Check Your W2s. Health Insurance Costs Included On It.

I'm not giving you ANY info. My employer is giving it to me.

<banging head on wall>

You're as thick as a brick.

Your employer (which I know you couldn't possibly have) isn't giving you anything because nobody knows it's there except for the government, and maybe someone else who has read the Forbes piece.

Why does the government need this information?

Why do you need the government to get this information from your employer and relay it to you?

Why does it need to be on the form related to the income taxes you must pay (not that you in the 47% pay anything.)
I think it's hillarious they don't see the mechanics setting up to taxing it.

They don't have substantial jobs, they don't pay taxes, they don't know what W2s are.

If they lived in Poland in 1939, they'd have no idea of why German troops were massing on their border.
They don't have substantial jobs, they don't pay taxes, they don't know what W2s are.

You are a fucking idiot.

All upset about getting another piece of info on your W2.

What a fucking idiot.

And you are so wrong about the rest of us.

What a fucking idiot.

(Note: my apologies to others on this site; you know I don't resort to that kind of language all that often. But this guy drove me to it. In the future, I'll just ignore him. His avatar sucks anyway)
They don't have substantial jobs, they don't pay taxes, they don't know what W2s are.

If they lived in Poland in 1939, they'd have no idea of why German troops were massing on their border.
Yeah, those Germans are coming in to bring us factory jobs!
You missed the point.

The point was: would you give me, Taft2016, information that could come back to harm you in some way.

the issue wasn't whether I would give you my W2.....I wouldn't have done that last year or last decade.....the issue is why is this info on the W2.....its there because if the number is too high they are going to tax you on it.....
<banging head on wall>

You're as thick as a brick.

Your employer (which I know you couldn't possibly have) isn't giving you anything because nobody knows it's there except for the government, and maybe someone else who has read the Forbes piece.

Why does the government need this information?

Why do you need the government to get this information from your employer and relay it to you?

Why does it need to be on the form related to the income taxes you must pay (not that you in the 47% pay anything.)

dude, if you don't already know that you haven't been paying you know what a Cadillac plan is?.....
dude, if you don't already know that you haven't been paying you know what a Cadillac plan is?.....

Yes, I am quite aware of what a Cadillac plan, and no, it is you who haven't been paying attention.

As the original post pointed out, the IRS is now collecting information about the value of our personal health care plans and placing it on our W2s. This just began with the 2012 W2s.

Now some dingleberry liberals here seem to think the IRS has simply gotten into the business of collecting harmless little factoids about us to put on our W2s for our mild amusement and information. An odd belief considering nobody but accountants seem to know what it's there for.

I can understand why liberals might think the IRS to be so helpful though. After all, they were quite helpful in suppressing Dear Leader's 501C3 political opposition for him.

Now they're helping him erect the structure by which they'll tax as income the value of our employer provided health insurance.

Those in denial of this obvious reality clearly have no idea of what a W2 is, don't pay taxes, and are little more than societal parasites.
You are a fucking idiot.

All upset about getting another piece of info on your W2.

What a fucking idiot.

And you are so wrong about the rest of us.

What a fucking idiot.

(Note: my apologies to others on this site; you know I don't resort to that kind of language all that often. But this guy drove me to it. In the future, I'll just ignore him. His avatar sucks anyway)

Truer words, tekky. As I was reading his comments I was thinking "cue Twilight Zone music."
Yes, I am quite aware of what a Cadillac plan, and no, it is you who haven't been paying attention.

actually, it was the unions who weren't paying attention.....they thought Cadillac plans meant the CEO of Cadillac and the other GMAC subsidiaries....they didn't realize it meant THEM.....
I remember those days when I used to get W-2's....

It is SOOOOO nice not having to worry about that shit anymore!