dems have the right to decide who will take his place as the head of the ticket.
You, I suspect, are bothered because she is doing so well right now. If she crashes, all this bullshit will disappear.
No, RB... I am not losing my mind. The Republican Party has LOST its mind.
It is a danger to America...and thinks it is a blessing, which is a recipe for disaster.