One thing I have noticed about conspiracy theorists is that they are not what you would call "sane people."
Conspiracy theories are for people who don’t know how things work.
This thread is a perfect example.
One thing I have noticed about conspiracy theorists is that they are not what you would call "sane people."
You are actually correct.
Anyone who has ever dealt with data knows there will always be outlier. Sometimes they are just wrong. Other times they are bizarre exceptions. Most of the time no one knows. A data set of a trillion data points is going to have hundreds of very weird data points. If you just tailor your theory to those weird data points, you will get a weird theory. As long as it is just a few weird data points, and you are honest about noting them, usually it is no problem to ignore them.
Conspiracy theories are for people who don’t know how things work.
This thread is a perfect example.
Is this being done with the intent to help, or is it rather a project of the New Slavers with the intent to drive us into the chains that have been constructed for us?
That's the fuel dump system operating on those planes. Aircraft have a max landing weight and sometimes have to dump fuel--it evaporates in the atmosphere--to get down to that landing weight.
This is just normal contrails moving with the wind at altitude. Just as with clouds, the location of those contrails can be very deceptive. Depending on the altitude contrails or clouds at lower angles of observation, like the ones in the video, can actually be upwards of 100 miles away at much higher altitudes creating a optical illusion they are much closer than they actually are.
ok then.
so we do know they do put chemicals in the air.
but saner people ask more questions.
why are you so intelligent and a shill?
just like they would never teach us to eat carbs and that big pharma never lies.
they're murdering us.
We know who's doing it. We know what chemicals are involved. It isn't as if the company(s) doing cloud seeding are doing it in secret...
Contrails have been around since before me. It is just how jet engines work. It is time some on the alt right grow up.
I am listening.
I don't think he was ever a shill. I have been though. It's not what you think it is. It's one of the jobs in a casino.
The purpose of a shill is get a poker game started. As new players arrive, one by one the shills bow out, leaving an empty seat for the next player to arrive. They play with their own money.
After all, rarely do nine people just walk up at once and want to play poker.
Water vapor in the air does not kill anyone.
Silver iodide in the air does not kill anyone.
Carbon dioxide in the air does not kill anyone.
Climate cannot change, Hawk. Cloud seeding did not cause the flood in Dubai.
The atmosphere is made of chemicals, so are the oceans, and so is the Earth.why does he deny cloud-seedinng?
and do you very all chemicals being sprayed in the atmospher.
and you're a shill right now!
you're soaking in it.
The atmosphere is made of chemicals, so are the oceans, and so is the Earth.
So are YOU.
and cloud-seeding is a thing.
Never said it wasn't, moron.
It is rarely used, because it's expensive.
Chemicals used are generally silver iodide or carbon dioxide. Silver iodide is a salt. Carbon dioxide is sprayed into the air as dry ice.
Those are the two materials used for cloud seeding, moron. You want to use as cheap a material you can get, so you use commonly available salts or just dry ice. It's expensive enough.and you verify everything being sprayed ?
What has a corporation got to do with it????"trust me, i'm a corporation" only works on libertarian retards.